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Lack of Sucky Customers

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  • Lack of Sucky Customers

    Okay. I remember a long while ago when I first started working at Radio Shack I made a post, some of the older members may remember it it was like two years ago, that I enjoyed working there. That I felt good about working at Radio Shack, and that it felt good to help people.

    The people here told me that yes, it generally starts out that way, but give it a few months. Suffice to say, a few months afterwards (like two, maybe three), I made another thread linking back to the original asking what the hell I was on?

    I worked at Radio Shack for a year and a half. It was really my first JOB. I worked seasonal for Party City selling Halloween Costumes for a month in Junior Year, but that didn't count. And Mega Movies I was an Usher, which isn't retail, and I was 'fired' a month later for schedual disputes (fuckers I quit.) So I'd like to think Radio Shack was my first real experience, and thats what the reason for the Euphoria at the begining was.

    I've been working at Gamestop for about a month, and while I do not feel that Euphoria I did when I started at Radio Shack... I, hm... How do I say this?

    I haven't encountered any Sucky Customers.

    I mean there was The Loitering Kid who I wrote about before, and a few people who were slightly rude, the kids who were heckleing me after I mistakenly forgot to give them four dollars in their change, the woman who stared daggers at me and walked off like an uppity bitch when I told her we couldn't process Gift Cards because the servers were down, but generally no.

    Gamestop is barely a Mile away from the Radio Shack I worked at when I was fired, and I can't seem to understand, it can't be an area thing, it's the same area. How can I endure stupidity and rudeness to such levels in one place, and not here?

    I suppose in three months (assuming I made the jump from seasonal to full fledged employee) I'll be maiking another "I was soooooo wrong!" threads with a link to this one
    "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
    ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~

  • #2
    First off, a mile can make a huge difference in demographics. Second, the corporate atmosphere at both companies is, I expect, different. I haven't been in a gamestop, but I suspect that it has a more casual atmosphere, which tends to being in a more laid-back customer. You still need to watch petty theft, but you get fewer blatant idiots than you find in a more intense atmosphere like Radio Trash has.


    • #3
      Eh, my customers are fairly civil as well. Just a tad dim-witted and kleptomanic. It's probably because this is just such a nice city.
      You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


      • #4
        I used to work at Radioshack, and the reason why there are so many SCs there is because of the "This is the policy so tough shit" return policy. I know you have to follow procedure but sometimes when you stand a chance of losing a customer over $5, or because the product cannot be resold, you have to give.

        When I was there, a man bought a Samsung phone (I think it was the VM1000, can't remember) and a week later wanted to return it. The phone had an overheating issue (one of the MANY issues with that piece of shit) and the man wanted to exchange it for a Sanyo. Only problem was, was that he already cut off the UPC for the rebate from Sprint (although he claims he didn't send it in). My manager tells him no, even though he has the receipt and wanted to upgrade to a more expensive unit. When the guy finally asks what is the issue with even doing an exchange, my manager goes, "the issue is that we can't resell it." Of course the guy latches on to this and goes, "Why the hell would you resell a defective phone?!" So my manager very snottily tells me to get him the same model, and the customer tells me not to bother, he'll cut his loses and buy another phone elsewhere.


        • #5
          Quoth sld72382 View Post
          When the guy finally asks what is the issue with even doing an exchange, my manager goes, "the issue is that we can't resell it." Of course the guy latches on to this and goes, "Why the hell would you resell a defective phone?!"
          Yes, why WOULD they want to try to sell a defective phone? Yet another reason for me to avoid Radio Shack.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Will-mun, of course you probably have jinxed yourself now

            It's also about perception, right? If you really like doing what you do, then the small stuff (i.e. SCs) won't bother you. But, if you don't enjoy your work, then the SCs make things worse for you.

            Congrats on having a SC-free job!

            -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
            -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


            • #7
              Thats the thing. I don't really like the job. I mean...I don't HATE the job, it's a job. It's moderatly enjoyable because I'm paid to do it. Selling Video Games is better than selling shitty ass Electrical equipment I don't really believe in.

              Maybe thats it. I'm content with this job. Back at Radio Shack, I HATED the job, and the only thing that kept me going was my co-workers, the only enjoyable part of my job there... Except for the Ass-Manager, he was a giant uber dick.

              But at Gamestop, I don't hate the job, and the people are honestly even better to talk to. Hm... Perception may just be it.
              "How bloody difficult is it to take care of a DVD?"
              ~Me after any time I look at the back of a disc~

