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Clerks moments and some ranting

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  • Clerks moments and some ranting

    So I've had some serious "Clerks." moments.

    We sell pizzas - either by the slice or by the entire pizza. There's a HUGE sign right over my head that says "Pizza slices - $2.99 or 2 for $5!", with another sign next to it that says "Large 16 inch pizza with up to 3 toppings - $12.99!" (it actually rings up at $10.99 and we don't give a shit how many toppings are on it).

    At least once a day, usually as I'm handing someone a slice of pizza - "Do you sell pizzas by the slice?"

    Today I had three people who walked right up to me - at the pizza counter under the big sign that says PIZZA! - and asked me where they should go to order a pizza.

    And I seem to be getting the guys who've quit smoking - I've had a few people just bark "PEPPERONI!" at me while gesturing at the (uncooked) dough. I ask them if they want a slice or a pizza - they just yell PEPPERONI! again. I did have a little fun with one of them - he finally pointed at a pepperoni pizza and barked PEPPERONI again. I nodded and smiled and said quite happily "Yes, it's a pepperoni pizza!" He barked pepperoni again, after I asked him if he wanted a slice or a pizza. He FINALLY responded with "Two slices!", still completely oblivious to why I was messing with him (in fact he probably didn't realize I was having a little fun at his expense).

    I take full advantage of the face high glass wall between myself and the customers - they can't hear what I'm saying unless I practically yell. Of course, even if I had decent hearing, I couldn't hear them very well anyway through it. I'm getting good at reading lips.

    Now I can understand people walking up to me and asking me where some items are at - after all, it's a grocery store. But walking up to me and asking me specific ingredients in, say, a beer... (beer is sold at the opposite end of the store).

    The worst ones - we keep 3 to 5 pizzas on display, and sell slices out of them. Yes, we do run out occasionally - it's usually just 1 or 2 people working in pizza, and after I get a rush, I have to cook several pizzas to replenish what we call "the line" (the display). It's irritating as hell when someone yells "HEY! Why isn't there any <x> pizza? When are you going to have more?" - while I'm holding said pizza in my hands about to put it in the oven and/or pulling it out of the oven to put it on the line. They get really pissed when I tell them it'll be 15 to 20 minutes until their obscure Jerk Chicken and Spinach (etc) pizza will be ready since I actually have to, you know, cook it. We'll put almost anything in the grocery store (within reason - I'm not putting, say, trash bags on one) on a pizza for you if you're buying a whole pizza, but if you're only getting 1 slice, we can only go so far to accommodate you.

    The best lines - "Papa John's can cook a pizza in 6 minutes!". I respond with "I know, I worked for them for 7 years - they use a forced air convection oven that burns the outside and leaves the inside doughy, we use an old fashioned brick oven that will give you a far better pizza. I can't speed it up, it's already over 600 degrees".

    All in all though, it's been one of the better retail jobs I've had. Since we're a mainly upper end store, and I'm only a cook, I don't have to deal with the stupidity that the cashiers get.
    Last edited by bean; 12-28-2006, 07:09 AM.

  • #2
    Haha! For some reason the pepperoni guy gave me mental images of the seagulls from Finding Nemo!

    "Mine. Mine? Mine."



    • #3
      What if a person provided their own trash bag as a topping?
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth bean View Post
        I've had a few people just bark "PEPPERONI!" at me while gesturing at the (uncooked) dough. I ask them if they want a slice or a pizza - they just yell PEPPERONI! again.
        That's when you pick up an individual piece of pepperoni topping and hand it to him. "Here you go, sir, here's a pepperoni, enjoy!"
        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
        My LiveJournal
        A page we can all agree with!


        • #5

          To me that would be like some yahoo wandering in to the lobby and barking "HOTEL ROOM!"


          • #6
            Quoth XCashier View Post
            That's when you pick up an individual piece of pepperoni topping and hand it to him. "Here you go, sir, here's a pepperoni, enjoy!"

            Either that or tell them "he's not here, he has the day off!"


            • #7
              Or calling my office and yelling "INSURANCE!" into the phone.

              And BeckySunshine stole my, I have got to be faster on the draw around here. Although fellow 80s survivors may have also acquired the mental picture I got from this...Murdock from "The A-Team" shouting "I want my traaaaaash BAGS!!" through the glass at our Bean.

              - Puck, creeping back into her obscure little corner
              Not all who wander are lost.


              • #8
                Your pepperoni guy reminded me of the banana man I had when I worked at Kroger. He was just so insistent that his bananas stay off of the metal stopper on the conveyor belt. I just had to give him a ++(insert "pat on the head" smiley here) look of "ok, you have your bananas where you want them!"

                What's your pizza place called? if I ever head up that far north I may try to visit it if it's not a chain.
                ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


                • #9
                  Quoth Getoutofmylobby View Post

                  To me that would be like some yahoo wandering in to the lobby and barking "HOTEL ROOM!"
                  I've had that happen so many times

                  SC: Room please
                  Me: What kind of room do you want?
                  SC: Non smoking
                  Me: The whole hotel is non smoking. Which type of room will you be requiring
                  SC: Upstairs
                  Me: We have a room w/one bed, two beds, or a suite
                  SC: I'd like a room upstairs
                  My Horror Blog



                  • #10
                    Quoth TruthHurts View Post
                    Me: The whole hotel is non smoking. Which type of room will you be requiring
                    Me: *gesticulating wildly* You know? One with... four, maybe five, walls... a ceiling, shag carpet... no linoleum... A television, preferably with cable...
                    I asked for a mai tai, and no salt... this is a margarita, and there's huge chunks of salt...
                    "I call murder on that!"


                    • #11
                      Quoth kerrisan View Post
                      What's your pizza place called? if I ever head up that far north I may try to visit it if it's not a chain.
                      "That far up north"? I'm in Texas, everything is north of here.

                      I work at the pizza counter in a Whole Foods Market (upscale natural/organic grocery store)


                      • #12
                        I could put strictnine in the guacamole!
                        I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                        • #13
                          Quoth PuckishOne View Post
                          Or calling my office and yelling "INSURANCE!" into the phone.

                          And BeckySunshine stole my, I have got to be faster on the draw around here. Although fellow 80s survivors may have also acquired the mental picture I got from this...Murdock from "The A-Team" shouting "I want my traaaaaash BAGS!!" through the glass at our Bean.

                          - Puck, creeping back into her obscure little corner
                          OH. MY. GOD. I don't know which is worse, you mentioning that or the fact that I think of that particular episode on other SC occasions!
                          "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                          • #14
                            Quoth bean View Post
                            "That far up north"? I'm in Texas, everything is north of here.

                            I work at the pizza counter in a Whole Foods Market (upscale natural/organic grocery store)
                            OT - YUM! YUM! YUM! YUM! YUM! I love Whole Foods Markerts in Texas! You know what's even better in Texas (besides EVERYTHING) Central Market! *insert drooling emoticon here*
                            "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


                            • #15
                              Quoth TruthHurts View Post
                              SC: I'd like a room upstairs
                              "That will be 200 bucks a night."
                              "Dont you have something cheaper?!"
                              "You didnt want the presidental suite? Thats as upstairs as it gets."
                              Cyberpunk mayhem!

