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A quater! I'll show you a quater!

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  • A quater! I'll show you a quater!

    Boy what a day it has been, lots of sucky customers, but this one takes the cake! Twice I had to deal with her suckyness twice!

    This utter COW came in yesterday and today and I just have to get her off my chest and out of my brain!

    Yesterday my co-worker helps this lady and as shes using her debit card to pay BAM our monries machine goes kaput...the lady gets all pissy and screams that she doesnt have time for this "shit" and as she storms out " YOU REALLY SHOULD GET THAT FIXED YOU KNOW" really!?!?! I would never have thought of that! Thanks tips! It wouldnt have made me so mad but I had already been on the phone twice that day, and 2 more times over the week because of this stupid machine!

    Today she comes back with cash in hand and grabs the same thing all goes well, until I hand her change. (her change was 1.25 and she got my last quater)

    Her: Hey I gave a ten, a penny and a quater
    Me: Um sorry actually you gave me a ten and a penny, I dont have any quaters in my till
    Her: well I GAVE you a quater, where did you put it!
    Me: you gave me a ten and a penny, I dont have any quaters in my till, so theres no way you could have given me a quater
    Her: Well I had a quater in my pocket!
    Me: Well I dont have your quater, you gave me a ten and a penny, I cant have your quater I dont have any in my register, see (we can lift out the coin part) this is were quaters go, its empty
    Her: well maybe, but I think you stole my quater
    Me: (losing my temper but making sure I stayed civil) Maam, I did not steal your quater, I know what money you put down on the counter.
    Her: well theres no need to get upset! *walks out*

    NO NEED TO GET UPSET!!!! you accuse me of stealing from you and Im not allowed to defend myself or get upset!! I have never stolen anything in my LIFE!!! Im not about to start stealing quaters from random bitches who think we break our debit machines on purpose!

    I know she didnt give me a quater, because of the way I deal with cash to prevent this exact thing from happening. I hold the cash the customer has handed in one hand after I have counted it, as I enter it into the register. When the register tells me what their change will be, then and ONLY then do I put their money away. I only had one quater in my register before it opened for her change, it wasnt open before I entered in the amount she had given me. ARGH!!!

    I hope she chokes on her god damned quater!
    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone

  • #2
    This story sounds familiar...
    Rewind a few months, I'm working register at McDonald's...
    Old hag orders so much stuff (forget what, as most will once the order's done), hands me a ten... I grab her change... hand it back to her.
    OH: This isn't enough?
    M: I'm sorry?
    OH: This isn't enough, I gave you a twenty.
    M: Nope.
    OH: Yes, I did.
    M: Hey, K, can you come over here and pop my drawer open really quick?
    K *does so*
    M: *look at my drawer, particularly at the tens slot, which is what she gave me* No, there's no 20 on top of the tens. You gave me a ten.
    OH: When my husband gets in here, I'm going to ask him what he handed me to pay with, and then you'll be sorry.
    M: *to myself* I'm shaking in my non-skid resistant shoes... look at me!

    Old hag wanders off once old man comes in. They talk for a moment, I distinctly hear the man say "Ten dollars," and they go sit down while we run their order. I call her up when her food is ready, giving her the glare of death, and all I get from her?
    OH: Is this my food?
    M: Yes.
    OH: Well, I thought my husband gave me a twenty to pay with. Usually, ten isn't enough for two people.
    M: *again, in my head* Hell, ten should be too much for two people, particularly since we recently raised our prices. By the way, I'm still shaking over here.
    "I call murder on that!"


    • #3
      Quoth Kiwi View Post
      Her: well theres no need to get upset! *walks out*
      No need to get upset? Lady, you just bitched at your cashier because you thought this poor soul took your QUARTER!
      "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
      -- The Meteor Principle

      Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


      • #4
        Hell, next time, send her over to my store. I have about $8 - $10 in my till
        Under The Moon Paranormal Research
        San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


        • #5
          Once someone latches on to the "I gave you a twenty" tirade there is no possible way to convince them otherwise. Even, "Sah, I'm still holding it," doesn't convince people.
          You're not doing me a favor by eating here. I'm doing you a favor by feeding you.


          • #6
            If anybody accuses any of us of paying them back wrong, we have to call surveillance and they get to wait up to twenty mins just to see that they were wrong. But on occasion some have been gipped like $100. Of course they wore the most smuggest expressions upon finding out that we are also human.


            • #7
              In the minds of SCs, we're not human, even when/if we make mistakes. That just makes us stupid.
              Unseen but seeing
              oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
              There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
              3rd shift needs love, too
              RIP, mo bhrionglóid


              • #8
                I was in a local fast food place a few weeks ago and saw a wannabe-gangbanger (they're so cute when they try to act grown up) try to pull that. He waited until he had gotten his (correct) change and food to do so. There were about 3 witnesses to how the kid actually paid (with a 5).

                He comes back and starts in on "yo man, you stealin from me. I gave you a ten" (I was mildly surprised he didn't try to say twenty). After a few minutes of this (during which gangsta-boy was becoming increasingly irate and I could see a few other customers fiddling with their cell phones), manager opens the cashier's drawer to find that yes he did in fact give her a five. Then he kicked the kid out.
                "I am quite confident that I do exist."
                "Excuse me, I'm making perfect sense. You're just not keeping up." The Doctor


                • #9
                  I had something similar last night. This fellow was picking up the completion of a script. We didn't have enough of the med to fill the entire thing the first time, so we prorated his $30 copay: he paid $10 the first time, and $20 for the remainder.

                  He did the usual "I paid the first time!" blab that everyone does when they get a completion. Sigh....I explain about the prorated copay, how he paid $10 last time, now he's paying the balance to equal his total $30 copay for 3 months' supply. He hands me a $20, I ring him out.
                  He then looks at me quizzically when I give him his script.
                  "I gave you a $20."
                  "Yes sir, yes you did. The remainder of your copay is $20."
                  He looks at me all slant eyed like I'm trying to cheat him. Look at the label on your script, you dope, it says very clearly on there, and on your register reciept, that it's $20!


                  • #10
                    dear god how stupid do they think we are??

                    I learned very fast to keep the money that they tendered to me on top of the till (as in, on top of where the bills lay, but not snapped down inside with the rest). If anyone tried to pull that shit with me, I could pull out what they just gave me. I didn't need any manager or anything to open the till, so if anyone ever tried the "I gave you a 50!", I'd take the drawer right out and show it to the idiot, with no 50s in it.

                    I loved embarrassing people who tried to scam me and failed.

                    I recommend anyone that deals with a cash register practice that above tactic right there. If you put it in the till to where it's snapped under the rest, and if there are other bills like it, you can't really embarrass the idiot and prove your innocence. This is an easy way to make them out to be the assholes they are and management and security should not have to get involved.
                    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                    • #11
                      Quoth blas87 View Post
                      dear god how stupid do they think we are??

                      I learned very fast to keep the money that they tendered to me on top of the till (as in, on top of where the bills lay, but not snapped down inside with the rest). If anyone tried to pull that shit with me, I could pull out what they just gave me. I didn't need any manager or anything to open the till, so if anyone ever tried the "I gave you a 50!", I'd take the drawer right out and show it to the idiot, with no 50s in it.

                      I loved embarrassing people who tried to scam me and failed.

                      I recommend anyone that deals with a cash register practice that above tactic right there. If you put it in the till to where it's snapped under the rest, and if there are other bills like it, you can't really embarrass the idiot and prove your innocence. This is an easy way to make them out to be the assholes they are and management and security should not have to get involved.
                      Or, as we do in the grocery store when breaking large bills, lay the bill on the counter while you're getting the change out of the drawer. This works well, especially if someone is wanting to break a larger bill for smaller ones. It's supposed to discourage the quick-change artists.
                      Human Resources - the adult version of "I'm telling Mom." - Agent Anthony "Tony" DiNozzo (NCIS)


                      • #12
                        When I was doing register at the clothing store I once worked at, I would always glance at the bill before I put it in and memorize the last 4 or 5 numbers in the serial sequence. Kind of a habit. *shrug*

                        Now I do it when I'm handing over a bill so if there ever is a legitimate problem, I can say "I gave you a 20 with the last of the serial being blah-blah-blah". Usually clears it right up. Though I'm not a bitch about it.
                        "The things that I remember best - those are the things I wasn't supposed to do…."

                        I'm coming back as a Schooner Wharf Bar dog.


                        • #13
                          I had a woman who's total was 6.00 and she paid exactly 6.00. She gave me a five and a one dollar bill...all is fine right, well one would think...She gives me that look (we all know the look) and saids i gave you a ten and i said no ma'am you gave me exact change and she just stares and then saids Oh I did but it really bothered me that she just assumed that ya know...I have dealt with 1000x's worse but to give me the exact amount was odd to then assume you gave me 10.00 but whatever.


                          • #14
                            The cashiers at my store are required to verbalize the amount of cash handed them and wait for a response from the customer before making change. So, if the total of the order is $45.50 and the customer hands over a $50.00, we we're to say, "That's $45.50 out of $50.00?" (in the form of a question) and be sure the customer agreed before finalizing the order.

                            It worked pretty well and I never had any problems.
                            Retail Haiku:
                            Depression sets in.
                            The hellhole is calling me ~
                            I don't want to go.


                            • #15
                              I only have one thing to say:

                     do used tampons attract thieves? ---Sleepwalker

                              Chickens are Asexual!

