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Just when she thought she would get away...

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  • Just when she thought she would get away...

    So tonight was just like any's about 10:00PM and i'm stocking up our drive-thru to be prepared for the much despised late night rush. I say "much despised" simply because 99% of our customer base during the late night hours consists of drunk and high teenagers...especially since it's winter break. We're the only fast food place open in the area past 10:00, so we get all the late nighters. Things had been going pretty smoothly all night, and with every employee silently working on individual tasks.

    Suddenly the drive-thru headset chimes, and the boisterous, mind-numbing bass of a car and obnoxious screams of a load of teenagers begins to deafen my ear. "Oh great," I think to myself.

    *presses button to activate speaker*

    Me: Hi. May I help you?

    Teen driver: HEY!!!!

    Me: Hi. May I take your order?

    *All teens are obnoxiously singing to the blaring song on the stereo as the driver tries to SCREAM something (I assume the order) at me. She keeps yelling, as if there's any possibility I could understand a word she's saying, over this song blaring at top-notch. Of course I couldn't hear her...the only thing I'm able to hear is how some guy wants to get up on some girls ass, according to the lyrics.

    Me: Miss, I can't hear a word you're saying. CAN YOU TURN DOWN THE MUSIC PLEASE!!?!?!?!

    Finally, the music cuts off, but it doesn't stop the idiots from acting like buffoons. I can hear their stupidity in the background, but at least the sensible driver (at least I presumed she was, compared to the other clowns in the circus car) is managing to get the order across. Through many giggles, the driver orders a total of 8 combos, all of them upgraded to our largest size, as well as 5 cheeseburgers and 2 large fries. Naturally, the total comes out to an INSANE amount, somewhere around 60 dollars.

    Now rewind a little bit. On our drive-thru headsets, there are two buttons we use. Button A is the button we use to speak to a customer on the menuboard speaker. However, button B is a button the crew uses to talk to one another, without the customer being able to hear what we're saying. Button B is to fast-food employee as Mute button is to telephone operator. It's our savior! the clowns were placing their order, I used button B to tell a fellow coworker who was out throwing garbage in the dumpster to read off the license plate of the vehicle to me. Something told me something wasn't right with these kids. They seemed to be a special kind of stupid. Also, we've had instances in the past where teenagers at this time of night would either:

    A. Drive off as soon as we enter the order into the system (Huge problem for us since my company goes apeshit over too many register voids).
    B. Throw one of their drinks into the face of the employee handing out their food (Problem for obvious reasons).

    So as soon as I have their vehicle description in my hand, just to have something to threaten them by if need be, I tell them their total and to proceed to the first window. Their moronic screams and laughs continue even as they drive away from the speaker. Then, just as soon as the employee collecting the cash reaches the first window to collect payment --- VROOM!!!!!!!!! They take off, leaving us with a 60 dollar order on the screen, left to be voided out.

    The manager was naturally pissed upon finding out what happened, but was seemingly unaware that I had collected the vehicle information over the headset. Upon finding out I had jotted down the license plate number, she instructs me to call the local police.

    So I do so..I tell the dispatcher what happened, give the license plate number and details of the car. She tells me police in the area will keep an eye out, and will possibly pay a visit to the home of the person of whom the vehicle belongs to find out the situation. She said there probably wasn't much the police could do if they're caught since they can easily say they simply realized they didn't have the money to pay for it after placing the order. After my witty argument of the teenagers "interfering with our business practices" () to the operator, she said she would send it through dispatch, but not to hold my breath for any results.

    So the order is kept stored in our system, hoping for a miracle to come along that won't force us to have to void out a massive 60 dollar order. About 45 minutes later, a policeman whom we regularly serve walks into the dining room area. I figured he was stopping in for a meal, but not this time...oh no. Behind him were five distressed teenagers with miserable expressions. With a simple but stern "Go ahead" from the policeman, one of the female teenagers begins to explain that they had visited the drive-thru earlier and placed a 60 dollar order and had driven off.

    "Oh," my manager sarcastically replies. "Seems like you all forgot your food." She orders ALL 13 sandwiches and 10 large fries to be made. After all the food and drinks are made and set on the counter..she says with the biggest shit-eating grin ever, "Will that be cash or credit?"

    The girl removes the 60 and somewhat dollars from her wallet and hands it over. "Thank you very much for your business!" my manager cheerily says as she hands over the few cents in change.

    After all the teenagers leave the dining room, we asked the policeman what had happened. Turns out, the girl who paid for all that food was none other than the policeman's daughter! He was on duty when he heard the dispatcher broadcast our call over the radio..and sure enough, it was his own daughter's car as the suspect vehicle.

    He also said he knows the parents of all the fellow teenaged morons, and they apparently won't be too thrilled either.

    So...guess who had the last laugh in this whole ordeal? That's right...the fast food crew!
    Last edited by FastFoodFlunky; 12-30-2006, 08:13 AM.

  • #2

    Justice is sweet
    free from the evil clutches of crappy tire


    • #3
      Quoth FastFoodFlunky View Post
      Turns out, the girl who paid for all that food was none other than the policeman's daughter!
      Ohhhh, busted! Good thinking getting that license plate number! I think there's a line that goes, "He who laughs last, laughs best."
      A fact of life: After Monday and Tuesday, even the calendar says W T F.....


      • #4
        That's funny. Someone is going to be grounded... Hehe


        • #5
          That story made me feel all warm and happy inside! Hats off to you and hats off to that police man. I love it when parents don't shirk responsibility for their kid's actions.
          Our brains are smarter than we think they am!


          • #6
            Quoth ladyklack View Post
            That story made me feel all warm and happy inside! Hats off to you and hats off to that police man. I love it when parents don't shirk responsibility for their kid's actions.
            Ditto. And he just nipped a few future SCs in the bud.


            • #7
              OH MY FREAKIN' GOD THAT'S PRICELESS!!!!! That's a MasterCard commercial for ya...

              Teenagers first car: $15,999.00

              Loud booming stereo system: $500.00

              Night out at fast food joint with your friends: $60

              Having your dad who's a cop drag you and your friends back to the fast food joint to pay for the meal you ordered: PRICELESS!

              "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


              • #8
                That was great! That's an excellent story with a great ending!


                • #9
                  I have always always always enjoyed stories with a happy ending. This one brought a tear to my eye.


                  • #10
                    Glad I wasn't drinking at the time I read the "policeman's daughter" line!



                    • #11
                      WOOHOO! Good job, and good thinking, getting the license plate number. You guys rock, and so does that police officer/honest parent!
                      I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                      My LiveJournal
                      A page we can all agree with!


                      • #12
                        Quoth friendofjimmyk View Post
                        That's a MasterCard commercial for ya...

                        Teenagers first car: $15,999.00

                        Loud booming stereo system: $500.00

                        Night out at fast food joint with your friends: $60

                        Having your dad who's a cop drag you and your friends back to the fast food joint to pay for the meal you ordered: PRICELESS!

                        That's great, but I'd probably say "Fast food order that you and your friends skipped out on: $60".

                        I love love LOVE happy endings!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                        Unseen but seeing
                        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                        3rd shift needs love, too
                        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                        • #13
                          This story has brightened my cloudy, rainy, up-since-6:30-AM morning! What a fantastic ending!
                          I may be free from retail, but the nightmares still linger.....


                          • #14
                            good planning on that one.
                            I AM the evil bastard!
                            A+ Certified IT Technician


                            • #15
                              a parent that actually parented? *looks around for signs that Hell has frozen over*
                              those still exist? Bravo!
                              The report button - not just for decoration

