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Tonight's Gems

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  • Tonight's Gems

    G: "I need a room, I drove here from Tennesee and I want to sleep. Don't tell me you have no rooms."
    M: "Sorry ma'am, but I don't have any rooms."
    G: "I said don't tell me that!"
    M: "Okay.. My beds are all occupied?"

    Geez lady, what do you want me to say?! "Here, I pulled a random room out my ass?" I'm talented, but that's a talent I don't possess.

    And the phone call I can't stop laughing over.

    SC: "Do you know about the super 8 in Troy?"
    M: "No, I'm sorry. I don't have their number."
    SC: "So you can't transfer me to them?"
    M: *sighs* "No, i can't. I can give you their number by looking it up, but I'm a hotel, not a call center."
    SC: "Do you think if I called one they could transfer me?"
    M: "Um.. no?"

    And I wouldn't wish this guy on ANYONE. The personality of a wet noodle I tell ya.

  • #2
    Sometimes I get customers who, after being rung up, say, "Ooh, don't tell me the total!" as a joke, right, because they spent more than they meant to and they know it. Of course I always tell them the total, it's part of the job and you can't see the register from the other side of the counter so you have to tell them or they won't know.

    One time this lady said that, and I chuckled and told her the total, and she GLARED at me and snarled, "I SAID DON'T TELL ME!"

    I was like, okay....whatever weirdo.

    Later I found out she complained about me to a manager because I dared tell her what she owed.

    Manager laughed hard as he told me this.


    • #3
      LMAO I joke all the time about that. cause when I go book shopping, I do spend WAYY more than I expected to. That's just not cool. LOL

