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If at first you don't succeed....

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  • If at first you don't succeed....

    ... and at second attempt, you also don't succeed. And at your third attempt, you still do not succeed, then forging parking passes may not be for you.

    We towed in a girl a few days ago who was caught using a tampered parking pass for the third time now, always at the same property, always at the same building, always in the same parking spot, always the same way, (she purchases a legit temporary pass, and then tries to extend it by fudging the dates to at least a week beyond it's actual expiration).

    She's done it three times, and been towed in three times, without exception, she has never fooled anyone.

    And though she's been getting better at the forging (this one was a near perfect, changed the 6-1 expiry to a pretty good 6-9) the fact that her previous failures have resulted in her car make, model and license plate being burned into our collective minds as a high-potential forger to watch closely is apparently just not getting through.... oh well.
    - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.

  • #2
    I just facepalmed at the thought that they are still parking at the same spot and still trying it. I mean youd think that after a certain point it'd be cheaper just to buy proper permits...
    "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

    CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
    Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


    • #3
      Quoth Darkforge View Post
      I just facepalmed at the thought that they are still parking at the same spot and still trying it. I mean youd think that after a certain point it'd be cheaper just to buy proper permits...
      True, but this way the entertainment value is priceless!


      • #4
        Yet if she manages to get away with it, even if it's just for a day, then she "beats the system" and wins. Which makes paying out the nose for towing fees worth it somehow. I think. Maybe.....

        Meh, who knows.
        A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


        • #5
          Quoth Darkforge View Post
          I just facepalmed at the thought that they are still parking at the same spot and still trying it. I mean youd think that after a certain point it'd be cheaper just to buy proper permits...
          But that's now how their minds work. It works like this:

          "I'll forge this temp pass so I can save $50"
          "Oh darn, they caught me and towed my car. So I'm out an extra $100. Now I gotta buy a new pass"
          "Hmm... a week parkign pass is $20 and a longer one is $70. Last time I tried to forge one, I got caught and cost me another $100. If I make my forgery better, they won't notice and I'll save $50."
          "Oh darn, they caught me and towed my car. So I'm out an extra $100. Now I gotta buy a new pass"
          "Hmm... a week parkign pass is $20 and a longer one is $70. Last time I tried to forge one, I got caught and cost me another $100. If I make my forgery better, they won't notice and I'll save $50."
          "Oh darn, they caught me and towed my car. So I'm out an extra $100. Now I gotta buy a new pass"
          "Hmm... a week parkign pass is $20 and a longer one is $70. Last time I tried to forge one, I got caught and cost me another $100. If I make my forgery better, they won't notice and I'll save $50."
          "Oh darn, they caught me and towed my car. So I'm out an extra $100. Now I gotta buy a new pass"
          "Hmm... a week parkign pass is $20 and a longer one is $70. Last time I tried to forge one, I got caught and cost me another $100. If I make my forgery better, they won't notice and I'll save $50."
          "Oh darn, they caught me and towed my car. So I'm out an extra $100. Now I gotta buy a new pass"
          "Hmm... a week parkign pass is $20 and a longer one is $70. Last time I tried to forge one, I got caught and cost me another $100. If I make my forgery better, they won't notice and I'll save $50."
          "Oh darn, they caught me and towed my car. So I'm out an extra $100. Now I gotta buy a new pass"
          "Hmm... a week parkign pass is $20 and a longer one is $70. Last time I tried to forge one, I got caught and cost me another $100. If I make my forgery better, they won't notice and I'll save $50."
          "Oh darn, they caught me and towed my car. So I'm out an extra $100. Now I gotta buy a new pass"
          "Hmm... a week parkign pass is $20 and a longer one is $70. Last time I tried to forge one, I got caught and cost me another $100. If I make my forgery better, they won't notice and I'll save $50."
          ......etc... etc...


          • #6
            Of course, if she's forged the passes 5 or 6 times, she's obviously good enough at this to make it worth it. Just a thought...

