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Oh Models...

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  • Oh Models...

    I'm new and this story is almost a year old but boy did it stick with me. It was my first EVER experience with sucky work.

    I was working off-the-books at a nice little vintage store, the owner would leave me alone and let me deal with...well everything, and if I had any troubles I was to call her cell phone and ask questions.
    One day a model was to come in and rent a few items for a photo shoot, and the owner warned me that she hadn't gotten the bathing suits the model requested out of storage, but that the three to the side were still fine. The owner also told me that she could still certainly look at the nightgowns. I was also told that no, I could not rent the model a compact. Vintage compacts are very delicate and all the ones sold at this store still had the original powder inside-I wasn't even allowed to touch them. She also put aside some pearl necklaces at the model's request. I was to call the owner to ask how much the rental would cost when the model arrived.
    No problem, I thought, despite only having worked there a week. Everyone who comes in here has seemed nice so far, and this might even be fun!

    The model arrived with someone the age differences I assumed was her mother. The model seemed to be about eighteen and once she told me who she was I informed her about the bathing suits.

    B- Bratty Model
    BM- Brat's Mother
    O- Owner

    B: Wait! She didn't get the bathing suits?
    Me: No, she couldn't get to her storage in time, I'm really sorry.
    B: But I NEED them! The photo-shoot is TOMORROW! She said she'd get them!
    Me: Well, yes, I'm sorry, but there's really nothing we can do. She's planning her wedding right now and is very busy.
    B: Her wedding doesn't have anything to do with her business! I NEED those suits!
    Me: I'm really sorry, we do have these three *gestures to three suits off the side*
    B: *SIGH* Fine, i guess those'll do.
    She takes them and goes to the changing room.
    B: (from changing room) EW WHAT'S ALL THIS WHITE STUFF ON THE SUITS?
    BM: It's just lint hon.
    BM: We'll wash the suit before you wear it for the shoot, it'll be fine.
    B: I DON'T LIKE HOW ANY OF THESE LOOK. TAKE THEM BACK! *I see her shove the bathing suits at her mother, I take them and put them back on the racks and she emerges once more.*

    B: What about my compact? *she's staring at the display of compacts in a locked glass box*
    Me: Yeah, I was told I'm not to rent those out by the owner.
    B: WHAT? But she said I could have one!
    Me: She told me not to this morning. Sorry, if they get shaken the powder will be disturbed and they'll lose their value.
    B: But she told me I could have one!
    Me: Sorry.
    B: Well where am I supposed to get a compact?
    Me: I honestly don't know, I'm sorry, but I'm not even allowed to open that case, so I KNOW I can't rent you one.
    She keeps ranting about this for a while until she asks about the necklaces. Which I cheerfully bring out for her.

    B: These are too long! I wanted a short pearl necklace!
    Me: I'm sorry, this is what the owner put aside, if you'd like you can still look through the necklaces over there.
    She takes the necklaces I handed her and tries them on in front of the mirror in the middle of the store, posing like a pin up (apparently her photo shoot was for...well..a pin up)
    B: These might work, I can look really sexy with them!

    The Model proceeds to spend a long-freaking-time trying on a dozen different night gowns, and checking them with earrings and necklaces, posing inappropriately in the middle of the store where the regular client base is ladies 60 and up. I actually watched regular customers go to open the door and quickly walk away. The entire time she refers to me as "That Girl" even if I'm standing right next to her.
    Finally the time has come! She has a pile of nightgowns, necklaces, hats, earrings and I think a couple of pins. I call the Owner.

    O: Hey Hooblahay, All done?
    Me: Yeah, she's got herself set I think.
    O: Ok, you're going to write down the tag number of all the items she picked out, write out the price, take off the tags and no matter what charge her $25 for the whole thing. Then you're going to take down her name, address, phone number and credit card number. Tell her if she doesn't return them by Thursday at six when the store closes she'll be charged for everything, ok?
    Me: I can do that. Thanks Owner!
    I hang up, write down the tag numbers and prices and tell her it will be $25 to rent everything.

    B: $25 per item!? (she has about 12)
    Me: No, for everything, just $25 to rent it all.
    B: That's still a lot! Do I get it back?
    Me: Um.....I don't think so.. And if you don't return everything by Thursday at closing you'll be charged full price for everything.

    Keep in mind that not ONE single thing she has in her pile costs less than 30 dollars.

    B: Can you call the Owner and ask her if I get any of it back?
    Me: I'm pretty sure you won't..
    B: Just call her!
    I do.
    O: What? No She doesn't get it back! Normally I charge $50 per night And I only rent things a week at a time, I made an exception for her. That's the RENTAL FEE. She doesn't get it back
    Me: Yeah that's what I figured, but she made me call you. Thanks, sorry Owner.
    I hang up and relay this.

    B: I don't have any cash on me though!
    Me: Well I can keep all of this while you go to an ATM, I have to fold it all, bag it and write down some information on it anyway.
    B: Do you know where an ATM is?
    Me: Unfortunately I have no idea. I live [four towns away] and I only started working here like a week ago, I'm not familiar with the area.
    B: *SIGH*
    Me: Oh, and before I forget, I need your name
    B: [name]
    Me: *copying everything* Address
    B: *looks at her mom for help*
    BM: [Address]
    Me:...ok number
    B: [phone number]
    Me: And I need to see your credit card and take down the number.
    B: WHY!?
    Me: Remember how I said you'd be charged full price if these don't get returned on time?
    Me: Well..that' we'd charge you. The information is all going to be given to the owner in case you don't get it back on time.
    Me: I don't think you are, but I have to take down the information, that's what I was told to do.
    Me: *smiling* Then you don't have to worry about us over charging you, since you'll bring them back.
    Me: *taken aback by the implication I'd steal from her* (note: This is a decent worry from her but at this point I've told her at least 20 times that 'I just work here I don't make the rules')
    Me: Um.......I don't know what to tell you Miss. I guess you'd call your credit card company?
    B: Call the owner! Ask her if you can just check my ID! *Pulls out ID* See? You have my name and address and it checks out! You can just come find me! And you have my phone number! You could call me!
    Me: Alright, I'll see what I can do.
    I call, the owner doesn't pick up. I tell her that.

    B: Well Call her again while I get the money for you. *she rumages through her bag and pulls out a scratch-off lottery* Hey, do you think I could give you this as payment?
    Me: um..........................No.
    B: But it's for $25! It's the same thing.
    Me:......Even if the owner would have taken that, I'm definitely not going to. I'll see you in a few minutes.

    She leaves and wanders off. I finish folding all her things, and call the owner who is NOT happy to hear from me again and throws a fit at me over the phone about how she takes the credit card number of everyone who rents from her and she's rented things to legitimate models and companies in New York. She tells me she knows what she's doing it's just business and that I am ABSOLUTELY not to let the girl walk out of the store with any of her rented items without her credit card number.
    When B comes back about a half hour later I tell her all of this and she reluctantly gives me the information. I send her on her way and close the store.

    She first arrived at about two PM and the store closes at six. A fair majority of the time killed there was her posing suggestively or complaining in a whiny baby voice. I have never felt worse for photographers.

  • #2

    I'm curious... Did she return the items on time? Or, did she end up getting charged?
    There had to be DUMB in the water today. - Summerfly413


    • #3
      Ditto on the .

      I was just cringing the whole story. Excellent way to introduce yourself.
      Make a list of important things to do today.
      At the top of your list, put 'eat chocolate'
      Now, you'll get at least one thing done today


      • #4
        Tha's just awful. Welcome and she's a harpy.
        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


        • #5
          Any update? Was the stuff returned, and in good condition?
          "Good morning, and in case I don't see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!" - The Truman Show


          • #6
            Quoth patiokitty View Post
            It just means they are trying to crack into the business...or are being taken for a ride by a fake modeling agency.
            I think someone was *on* crack if they thought they'd get the rental fee back
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              First: WELCOME!

              Second: I'm sorry you were dealing with an amateur. Models can be hard to deal with to begin with, but when they're at this stage....wel.....
              I have a...thing. Wanna see it?


              • #8
                Welcome! What a way to make an entrance, too! Wow! I second your thought about feeling sorry for the photogs. Anyway, since no one has said it, I believe Jester (and perhaps Whiskey) has the drinks, Ralerin has the brain bleach, and someone around here has cookies...or bacon. Your choice!
                "And though she be but little, she is FIERCE!"--Shakespeare


                • #9
                  Be warned though, if anyone around here has the bacon, they won't for long once RetailWorkhorse gets wind of it.

                  Check out my comic. I write, my friend Red draws. Comments welcome. Leave them on their, or on my profile here.


                  • #10
                    Quoth BrenDAnn View Post
                    Welcome! What a way to make an entrance, too! Wow! I second your thought about feeling sorry for the photogs. Anyway, since no one has said it, I believe Jester (and perhaps Whiskey) has the drinks, Ralerin has the brain bleach, and someone around here has cookies...or bacon. Your choice!
                    I have the cheese
                    Arp happens!

                    Just when I was getting used to yesterday, along came today.


                    • #11
                      Ah, the Entitlement Whore in its adolescent stage; a rare, and painful, find... My sympathies; dealing with her can't have been easy.

                      However, am I the only one here seeing some suck on the owner's part as well? Sure, wedding preparations can be a bitch, but promising certain items to a customer, not delivering, and leaving a new, inexperienced employee to deal with the fallout? Not exactly stellar behavior there, I'd say.
                      You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                      • #12
                        I would honestly doubt the owner promised them those items, more like the young model saw "ohh new person I can con/pressure them into getting things that I saw in here the last time that the owner said no too."


                        • #13
                          Quoth HooblaHay View Post
                          One day a model was to come in and rent a few items for a photo shoot, and the owner warned me that she hadn't gotten the bathing suits the model requested out of storage,
                          Nope; not this time. Well, the owner did warn HooblaHey, so decency points for that.
                          You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


                          • #14
                            Obviously this aspiring 'model' thinks that the diva attitude is one of the quailfications she needs for the job.
                            Sorry you had to put up with all that bs. I have cookies, milkshakes and also a freshly baked caramel pecan loaf (today's special).
                            Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


                            • #15
                              Welcome! That model was a bitch!

                              Anyway Jester has the booze, Ralerin has the brain bleach, I have coffee and many people have cookies.

