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How NOT to close pharmacy

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  • How NOT to close pharmacy

    The pharmacy closes at 6pm. If we stay late, we get in trouble due to the strict budget of hours.

    SC - You should know who this is.
    TCE - Your's truly.

    SC walks up right at 6pm with his oxygen tubes (he still smokes, btw) hanging below his lower lip (thus providing him absolutely no help at all). He's a regular and I know his name, so I grab his prescription from the bin (I filed it earlier today).

    TCE: Hi, SC. Just the one?
    SC: I need this too.

    He hands me a combination metered dose inhaler (ipratropium/albuterol). Shit. A rescue inhaler. I can't turn him away because he's a douchebag who'll create a stink if he gets told he can't have it. Also, I don't want to find that he had a breathing issue and was hurt because he couldn't get it. I process the refill in the computer system quickly, then turn to him.

    TCE: Keep in mind, SC, that I'm doing this because I don't want you to get hurt. We close at 6pm on Sundays. On the dot. It's now 5 after. You really need to plan ahead with medications like this. What would you have done if the shutters had been closed already? You'd have been SOL.

    Cue catbutt face while I quickly run to fill the script. I grab one inhaler from the shelves and as I'm walking back to the fill station, he speaks.

    SC: It's two!
    TCE: You'll get two. The more you micromanage me, the longer it takes and the less likely it is that I'm going to want to help you. So, you will be patient and quiet while I help you.

    I grab the second inhaler and fill the script. As I'm ringing him out for his prescriptions, I notice that a line has formed behind him.

    I didn't get out of the pharmacy until 6:15pm. After leaving the pharmacy, I still need to cash out the pharmacy drawers, so I'm not getting out until 6:30pm at the earliest.

    The shit icing on the crap cake? The last guy in the line that formed after 6? Yeah, he handed me a vial for a refill.

    TCE: You'll pick this up tomorrow?
    SC2: I want it today.
    TCE: We're closed. Actually, we closed at 6, but we can't turn people away. You will pick this up tomorrow.
    SC2: But...
    TCE: No buts. Tomorrow.
    SC2: What time do you open tomorrow?
    TCE: Eight o'clock. Your prescription will be ready after 9.
    Marvin: "Here I am, brain the size of a planet and they ask me to take you down to the bridge. Call that job satisfaction? 'Cos I don't."

    Krispy Kreme puts the "ugh" back in "doughnuts".

  • #2
    It was really nice of you that you filled his emergency prescription. Not nice of him and everyone else to take advantage of you though!
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      Quoth TheComputerError View Post
      TCE: Keep in mind, SC, that I'm doing this because I don't want you to get hurt. We close at 6pm on Sundays. On the dot. It's now 5 after. You really need to plan ahead with medications like this. What would you have done if the shutters had been closed already? You'd have been SOL.
      And you know damn well they do this on purpose, too.

      Quoth TheComputerError View Post
      I grab the second inhaler and fill the script. As I'm ringing him out for his prescriptions, I notice that a line has formed behind him.

      I didn't get out of the pharmacy until 6:15pm. After leaving the pharmacy, I still need to cash out the pharmacy drawers, so I'm not getting out until 6:30pm at the earliest.

      The shit icing on the crap cake? The last guy in the line that formed after 6? Yeah, he handed me a vial for a refill.

      TCE: You'll pick this up tomorrow?
      SC2: I want it today.
      This used to drive me nuts depending on which pharmacist was there. With two of them, if you got in line after closing time, nope you're not getting it today. With the other one, oh, we'd sit there all night if people kept coming up. Even if they weren't picking up or dropping off a script! But, since she was the pharmacy manager....well, that's a completely different rant for another time.
      It's floating wicker propelled by fire!

