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Nice Try....but no

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  • Nice Try....but no

    So, my pharmacy ships out medications all over the U.S. in little bubble envelopes. Every so often, the courier tends take our package, nestle it in the door of the delivery truck, and slam the door on the package repeatedly. Then, then the package is nice and smashed, he will wildly throw the package to the ground and proceed to stomp on it.
    ...At least, that's the impression I get from our customers then they complain to me about a damaged package.

    So, one of our callers received an email from a customer who's package was damaged. She says that her order from several weeks ago was damaged, that we refunded her shipping of $19.98 and that it's not nearly enough to compensate for her damages. She also says "I counted 32 pills out of 90... which means 58 pills were crushed. "

    OK, a $20 will not compensate for a 58 pill damage. HOWEVER, I have this customers name painfully imprinted into my skull and I KNOW that I spoke to her at one point or another. I would have refunded her more than $20 to cover that damage. Somethings not right.

    I decide to go to my handy-dandy recording archive, where ALL calls from the call center are saved. I find her number, and I listen to the call. I clearly hear her say "Well, I counted 63 intact pills." Yeah...nice try dumbass.

    *side note* it takes a hell of a lot to damage those pills. Like, they need to be crushed with a spoon violently to make it become "powder", as the customers describe it.

    So, the $20 was a very fair refund. In fact, I offered her a $10 on her next order too! Did she take it? No. Her reasoning? She says that she has not reordered with us because she feels that she will become a victim again.

    A victim? To what? An overzealous, destructive courier driver with a particular hatred of medication?
    Sucky Customers- Have the ability to convert non-drinkers into raging alcoholics in one phone call or less.

  • #2
    ahh, aren't call recording archives so much fun?
    "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

    CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
    Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?

