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and the crazy train pulls into my station...

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  • and the crazy train pulls into my station...

    I love parents that believe their children can do no wrong. It’s so wonderful when a child misbehaves and a parent gives them the perfect out. It teaches them such wonderful life lessons. I had one tonight, a woman came in with her three teenage daughters. The youngest was 13-ish. We have these stupid plastic cow candy dispensers by the register that poop candy pieces when you shake them. (yes the candy actually comes out of their butts) The youngest daughter was of course playing with one and seriously irritating me. (they moo when you shake them, and EVERYBODY has to try it) Well, this girl is not only making the stupid thing moo, she's also is twisting the head until, you guessed it, the head breaks off. So the conversation goes something like this

    Me: me
    SWD: stupid woman's daughter
    SW: stupid woman

    SWD: oops!
    SW: be careful, if you break it we have to pay for it
    Me: um, she already broke it
    SW: oh. I'm not paying for that! She has to pay for it.
    SWD: I don’t have any money
    SW: well, I'm not paying for that!

    Lady please, your daughter is 13 if she breaks something in the store YOU do have to pay for it. Dock her allowance later if you want but cough up the money.

    I ended up actually not making her pay for it because her other kids were so busy rearranging the store and knocking things over while this whole thing was taking place that I just wanted to get them the hell out of the store as quickly as possible. I figured the $5 wasn't worth it compared to how much damage they could have done if I kept them there arguing over the stupid cow.
    Our brains are smarter than we think they am!

  • #2
    Sorta , sorta not.

    The one reality show that I'm kind of hooked on is ABC's Wife Swap. Every several episodes, they seem to have one family that thinks it's just wonderful to let the kids run uncontrolled through the Grocery Store, plus, their parents actually get involved in such family fun sucky behavior such as "passing the football" with a head of lettuce.

    Even though I don't work in Grocery, I cringe every time I see it.



    • #3
      Quoth JustaCashier View Post
      Sorta , sorta not.

      The one reality show that I'm kind of hooked on is ABC's Wife Swap. Every several episodes, they seem to have one family that thinks it's just wonderful to let the kids run uncontrolled through the Grocery Store, plus, their parents actually get involved in such family fun sucky behavior such as "passing the football" with a head of lettuce.

      Even though I don't work in Grocery, I cringe every time I see it.

      I am guilty of playing a game like that, last night at a local grocery store me and my girlfriend played soccer with a head of red lettece a few times as it was laying on the floor when we entered into the produce section. I feel now that the wrath of all those the work in grocery stores will come on my head after they read this


      • #4
        I am not surprised that the woman refused to pay up. There are a lot of ignorant parents that just let their children get away with anything and everything under the sun.

        At the grocery store, children would reach out of carts and throw boxes of cereal and jars and cans onto the floor, and, of course, you get it.........big mess. Parent looks back, shrugs shoulders, whispers "Tommy! That was naughty!" in a joking sort of voice, then merrily trots away, leaving a slippery dangerous spot for other customers to slip on.

        Or there were the children skipping along, holding hands, parents are MIA, and they'd take bags of rice and anything hanging somewhat off the shelves and throw them onto the floor. Not to mention constantly throwing grapes and other produce on the floor for others to trip on.

        And to think, if I ever did that as a child, I'd be taken out to the car immediately, and the other parent would finish the shopping, and I'd get a tanned rear end when I got home.
        You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


        • #5
          My manager was telling us about a lovely parent he dealt with earlier in the day. Her son's computer was hopelessly infected with trash. The only way to fix it was wipe it clean and do a system restore. No surprise because her brilliant son had LimeWire and other programs of questionable legality on his system. Having that on your system is like walking down a dark alleyway with mace in your pocket. You're smart for having it, but you're still asking to get mugged.

          Of course, they didn't have a service plan, so we had to charge them full price to clean it up. (Later, we found out that they also needed a new hard drive, and the woman bitched so much that we ended up eating the cost of the new drive and an install just to shut her up.) And the woman was pissed.

          What pissed off my manager was that the son was a total smartass and tried to talk over him. Never mind that my boss has been working with computers since before everyone else in my department was born. And boy wasn't even old enough to drive. This little brat just had to prove that he was smarter than a lowly counter agent that can take apart a computer and put it back together before I can blink. And his mother took his word over my manager's.
          A smile is just a grimace that's been edited for public consumption. -- Tony Cochran


          • #6
            Quoth habitofbeingright View Post
            I feel now that the wrath of all those the work in grocery stores will come on my head after they read this

            If you come into the store I work at when it's slow and late enough, we just might join you.
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              Quoth Tigress View Post
              This little brat just had to prove that he was smarter than a lowly counter agent that can take apart a computer and put it back together before I can blink. And his mother took his word over my manager's.
              Makes you want to ask his smug little face that if he's such an expert, why isn't he doing it himself and saving his mom all that money, especially since he caused the problem in the first place?


              • #8
                Quoth blas87 View Post
                And to think, if I ever did that as a child, I'd be taken out to the car immediately, and the other parent would finish the shopping, and I'd get a tanned rear end when I got home.

                *grins an evil, Grinch-y grin*
                *an awful, evil, Grinch-y grin*

                Rise up, Parents of the World! We need to go back to punishing our children properly. If we of CS start showing the world that punishing your children can work, more people will start doing it. It'll be a revolution of parenthood!

                Spanking your child is only hurting them a bit, so they'll learn their lesson. You're not beating your child for fun/to death. Show the world that parents are in charge!

                *cough* Sorry, I guess I had to get that out.
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  "B-b-but spanking childwen is so WONG!!!"

                  How else do you expect us to dicipline our youngsters to mould them into healthy, hard-working, respectful adults, Mr. Blair? Why do you think the majority of my generation and those below mine are all ASBO thugs and chavs who are killing themselves slowly, Mr. Blair?

                  *cocks shotgun*
                  "...Muhuh? *blink-blink* >_O *roll over* ZZZzzz......"


                  • #10





                    • #11
                      I too, as a child, would have been removed from the store and out to the car in the parking lot or some other location where there were no witnesses. -.-

                      After which I would behave myself quite well for the next 3-6 days I assure you.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Rapscallion View Post



                        Well put Raps, but you coulda told be before a started drinking here. Ah and learn.

                        *merrily goes over to for more amusement*
                        Who is this rectal-cranial inverted twit....and where is my sledgehammer??


                        • #13
                          Quoth Rapscallion View Post



                          *looks at the prior rant post, as if it were a mess freshly made out of ignorance*
                          I... made a mess... *looks at it again*
                          Yeah, big mess...
                          *sarcasm* But, that's what you get paid for, right?
                          "I call murder on that!"


                          • #14
                            hey isnt there a thread about punishing children and spanking and such on Fratching already? (Hint)


                            • #15
                              I've had kids attempting to crawl over my counter into my pharmacy before until I look at them and ask them nicely if that's what they do on their counters at home. At that point Mommy will finally put in a half-hearted word to them to get off.

                              Usually just the fact that the Lady Behind The Counter spake is scary enough

