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I want a discount...this is a GIFT!

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  • I want a discount...this is a GIFT! realise that asking them to be logical is just stupid...but...C'MON!

    Yesterday I sold a book, it was £4.99 on sale.

    Today the couple that brought it came back in with it and showed me that it had two damaged pages. Not major damage here, a teeny corner of the top of the pages was torn at an angle. This happens, it's a binding error basically. Because the book is damaged, they even had both receipts (card and till), and they were being nice about it, I offer them a full refund because we don't have another copy in stock. YAY! Go me! I'm their best I'm not, because apparently they don't want a refund, they need the book. Fair enough.

    They ask me if I can order them a new one, I can't do this. We sell the end of print runs, out of print stuff that the publisher has remaindered, I can order in new books, but ones like this, not a snowballs hope in hell. I explain this to them, again offer them a refund, would they like to swap it for something else? No, they need THAT book, it's a gift for a kid, they MUST have THAT book. And then the clincher...

    Him : "Well...can't you give us a discount?"
    Me, inwardly sighing, WHY must they all go bad?! : "I'm sorry sir, I can offer you a full refund or an exchange, but I can't discount the book because we could take it back and return it to the publisher for a full refund too."
    Him : "But it's a GIFT! Are you sure you can't give us a discount?"
    *rinse repeat about 6 times*

    FINALLY...the woman pipes up, whips the thing out of my hand and tells me they'll keep it but they're never coming back again...EVER...I resist the urge to cheer.

    Please, SOMEONE explain to me why having a few quid knocked off a damaged item that you were offered a FULL REFUND ON is going to make the fact that it's damaged go away when you give it as a gift?!

  • #2
    I've had people ask for a discount on merchandise already marked down to a dollar on clearance.
    "Yes, ma'am. It's not in great shape. But it was originally $20 and now it's $1.00."
    "Well, I just don't want it then!"
    People leave their brains at home when they shop.
    It's a fact.

    "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


    • #3
      The biggest one I used to absolutely hate was when customers would bring up a DVD, point out where part of the case had broken and fallen into the case, and ask for a discount.

      My usual response: "For what, might I ask? The disc is more than likely perfect, and, in fact, we sell new DVD cases for just that reason... no, we sell the new cases, we don't have any to just give away.
      "I call murder on that!"


      • #4
        Quoth Lulu View Post

        FINALLY...the woman pipes up, whips the thing out of my hand and tells me they'll keep it but they're never coming back again...EVER...I resist the urge to cheer.
        Don't cheer too soon, this is the biggest lie I ever heard. They always come back! They are like roaches!


        • #5
          Not only do they always come back, I'm convinced they live on the roof.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
            Not only do they always come back, I'm convinced they live on the roof.
            LMAO! I don't know why, but that really struck a chord with me

            Tell them to make up a wild story about how it was the last one in stock (true), the publisher doesn't print it anymore (true), and they had to fight that last copy away from some cretin who had his eyes on it for his kid (slight fabrication). Then they can point out the damage as proof!

            Yay! Happy kid thinks his parents (or whatever) REALLY love him now!
            "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
            -- The Meteor Principle

            Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


            • #7
              Quoth Juwl View Post
              My usual response: "For what, might I ask? The disc is more than likely perfect, and, in fact, we sell new DVD cases for just that reason... no, we sell the new cases, we don't have any to just give away.
              Why not tell them to simply wait until their new AOHell disc comes? Some of them come in DVD cases...simply throw the AOL crap away and you have a free case
              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


              • #8
                Quoth protege View Post
                Why not tell them to simply wait until their new AOHell disc comes? Some of them come in DVD cases...simply throw the AOL crap away and you have a free case
                I wouldn't wish 'wait on the next AOL disc to come in the mail,' on anyone, even customers.
                "I call murder on that!"


                • #9
                  Man, what does it say about the people giving the gift when they want a discount on a 5pound book for a child.

                  People confuse me.
                  I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                  Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!


                  • #10
                    Discount hounds, they always think that by asking for a discount they'll get it. I've lost count on how many times I've been asked for discounts. Then there's the title discounts, ranging from hot girls, Canadians(We get a lot of Canadians), Senior, Nice Car, and my favorite the VIP discount. It's simple, you don't like our rates, go to the venues in the city because I'm sure you'll realize that paying $10 for parking isn't that bad.
                    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


                    • #11
                      Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                      Discount hounds, they always think that by asking for a discount they'll get it. I've lost count on how many times I've been asked for discounts. Then there's the title discounts, ranging from hot girls, Canadians(We get a lot of Canadians), Senior, Nice Car, and my favorite the VIP discount. It's simple, you don't like our rates, go to the venues in the city because I'm sure you'll realize that paying $10 for parking isn't that bad.
                      A Canadian discount?? Ha, I wish!


                      • #12
                        Oh, I dunno, I'd consider a Canadian discount if they brought me an aerobar or Mcintosh toffee


                        • #13
                          I know they're all the same...the ole "but it's a gift" thing has never washed with me and even when you call them on it they STILL won't give up!

                          I'd seriously consider a chocolate discount...


                          • #14
                            Lulu, I didn't know you worked in books - but I knew immediately when I read the title of your thread. I thought to myself, "This MUST be a thread about books!"

                            I am a survivor of a combined 10 years at two major bookstore chains in the US. They were the worst 2 jobs I ever had as far as customers go and where almost ALL of my traumatic horror stories come from.

                            To this question, which I was asked so many times a day that I can't even count them - I would say:

                            "Why on earth would you give someone a DAMAGED gift??!!" If they continued insisting on a discount I would add things like: ,"But you want to give a damaged gift? But it's a GIFT. I don't understand why a discount would make the gift better. You said it's a gift right?"

                            I perfected the way I said it of course. Eyes wide and batty, head slightly tilted, voice tones made to sound surprised yet concerned about the customer's mental well being...

                            Let me tell you - that worked almost everytime! They were usually dumbfounded, then embarrassed and most of the time slinked away to go buy the book, or took a refund based on the situation we were in.

                            Very rarely did I have to go into manager mode and get authoritative about how we can still get full price for the book from the pub so why should I give a discount on a book with a slightly torn dust jacket. That's what they are THERE for - to protect the book.

                            Try it next time, let us know how it works.
                            Last edited by Luna; 01-05-2007, 01:54 PM.
                            If you are thinking to yourself, "Hmmm, should I post this?" it should probably go HERE.


                            • #15
                              I once had someone debating with herself and thus trying to get a discount for some flowers. "Oh, I don't think I should pay that much. They're for a friend."

                              I think someone needs a different friend, and it's not her.


