I like Gaga's music (In small doses) but her little 'monster' fans, not so much. We have a lobby full of them and they are drunkenly going to bed. (Finally!)
While they're here, a few of them in costume, I seem to be getting slammed by phone calls. There's a riverfest going on (Metallica Coverband plays tonight
), Gaga's concert, and Toby Keith / Trace Adkins concert, along with 2 class reunions (Split between me and Holiday). So, yep, Everyone in town, and around us, is full.
One lady comes through the door, see's all the Gaga fans and asks, loudly, "What is this, a drag hotel?"
Well, this is off to a wonderful start, yes?
I explain that I'm sold out, so unless she has a reservation, I can't check her in. "I stay here all the time, I have a direct bill."
Me: "Yes Ma'am and all that direct bill means is that you're not paying for your room, the company is, and you're getting their rate. It does not ever guarantee you a room without a reservation."
"But I have a direct bill!"
Lather, Rinse, Repeat about 7-8 times.
she finally leaves.
Paging Gravekeeper!
Please, keep your callers, I don't want them! :P
Me: *spiel*
Lady on phone: "I need to reach someone."
Me: "Alright, do you have their name?"
Lady: "Ummmmm...."
Me: "Or possibly room number?"
Lady: "UHHHH?"
I love being me.
See, in high school, I was the little girl picked on. Now, I'm not. I've learned not to keep my mouth shut all the time and I've also learned that the people that picked on me in HS, mostly have grown up. Not one chicky. She's here with a wedding party and when she saw I was the one at the desk, she thought she'd have a bit of a highschool throwback. Yeah.. bout that.
BFH= Bitch From Highschool
Me: Duh.?
BFH: "Aww, look you have a job.."
Me: "Been here for two years.. Is there something you need?" *polite tone*
BFH: "A rollaway.."
Me: "Sorry, they're all taken already." *Knows, she just checked*
BFH: "You didn't even look!"
Me: "I actually got a phone call before you, from another guest. They're all taken."
BFH: "I think you just don't want to help me. You don't like me. Didn't like I'm prettier or smarter.. and I have a better job."
Me: *Decided hell with it, I'll take the complaint if i get it* "No, not really. I've got a job I like, a relationship I've had for four years, and my job is definitely more fun, I get to wear more clothing than you, and I'm not looked at like meat."
She stomped off. I know it wasn't NICE to do, but I feel a bit better. 4 years of abuse from her, solved in a minute and half.
Kid came RUNNING down here, with a beer in his hand (I say kid, he's alil younger than me) asking if I could have beer.
Me: "not on the clock.."
Kid: "So.. clock out and party with us!"
Me: "Nope, sorry. I can't."
Kid: "So can we party?"
Me: "Long as it's quiet."
He walked away, figured that was that. Wrong! 20 minutes later, a noise complaint was brought to the desk from a lovely couple, about music and yelling and 'loud sex.'
So, I went upstairs, it's just the guy and his girlfriend dancing and have fun. I knocked on the door, told them to be quiet, this was the only warning and the next time I'd just send a cop up, because I Had already warned them once about noise.
The girl, very drunk, asks if I want to join them for Sex. me: "Nope. Got a boyfriend, I'm good. Just keep the noise down please." I turn to leave, and she grabbed my waist.
I pulled away, went downstairs, and called a cop because now, I don't feel comfortable AT all.
Side note: YAY! I got the cop that frigging hates my hotel! He says we only take in druggies, drunks and sluts, and apparently, anyone that works here is moonlighting as a prostitute. And according to him, I'm racist. goddess help me, I've never been tempted to tell a cop to go to hell. but I am right now.
Demons come in wooden amulets
I bought a wooden amulet that has the symbol for tiger on it (It's my chinese zodiac sign
). Lady came in, saw that with my pentacle and damn near had a heart attack. Now I'm apparently a weapon yielding, demon worshipper.
You aren't full!
I like BHSkitty, had a wedding party in tonight (Thankfully, they are quiet). But as they had a late wedding (Married at 7pm, Reception at 8), they're still gone.
(The matron of honor took them to the drag show
MUAHAHA to continue their drinking
Lady comes to the door, hits the button ( PUSH IT ONCE YOU DITZ!) and asks if we have rooms. When I explain that no, I'm sold out, she freaks. "You aren't full! There's still parking spaces."
Me: "Ma'am, there is always more parking spaces than rooms available at any hotel. It's for the people who take two vehicles to get here. I assure you, I am full."
Repeat myself a few more times as she demands to talk to the manager (Yes, because at Midnight, I feel like waking up my mother for you.. NOT!). I calmly explain I can't do that, as this isn't an emergency. Her retort? "I'll call the cops then. They'll make you let me in."
Me;" If you think you must ma'am, here's the number.."
Surprisingly, she left. Wonder why..
While they're here, a few of them in costume, I seem to be getting slammed by phone calls. There's a riverfest going on (Metallica Coverband plays tonight

One lady comes through the door, see's all the Gaga fans and asks, loudly, "What is this, a drag hotel?"
Well, this is off to a wonderful start, yes?
I explain that I'm sold out, so unless she has a reservation, I can't check her in. "I stay here all the time, I have a direct bill."
Me: "Yes Ma'am and all that direct bill means is that you're not paying for your room, the company is, and you're getting their rate. It does not ever guarantee you a room without a reservation."
"But I have a direct bill!"
Lather, Rinse, Repeat about 7-8 times.
she finally leaves.
Paging Gravekeeper!
Please, keep your callers, I don't want them! :P
Me: *spiel*
Lady on phone: "I need to reach someone."
Me: "Alright, do you have their name?"
Lady: "Ummmmm...."
Me: "Or possibly room number?"
Lady: "UHHHH?"
I love being me.
See, in high school, I was the little girl picked on. Now, I'm not. I've learned not to keep my mouth shut all the time and I've also learned that the people that picked on me in HS, mostly have grown up. Not one chicky. She's here with a wedding party and when she saw I was the one at the desk, she thought she'd have a bit of a highschool throwback. Yeah.. bout that.
BFH= Bitch From Highschool
Me: Duh.?
BFH: "Aww, look you have a job.."
Me: "Been here for two years.. Is there something you need?" *polite tone*
BFH: "A rollaway.."
Me: "Sorry, they're all taken already." *Knows, she just checked*
BFH: "You didn't even look!"
Me: "I actually got a phone call before you, from another guest. They're all taken."
BFH: "I think you just don't want to help me. You don't like me. Didn't like I'm prettier or smarter.. and I have a better job."
Me: *Decided hell with it, I'll take the complaint if i get it* "No, not really. I've got a job I like, a relationship I've had for four years, and my job is definitely more fun, I get to wear more clothing than you, and I'm not looked at like meat."
She stomped off. I know it wasn't NICE to do, but I feel a bit better. 4 years of abuse from her, solved in a minute and half.
Kid came RUNNING down here, with a beer in his hand (I say kid, he's alil younger than me) asking if I could have beer.
Me: "not on the clock.."
Kid: "So.. clock out and party with us!"
Me: "Nope, sorry. I can't."
Kid: "So can we party?"
Me: "Long as it's quiet."
He walked away, figured that was that. Wrong! 20 minutes later, a noise complaint was brought to the desk from a lovely couple, about music and yelling and 'loud sex.'
So, I went upstairs, it's just the guy and his girlfriend dancing and have fun. I knocked on the door, told them to be quiet, this was the only warning and the next time I'd just send a cop up, because I Had already warned them once about noise.
The girl, very drunk, asks if I want to join them for Sex. me: "Nope. Got a boyfriend, I'm good. Just keep the noise down please." I turn to leave, and she grabbed my waist.
I pulled away, went downstairs, and called a cop because now, I don't feel comfortable AT all.
Side note: YAY! I got the cop that frigging hates my hotel! He says we only take in druggies, drunks and sluts, and apparently, anyone that works here is moonlighting as a prostitute. And according to him, I'm racist. goddess help me, I've never been tempted to tell a cop to go to hell. but I am right now.
Demons come in wooden amulets
I bought a wooden amulet that has the symbol for tiger on it (It's my chinese zodiac sign

You aren't full!
I like BHSkitty, had a wedding party in tonight (Thankfully, they are quiet). But as they had a late wedding (Married at 7pm, Reception at 8), they're still gone.

Lady comes to the door, hits the button ( PUSH IT ONCE YOU DITZ!) and asks if we have rooms. When I explain that no, I'm sold out, she freaks. "You aren't full! There's still parking spaces."
Me: "Ma'am, there is always more parking spaces than rooms available at any hotel. It's for the people who take two vehicles to get here. I assure you, I am full."
Repeat myself a few more times as she demands to talk to the manager (Yes, because at Midnight, I feel like waking up my mother for you.. NOT!). I calmly explain I can't do that, as this isn't an emergency. Her retort? "I'll call the cops then. They'll make you let me in."
Me;" If you think you must ma'am, here's the number.."
Surprisingly, she left. Wonder why..