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Phoning For Advice

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  • Phoning For Advice

    A new customer has been given some forms to fill in and send back, she also has to provide some photocopies of her identification, this is standard procedure, no account can be set up without this.

    She calls for some advice.

    Customer "this form says I have to send in photocopies of my identification papers"
    me - "yes, we would need one with a photo, it could be your passport or driving licence, plus another one with your address on from an official organisation, this could be the council, your doctor, or any utility bill"

    customer "i don't have any way of photocopying it"
    me "we will photocopy it for you on any of our sales floors, free, for the purpose of setting up an account, or you may be able to ask at your local library, they may chanrge a small amout for doing this"

    customer "I think I will just not send identification"
    me "all that will happen is that the form will be sent back to you and you will be asked to provide identification.No account can be set up without the identification photocopies.This is in case of any problems or disputes later when we can show the account owner the identification which was used to set up the account".

    customer "ok, well I'll just send the form then"

    me *why ask for advice you are clearly not going to take any notice of?*
    Customer "why did you answer the phone if you can't help me?"

  • #2
    Oh this all sounds so familiar...
    So many times, back in my old car parking services days, having to explain over and over to people that yes they did have to send their proof of address in with their form, also proof that the car was registered to them at that address........
    "But I've lived here for years!"
    "It's exactly the same car that I had last year!"
    "Why can't you just look me up on the electoral roll?"
    "I pay my council tax! You must have me on record!"

    And any combination / permutation of those..... I took it as a compliment to my powers that I was supposed to just know that all these people hadn't moved house or traded their car in during the last 12 months.
    Engaged to the sweet Mytical He is my Black Dragon (and yes, a good one) strong, protective, the guardian. I am his Silver Dragon, always by his side, shining for him, cherishing him.


    • #3
      Quoth TelephoneAngel View Post
      *why ask for advice you are clearly not going to take any notice of?*
      I'll take a stab at that.

      The SC was looking for permission to do what she wanted and confirmation from you that it would work.

      That way when her papers came back to her should can point out that "It's OK. I talked to TelephoneAngel and she said I didn't need to send a photcopy of my ID."

      Of course you foiled her by refusing to comply with her "clever" plan.

      Not that that will stop her from lying later trying to claim you said it was OK anyway.
      The best karma is letting a jerk bash himself senseless on the wall of your polite indifference.

      The stupid is strong with this one.

