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Leave my breakfast alone!

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  • Leave my breakfast alone!

    3 drunk men came down after being told in a phone call 3 minutes before, I didn't have anywhere they could go for food, everywhere was closed, except Steak and Shake drive thru.

    "But we're drunk."

    I can see that numbnut. And smell it *gags*

    So as I'm doing stock at 1 am (Stocking Sugar, Creamer, Milk in the fridge & pulling bagels out to defreeze for my FDM *New rant on bimbo coming soon*) I'm feverently hoping they'll see I'm working and leave me alone. But.. what site am I on again?

    The leader of the drunks wants to know if he can buy my muffins on top of my fridge (the last two boxes mind). My answer was simple, no. He goes for them anyway and I not so politely tell him ANYTHING aside from the two vending machines in that general area, are my breakfast stock, and he is NOT to be in it.

    His friend laughs, as he's by my cereal cabinet (This damned thing needs a lock!) and getting into it. "She told you to stay out of it."

    Me; "ALL of you, get away from my breakfast food, NOW. It's not there for you to get into whenever you want, and it's also the last of my stock til 10 am this morning, so GET OUT!"

    I go, get milk from the big fridge, carry it to the little fridge, and now the little geniuses are right behind me. I can hear one tell the other, "Dare you to hit her in the ass." and the one being spoken too shuffling closer. Without looking up (And clearly, I have no patience).

    "Touch me, and I swear to god, I will break your fucking hand. I've had enough. You've been pains in the ass all night, and drunkeness is no excuse for rudeness. Please, go to your room."

    Now, the third, less-annoying than his friends- speaks up, "I have low blood sugar. And feel sick."

    (Note: After 2 6 packs each, as I'd be sick too!)

    Me; "I don't doubt you have low blood sugar, however, I can't help you. This is ALL i have for ALL the guests in the hotel in the morning. If I had spare, I'd let ya in, but I don't, so I can't."

    Finish my stock, and go behind the desk to finish the paperwork that had been printing when I'd wandered out.

    Glancing at the cam screen in the managers off, I see the one reaching over the desk towards my laptop.

    "SIR! That's not public property. Do NOT reach over the desk."

    He drew his hand back but shouted, "I'll take what I want."

    Que me coming from Mom's office. "And I'll knock you on your butt for stealing my things. GO TO YOUR ROOM. Last chance."

    "I'm telling your manager you're being a c*nt and won't feed us."

    Now, I get to point out: My manager is going to laugh at them. I know this.

    Me: "Well if you feel the need to complain, go ahead. However, the only thing I'm OBLIGATED to give you, is a continental breakfast, from 6 am to 10 am as stated by the signs around here. I'm also obligated by you reservation to give you a room. LACK of planning on your part, between drinking and coming back to the hotel and not thinking about grabbing food on the way, isn't an emergency to me and after KNOWING you caused my little sister a problem BEFORE I got here, and how rude you've been by even THINKING about grabbing me and getting into my things, I'm sure my manager will laugh you right out. Now, last warning. Take your drunken selves up to your room, or get out. Because I'm not dealing with ANY more of it tonight. Stay out of my breakfast, keep your hands on YOUR side oft the desk and we'll be fine."

    Yes, I snapped. BUT, 2 years of dealing with this same group, has lead me to the point, I don't care. They stay a week and are usually so damned rude that it's a wonder P doesn't beat them. She's been here 5 and can't speak her mind, because if she loses her job, she'll lose her house Me, I live with my parents, so I am not worried about losing a house. My sanity will get lost first.

  • #2
    Oh hell, they won't remember a thing. If they do, just tell them they were dreaming. Morons.
    Dull women have immaculate homes.


    • #3
      *steals the ducky from your icon to squeeze and keep her sanity*
      Actually, they called the regional manager, and he all but laughed at them.


      • #4
        Quoth superhotelworker View Post
        *steals the ducky from your icon to squeeze and keep her sanity*
        Actually, they called the regional manager, and he all but laughed at them.
        Ooooooooh! THAT tickles!!
        Dull women have immaculate homes.


        • #5
          LMAO Nicely done.


          • #6
            At what point could you order them to leave the hotel... with a police escort if needed? They've been in employee only areas, attempted to steal hotel property, attempted to steal personal property, and made remarks that were inappropriate or bordering on sexual harassment.


            • #7
              I'm sorry, but I thought it was hilarious that you actually said "got to your room" to these guys, as if they were misbehaving children (or course, full-grown, misbehaving adults are a lot worse).

              So, would this have been grounds to kick them out? I'd certainly hope so. Repeated, intentional disregard of instructions from the staff, regardless of whether they are sober or not would seem to be a perfectly acceptable reason to me.
              "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

              RIP Plaidman.


              • #8
                I've seen people get kicked off the bus for less than this. Can these morons be banned?
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  They were. And at 4 am, they were walked out. APD Was looking for them apparently.. they'd harrassed one of the workers at the Casino.


                  • #10

                    walked out or... dragged out kicking and screaming (in drunken slow motion)?


                    • #11
                      See I constantly worry about drunk rowdy people at my hotel. It takes me a while to get to my flash point, and drunk people actually scare me a little when I'm all alone. So I always wonder how I'd deal with one of them being in my face.

                      *hides under my blanket* Drunken guests are scary
                      Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                      Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                      Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


                      • #12
                        YEs yes they are *hides with* But.. on the plus, I'll never have to deal with those three again.


                        • #13
                          HOORAY! ^.^
                          Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

                          Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
                          Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.

