If you're a stuff-breaker, stop it!
Victim #1: The photo kiosk
My lab has two self-serve kiosks that allow you to scan photos or put in your media to begin placing orders. By the way, yes, I DO sound like the training video.
Whenever I see somebody walk up to one of the kiosks, I walk over and ask if I can show them how to get started. Most of them are regulars so they know what to do. The problem here are the randoms that refuse my help because they THINK they know what to do.
A man walks in and sits himself down to go to work on a kiosk. I do my thing of walking over and offering help. He refuses saying that he'll 'be able to figure it out.'
Not even ten seconds later, I can see him literally shoving his media card into the wrong slot. He had to be thinking that the card went in all the way. Our kiosk card drives leave a small tab of the media card out so it can be removed easily. Well, this guy didn't know that and kept pressing it until I came over and took over.
He looks at me confused wondering why the kiosk won't read his card. I'm trying my hardest not to blow steam out of my ears because the card type is displayed right on the card! SD goes in the SD slot! He put it into a skinnier slot and because he forced it, it scraped the edges of his media card. Of course, it's not his fault....
"Well, I thought it went in that slot."
SD is not the same as XD, dummkopf! So, I hold his hand (Not literally...) through the rest of the process and get his order finished.
He then asks me, "Well, what do I do about this?"
'This' is his scraped memory card that he's worried about being damaged. It obviously still works since I did his order. I tell him, "It's fine. We just did an order. You just lost some of the outer plastic."
He looks at me like he doesn't believe me and walks out of the store, he didn't come back for his order that day.
For the rest of the day, that XD slot was unable to read actual XD cards. I'm really hoping that the drive isn't done for. It costs way too much to buy a new one. I guess I'll find out this weekend.
Victim #2: The Debit/Credit Pin Pad
This poor thing. It's constantly being stabbed with the pen attachment like it was going out of style.
People don't seem to realize that it only takes a gentle tap and not a huge thrust, because it doesn't read the thrusts! This only prompts them to keep thrusting, even after I blow a gasket and tell them to just tap.
So, I'm ringing up this lady and all's going fine. I tell her the total and she swipes her card. Now, she has to enter her pin. She picks up the pen attachment. You know what comes next.
"Ugh, why isn't this working?"
Because I just told you two times that the pinpad doesn't read your damn thrusts. Tap, that's it.
Then this happens. It somehow read a stab and all she has to do now is confirm with one more tap on 'Yes.'
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
"What's going on here?"
I try it. No luck. I try it again. No dice. Ah damn you, you broke our pen attachment. I poked the button with my finger and looked like an idiot for a minute before it finally went through. And, of course, after I unplug the pen she asks if it was broken, which my twitching eyebrow said yes. She did a "Hmmph" and left. Thanks, vandal.
Victim #3: The bathroom accessories
Two days ago, I went to clean the mens' restroom after we closed. I walked in and saw the soap dispenser lid removed and on the ground along with a trail of soap. The toilet paper rack in the stall had the front panel removed and also on the ground. On top of that, the paper towel dispenser lever wasn't working anymore, it was flimsy and not grabbing the inner mechanism to feed the towel roll out.
Thank God my beer and my Team Fortress 2 are safe from these vandals! Spy sappin' mah sentry doesn't count.
Victim #1: The photo kiosk
My lab has two self-serve kiosks that allow you to scan photos or put in your media to begin placing orders. By the way, yes, I DO sound like the training video.
Whenever I see somebody walk up to one of the kiosks, I walk over and ask if I can show them how to get started. Most of them are regulars so they know what to do. The problem here are the randoms that refuse my help because they THINK they know what to do.
A man walks in and sits himself down to go to work on a kiosk. I do my thing of walking over and offering help. He refuses saying that he'll 'be able to figure it out.'
Not even ten seconds later, I can see him literally shoving his media card into the wrong slot. He had to be thinking that the card went in all the way. Our kiosk card drives leave a small tab of the media card out so it can be removed easily. Well, this guy didn't know that and kept pressing it until I came over and took over.
He looks at me confused wondering why the kiosk won't read his card. I'm trying my hardest not to blow steam out of my ears because the card type is displayed right on the card! SD goes in the SD slot! He put it into a skinnier slot and because he forced it, it scraped the edges of his media card. Of course, it's not his fault....
"Well, I thought it went in that slot."
SD is not the same as XD, dummkopf! So, I hold his hand (Not literally...) through the rest of the process and get his order finished.
He then asks me, "Well, what do I do about this?"
'This' is his scraped memory card that he's worried about being damaged. It obviously still works since I did his order. I tell him, "It's fine. We just did an order. You just lost some of the outer plastic."
He looks at me like he doesn't believe me and walks out of the store, he didn't come back for his order that day.
For the rest of the day, that XD slot was unable to read actual XD cards. I'm really hoping that the drive isn't done for. It costs way too much to buy a new one. I guess I'll find out this weekend.
Victim #2: The Debit/Credit Pin Pad
This poor thing. It's constantly being stabbed with the pen attachment like it was going out of style.
People don't seem to realize that it only takes a gentle tap and not a huge thrust, because it doesn't read the thrusts! This only prompts them to keep thrusting, even after I blow a gasket and tell them to just tap.
So, I'm ringing up this lady and all's going fine. I tell her the total and she swipes her card. Now, she has to enter her pin. She picks up the pen attachment. You know what comes next.
"Ugh, why isn't this working?"
Because I just told you two times that the pinpad doesn't read your damn thrusts. Tap, that's it.
Then this happens. It somehow read a stab and all she has to do now is confirm with one more tap on 'Yes.'
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap.
"What's going on here?"
I try it. No luck. I try it again. No dice. Ah damn you, you broke our pen attachment. I poked the button with my finger and looked like an idiot for a minute before it finally went through. And, of course, after I unplug the pen she asks if it was broken, which my twitching eyebrow said yes. She did a "Hmmph" and left. Thanks, vandal.
Victim #3: The bathroom accessories
Two days ago, I went to clean the mens' restroom after we closed. I walked in and saw the soap dispenser lid removed and on the ground along with a trail of soap. The toilet paper rack in the stall had the front panel removed and also on the ground. On top of that, the paper towel dispenser lever wasn't working anymore, it was flimsy and not grabbing the inner mechanism to feed the towel roll out.
Thank God my beer and my Team Fortress 2 are safe from these vandals! Spy sappin' mah sentry doesn't count.
