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Rewards Card Woes

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  • Rewards Card Woes

    I have had precious little patience lately for any foolishness about Staples Rewards cards. In fact, I've been burning out a but in general, though thankfully I'm getting a pile of time off over the next couple weeks to recover.

    In the meantime, I need to vent a little (anyone here who has a Staples Rewards card, pay attention )

    •Staples Rewards does not now, nor has it ever given you any sort of instant discount or instant savings. The 2-5% rewards is sent to you at the END OF THE QUARTER, if and ONLY IF you spend at least $200 at Staples. Please do not ask me how much you saved by using the card. It is particularly inexcusable for Gold and Platinum level members to not understand this.

    •No, accrued Rewards are not automatically applied by using your card. You Must first receive, and then redeem, the Rewards Check we send you.

    •No, the accrued Rewards cannot and will not be put back on your credit card

    •No, the accrued Rewards can not and will not be issued/reissued as cash.

    •YES, Rewards Checks DO expire! Use it or lose it. It is neither our responsibility nor our problem is you fail to use your Rewards on time. Call the Rewards Center and ask to have the check reissued.

    •Possession of Rewards Card or being a Rewards member does NOT exempt you from having to show ID when you write a check or use a credit card that is unsigned or says "See ID."

    •A Rewards card in no way counts as a valid ID.

    •Our ability to look up your Rewards Account number is a fallback option. It should not be relied upon for every purchase. It is inconvenient for you and for us to take the time to look up a card. Moreover, the lookup function can and does fail on occassion. We issue the physical cards for a reason.

    •If you have too many cards in your purse/wallet, you the keytag (also issued for a reason).

    •If this is still too much to ask, we offer Credit Card Linking. This allows you to link your Rewards number to a credit card so that you only need to pay with that card to accrue rewards. Staples is a reputable company; we are not going to do anything mischievous with your credit card number. Besides, if you don't want your number "out there" then don't use a credit card. It goes "out there" every time you make a purchase with it.

    •Since it's obviously still too inconvenient and you must have me look up your card, do NOT start giving me a phone number the moment I ask if you have a Rewards Card or - wosrse - before i even have a chance to say "How are you, today?" I have four keystrokes to enter before I can enter your number, and because the computers are so slow, I may not be there by the time you finish your number. Please wait for me to ask for your number before you start telling me.

    •On that note, SPEAK THE HELL UP! This is not the library, so there's a lot of background noise. Do nut get huffy if I ask you to repeat yourself because of this, or if you go too fast.

    •If I can not locate your Rewards number, it is not MY fault. More than likely it is YOUR fault. You probably neglected to put a phone number on your application.

    •In the event that there was a data entry error, it still is NOT my fault!

    •Oh, by the way, our database does not automatically update to reflect address and telephone number changes when you move, get a new phone, etc. It is YOUR responsibility to call the Rewards center or go to and update your information. If you say "I just moved, here's my new phone number" it will NOT come up on my screen.

    •And no, I can not enter your new phone number for you. I only have read access, not write access. Again, it's YOUR responsibility to keep your own personal information up to date.

    •Lastly, although a Rewards Check indeed says "Spend like cash at Staples" is it NOT actual cash. It is in fact a coupon. It says right on the check "No cash/credit back" so it you buy a $100 item and use a $10 Rewards Check, then later retrun the item, your refund will be $90. No, the Rewards will not be reissued and can not be forwarded to/reused on another purchase.

    Yes, I've had problems with all of these misconceptions.

    Anyone else have problems with their company programs?
    Last edited by Dave1982; 01-04-2007, 01:16 AM.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    To be honest, I never really thought that I was getting any kind of "kick back" from using my Staples rewards card. When asked if I have one, I present it merely for the sense that I have done something financially savvy even if I'm not intuitively aware of what it actually is that I've done.

    Protocol for protocol's sake I suppose. I never expected a discount on my new $250 dollar leather desk chair (which the new kitten promptly decided was a GREAT way to learn how to climb). Meh....maybe some day I'll spend enough at Staples to actually see a benefit eh?

    BTW, if your handle is any indication of the year you were forcibly and involuntarily dumped into this sad excuse for a world, you and I are the same age Dave1982


    • #3
      Quoth Dave1982 View Post
      •A Rewards card in no way counts as a valid ID.
      :snorts: In NJ, some state-issued IDs in no way count as a valid ID.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        Quoth BeckySunshine View Post
        :snorts: In NJ, some state-issued IDs in no way count as a valid ID.
        Can you elaborate?


        • #5

          Remembered a couple more

          •If I ask "Do you have a Staples Rewards Card?" and you either ignore me or stare blankly, I will take that as a no. Please do not then tell me you have a rewards card after the transaction is complete. Yes, it is too late.

          •Don't get all pissed off about how long it takes to post void and rering a transaction because YOU didnt' show me your stupid card. Yes, I asked you. You did nto respond. This is YOUR fault.
          "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

          RIP Plaidman.


          • #6
            Keep on Preaching Brother

            Your staples rewards program sounds identical to the OMax Rewards program. Trust me we have the same problems. However we do not post void transactions for forgetting maxperks. We give the customer a fax number they can send there receipt and number to.

            We also have a lookup feature that rarely works for customers but seems to always work for employee's. I wonders if thats because we realize that if we signed up with our cell phone number we need to use that for the lookup, and not our home/wife's cell/ fax number. what a concept.



            • #7

              If you get a county issued ID, you can basically use it to get on a plane. But that's about it. You can also use a New Jersey State driver's license without a picture- although those will be completely phased out as of this year. Both are legally issued forms of identification. But are basically completely useless for anything other than getting on a plane or driving your car. Can't buy liquor with them. Can't use them as proof of age for anything else. Currently, both aforementioned documents combined won't allow you to renew your driver's license, despite the fact that when I got my license originally you could renew it through the mail (hence no picture) I don't know why I even wasted ten bucks getting a county ID....

              Also, to even GET a driver's license in New Jersey now, you better be prepared with about half a dozen different documents. A) Social Security Card (for the love of god, they are flimsy, but don't laminate it!) B) paycheck/bank statement or similar document (proof of address) C) Birth Certificate D) Your last driver's license (although if yours is like mine, it doesn't count anymore) E) county ID (I THINK you can use this...) F) Passport G) student ID H) military ID.....
              List goes on, and there are certain rules regarding what combination of documents you can use to prove who you are!!!

              farking NJ....
              I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


              • #8
                ON Topic- Our frequent shopping program causes some of the same problems that your rewards cards do.

                And GOD I HATE IT when people spew off their info rapid fire, or so quietly that I can barely hear them speak- or some combination of both... It takes longer when I have to ask you to repeat yourself ten times!

                I also hate when I ask people if they want to sign up, they spout out NO!! and then when they realize they'll save money, make me go back and sign them up, mid-transaction...jeez....if you weren't rude and listened in the first place, or too stupid to do the math, or god forbid- listened the first time when I told you you'd already earned a discount- I wouldn't have to waste time getting a manager to void the sale, then re-ringing your entire transaction...

                I feel your pain...
                I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                • #9
                  I hear you on telling the number the minute I ask if you have one.

                  I think they think the register is magic and is ready for anything at any given time. Like people that try and scan the rewards card for you before you said anything.

                  We definitely do not do post voids even if we forgot to ask somebody. If they want there rewards card credited, they can fax, phone, or get online. There are plenty of options for people, and they are easy.

                  Looking up cards is a bitch because it's either you can't look up their number because they never mailed in their rewards application in the first place, (postage is paid) or they neglected to put their phone number on the app because they assume somebody is going to call them with promotional offers.

                  The credit card linking feature is really convenient, but nobody really knows about it.


                  • #10
                    I hated the craft store cards.....

                    people who didnt want to sign up for the cards were given the discounts anyway... but only if they moaned and groaned (in my last few months I would just scan the "lost" cards in the drawer), half the discounts were loaded on, the other half were usually incorrect, one day I ended up owing a customer $80...yay manually having to do head offices work for them on a weekend!!! Cos I didnt have enough to do or anything!

                    Do you have a *** card?

                    I had to ask that question 100 million times a day and people would answer yes...then do nothing just stand there like a nimwit!!! GET ME THE FREAKING CARD!!!! of course they would wait until the total had been read out before getting their purse from their handbag, bitching about the long wait in line (gee ya think maybe getting your money out before hand would help shorten that wait?... oh thats right you dont think)

                    or better yet, they would just flash the card at me...... wow genuis thanks, in that split second I memorized the entire barcode....then get pissy when I actually needed to SCAN the barcode in.... aww diddums you have to get a card from your wallet, my heart bleeds!

                    the best ones were the customers who would ignore me and then get mad when I couldnt scan in the discounts after the transaction was over, and then got even more angry when they saw the line for the store manager (who was the only one who could make the corrections) talking on the cell and ignoring me wasnt such a good idea was it now...

                    Loyalty cards suck!

                    Sorry I shouldnt think of the craft store.... craft store make kiwi SHAKE WITH RAGE
                    I wasnt put on this earth to make you feel like a man ~ Mary Bertone


                    • #11
                      I had a rewards card SC the other day. I work at a beauty supply store and our club card rewards coupons are mailed out quarterly. There are different reward levels based on how much you spent...a level 1 coupon gets you something like a free lipstick or a free nailpolish, but somewhere around level 5 the rewards actually get good, like free high end cosmetics and fragrance, and salon services. Rewards coupons were last sent out near the beginning of October, and expired December 31. So naturally, I had a customer come in yesterday who wanted to know if it was REALLY too late to use it (yes, it's too late....we all know that SCs are completely incapable of processing the concept of an expiration date). Then she asked if there was any way to credit her points back to her account for next time since she now couldn't use her coupon (which was a level 5, so she'd spent about $250 in three months to get it). Also not possible. I told her that I was very sorry, but there was nothing we could do, and that the next batch of coupons were about to be mailed out so she'd get another one (although the points from her expired coupon are lost). Her response..."But I have a lot of points on THIS ONE! I guess I won't shop here anymore!" Great! See you next week! By the way, you had a full THREE MONTHS to redeem that coupon, sorry you just couldn't find the time to drop in and use it!


                      • #12
                        This is not why my chain doesn't have any kind of discount card, I'm sure. But in my mind, this is why I have justified that we don't have any kind of discount card.

                        People ask me sometimes, and I just say, "Nope, at ********, we give our sale prices to EVERYBODY "

                        Then I go and upsell them on some batteries, and now it doesn't matter anymore how much they saved
                        "At any time, for any reason and without any warning, a meteor could fall from the sky and kill us all."
                        -- The Meteor Principle

                        Galbadia Hotel - Free Video Game Soundtrack Downloads


                        • #13
                          DesignFox, thanks for the timely reply. You also stated it more calmly than I could have, because I get mad every time I think about it.
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            A few more:

                            •If I ask you for your card and you do not have one, and you do not want one, just say "No, no thank you." I don't give a flying why you don't one, so don't bother explaining that "you don't shop here enough" or that "you don't spend enough" or whatever your stupid reason is. I DO NOT CARE!

                            •A Rewards membership is NOT any of the following: an "account," a "business account," a "business card," a "discount card," or anything else. Your synonyms are incorrect. So please do not tell me right after I greet you that you need me to look your "account" up. Why? Because any type of account or business card will make me think you are talking about a Staples Business Credit card.

                            •On that note, I CAN NOT LOOK UP STAPLES CREDIT CARDS!!!!!!! Why do you think this is possible? It isn't, for wht SHOULD BE obvious reasons, you TWIT!

                            •Don't get cute and try and scan your Rewards card for me. I have to press a button first, otherwise the register will throw an error and go "beepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepb eepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeepbeep!!!!!"

                            •Just what do you think you are going to accomplish by handing me a Rweards keytag that is so completely worn that it's not illegible, but blank? There's nothing to scan in or enter manually. Call the still visible 800-number and request a replacement. In the meantime, please show me the full size card or have me look it up for you.

                            •Having a Rewards Card or being a Rewards member does NOT exempt you from having to show me ID for a return without a receipt.

                            •And no, a Rewards card in no way counts a receipt. I can NOT look up your purchase history with your Rewards card, then give you a refund. No receipt means I need ID, and then you are getting STORE CREDIT ONLY!!!!!!

                            •A Rewards card does NOT exempt you from quanity limits.

                            •And no, neither does a Teacehrs Rewards card.

                            •When I am looking up your card, and ask for "phone number with area code" I mean PHONE NUMBER, WITH AREA CODE!!!!!!! Both the 603 (NH) and 978 (northern MA) have some of the same exchanges, so if you say "646" I can't just divine your area code. I asked for a reason

                            •No, I did NOT ask for you zip code, ziphead.

                            •*GASP* One of the local exchanges is 888!!!!! If your area code is 888, please tell me that explicitly by saying "area code 888." Otherwise, I will assume you are one of those dips that ignored me when I said "area code" and enter area code 603.
                            "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                            RIP Plaidman.


                            • #15
                              •If you do not want to sign up for a Rewards Card, that is just fine with me. I don't get points for this, so I don't care. I certainly don't care about why you don't want one, so dont' tell me. Trust me I've heard them all. "I don't shop here often enough" and "I don't spend enough" are the most popular. They are also poor reasons, since the card is free and you'll get the coupons and free shipping benefits no matter how much you spend. Clearly, you did not listen to me when I explained to you how the card works. Just say "no thank you" and be done with it.
                              "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                              RIP Plaidman.

