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"I Don't Live Here"

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  • "I Don't Live Here"

    I wish people would give us the benefit of the doubt when we sometimes don't know the exact location of items. normally, I would have a general idea where a particular product is in the store and state the isle number.

    some people would gripe when certain items are out: "I'm not coming ever again unless you have (insert product here) by tomorrow!" (bye, don't let the door hit you on the way out).

    I wish I could just state: "look, I don't live here and actually have a life outside of the store. why don't you try it sometimes (going out in the real world, appreciating life, et al.), instead of engorging yourself with $400 of foodstuffs you may or may not consume, ok?"

    I did say that to a fellow coworker, ("I wish I could state 'I don't live here' and they'd let up with the gripes...") and she giggled.
    HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®

  • #2
    Yeah, I have ppl yell at me b/c I don't know what they have in different departments. SORRY, I'm in billing & repair...I can do the occasional sale. However, I can't tell you if Larry the Technician talked to his supervisor & is sending out a colleague to rewire what he flubbed up earlier today. I just wouldn't have that information. *sigh*
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      Quoth Phone Jockey
      Larry the Technician
      Larry the technician + cable = Larry The Cable Guy?

      I found it amusing because he lives like 20 mins from me haha. Small world....
      Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

      Proverbs 22:6


      • #4
        I'm looking forward to seeing Clerks II on either Friday night or Saturday.

        "I'm not even supposed to be here today!"

        HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®


        • #5
          Again as a bartender, I get some similar stuff. Some of it is semi-warranted, but still kinda stupid. Example:

          "Coors Light, please." I'm sorry, we are all out of Coors Light today. "Damn it, what do you mean you are out of it? What kind of bar is this?" Apparently the kind where people drink Coors Light. We do occasionally run out of things, you know. ESPECIALLY on Sundays. But at least that one I can see their point. It is the OTHER people....

          "Apricot Sour please." I'm sorry, we are all out of Apricot Brandy. "What kind of bar is this?" Keep in mind, our hotel has three bars. At two of them, one of which is a pool bar, we have limited selection for liquor, so the more obscure things are not going to be sold. At the main bar, we have a veritable wall of liquor, but even with that, that bar is occasionally going to run out of something, like, say, your favorite denim and asphalt flavored Belgium schnapps! I mean, how often do you think we actually get someone ordering Benedictine, anyway? (Answer: in nine months at the hotel, so far only you.)

          "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
          Still A Customer."


          • #6
            real peanut butter (not the fake stuff)?

            returning to this thread...I find every reason to wonder about some (if not most) patrons thinking we actually live at our workplace (someone jokingly regarding us as robots management deactivates at the end of the night).

            "well, you should know where everything is in here!?!" (no, sorry...don't live here...don't really care...bye ).

            someone yesterday stated that it was rude that she wasn't helped properly by a deli worker...granted, she was looking for chilled peanut butter, not pastrami. anyway, I tried helping her as best I can, and eventually found what she wanted, but she left anyways.

            I think customers should come to the realization that not every worker knows their perspective stores, inside and out (unless you're that rare super associate).
            HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®


            • #7
              I can always at least point somebody in the general direction (assuming I know for sure what department would carry something) but no, I don't know where everything is in this store. It's a Wally World Supercenter, for heaven's sake. I work in softlines. So I don't know what aisle, exactly, the aluminum foil is on.

              Deal, people. Give me a break. Yes, I work here. Yes, I have been here nearly a year. ( ) But I never have time to learn where everything is. I do know softlines pretty well, but not always even that, when they move stuff on my off days and I come in and something isn't where it was two days ago and I have no idea where it is now...I am not an idiot! I was off! Blame the people who think moving everything around to confuse customers and staff is a good idea.


              • #8
                I've had people come into the checkstand,
                SC: Holding up some random item) How much is this?
                Me: I dunno. Let me scan it and I will tell you.

                Like I am going to know the price on every item in the store.......

                Oh, I'm sorry, but I missed our daily complete store directory price memorization meeting this morning. <slap> Bad Checker!

                Be Nice or I'll Make the Sun Go Away.


                • #9
                  Quoth staticradio View Post
                  I think customers should come to the realization that not every worker knows their perspective stores, inside and out (unless you're that rare super associate).
                  At Chesterfield, we had two such super workers.
                  Myself, and TK. He usually knew precisely what movies we had in stock, and I could usually (95+% of the time) take customers directly to the movie without looking it up in the system. Of course, that's because the two of us were the only two who ever really bothered to sort the sections.
                  "I call murder on that!"


                  • #10
                    Quoth batmoody View Post
                    I've had people come into the checkstand,
                    SC: Holding up some random item) How much is this?
                    Me: I dunno. Let me scan it and I will tell you.

                    Like I am going to know the price on every item in the store.......

                    Oh, I'm sorry, but I missed our daily complete store directory price memorization meeting this morning. <slap> Bad Checker!
                    Yeah, I hate having to hear that too. It's like they think we have a list of all the prices of everything in the store. The worse is when you are in the middle of something else oh, like helping another customer.
                    Last edited by rdp78; 09-06-2006, 03:03 AM. Reason: added something
                    Yours truly, Robyn unless your an SC
                    My space


                    • #11
                      Wow, how'd I miss this thread?

                      Anyhoo, I have that issue, also. People are FOREVER asking me if we have certain products and where they're located. I DON'T KNOW. I don't even do all of my grocery shopping there. I can tell you where they keep the soda, chips, microwave popcorn, and other stuff off the top of my head. Other things, I look at the signs at the ends of the aisles and try to figure it out from there. I work in the salad bar, not grocery. I don't know if we have shredded Korean cabbage, and if we DO, in fact, have it, I don't know where it is. Please leave me alone!!!!!!!!!!!
                      Unseen but seeing
                      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                      3rd shift needs love, too
                      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                      • #12
                        Quoth batmoody View Post
                        SC: Holding up some random item) How much is this?
                        My store doesn't have a scanner, we use old-fashioned price guns. That means EVERYTHING has a price tag on it or there is a manufacturers price on the bag/box/bottle/package. THEY.STILL.ASK.
                        USN Retired


                        • #13
                          When I worked for Dollar General years ago, I had that issue come up quite a bit. One day, when I was stocking some electric can openers I had a guest ask me the "How much is this?" question. Now at the time, all of our merchandise was tagged in the same spot, the upper right-hand corner of the package front (or the brand image if its an item like paper towels).

                          I tell the guest to check that area of the item and then get, "Are you trying to be a smartass?"

                          My response, "No ma'am. I don't know all of the prices and that's normally where they are. Is there anything else I can help you with?"
                          "Sigh, I'm going to Hell.....but I'm going with a smile on my face." -- Gravekeeper


                          • #14
                            We only have 10 aisles, so unless it's some funky seasonal thingy, I know where stuff is pretty well, even though I don't stock stuff. A lot of people come find us to ask where things are, I guess because we're a pretty stationary target.

                            What kills me is when floor people send people back our way to find stuff that's up in cosmetics or the front part of the store. Then the customer gets frustrated because they're getting sent back and forth.
                            Gah people, you put this stuff away and spend more time out on the isles than I do, and it's not like we're a huge store, figure it out!


                            • #15
                              sorry, we don't have that...

                              Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                              We only have 10 aisles, so unless it's some funky seasonal thingy, I know where stuff is pretty well, even though I don't stock stuff. A lot of people come find us to ask where things are, I guess because we're a pretty stationary target.

                              What kills me is when floor people send people back our way to find stuff that's up in cosmetics or the front part of the store. Then the customer gets frustrated because they're getting sent back and forth.
                              Gah people, you put this stuff away and spend more time out on the isles than I do, and it's not like we're a huge store, figure it out!
                              It was easier when one could see the back of the place they worked at, and literally read the writing on products (no joke). That job I somewhat miss. Now, I worry if I send people into the rat maze for fun and frolic, only to be disappointed when they don't find their particular piece of cheese (food).
                              HI, I'M NEW TO ALL OF THIS wave of approval ™©®

