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Mystery shopper woes

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  • Mystery shopper woes

    Bi of background. We have no doors. We have 4 shutters, one of which we raise up halfway when we are still closed but someone is in. Only 1 person works an open, usually for the first couple of hours a day on their own.

    My colleague S is notoriously early for her shifts. If she's not there 45 minutes before her shift starts we worry. This does mean that se can take some time to read the paper and eat breakfast before she gets changed and starts work. A couple of months back, S had arrived for an open shift, pulled up the shutter halfway and went into the shop. She had just settled down in the office with her paper and breakfast when...

    <stroppy tones from counter area > "Hello? Hello? This is ridiculous! Hello?!

    My colleague went out to the front counter with a suitably surprised/bemused look on her face.

    "At last! Look, I'm in a rush and I need to pick up my suit. I'm late for work, and you're making me later!"

    Bear in mind that this lady had to practically bend double to get in the shop and had found her way to the counter in total darkness.

    S explained that we didn't open for another 45 minutes, that the tills hadn't started up. But S, being new at the time and worried about getting into trouble said she'd serve her this once as long as it was a credit card payment - there was no float in the tills, and that she wasn't able to give her a receipt unless the customer would wait 10 minutes for the tills to start up.

    "Well, I'm in a rush. you're making me late for work! The receipt doesn't matter. Just get me my stuff and I'll go.

    S said ok and told the lady that if she needed her receipt, she could pop back later and pick it up.

    "Doesn't "in a rush" mean anything to you? Hurry up!"

    So S got the items, took the payment, and began to say something about an offer we were running at the moment as is mandatory...

    "I don't have time for this!" and left, knocking over a display of cameras in her wake.

    S was so worried about it, that she told me all about it when I came in later.

    A couple of days later, we get our mystery shopper report. We get enough details on the report to be able to trace exactly who the shopper was.

    Lo and behold it was Mrs. Impatient. She took marks off for:

    1. No-one manning the counter area when she arrived - why would there be - we are closed!
    2. Unacceptable wait for service - again, closed!
    3. Poor lighting - they were off because maybe we were closed?
    4. Not being able to pay cash
    5. Incorrect uniform - colleague hadn't got changed
    6. Colleague not informing of a current promotion
    7. No receipt

    Worst shopper score EVER - 77% (only that high because we got 100% on her drop off visit) and this cost us our £300 each bonus due to be paid out 2 weeks before Christmas.

    Thankfully after my WTF? and a long long appeal letter, head office backed us up and made a complaint about the mystery shopper. It has taken since October to get a response from them. The customer refused to answer the allegations against her but we had enough evidence in the form of receipts and CCTV.

    She got fired and we each get our bonus tomorrow.

  • #2
    badass, im glad to see sucky secret shops getting their comeupance.
    too many times have people been lied about via SS...
    Cyberpunk mayhem!


    • #3
      what a wench! we don't really seem to have mystery shoppers here in SA, so i can't really relate, but boy i'm glad HO backed you guys up!
      The report button - not just for decoration


      • #4
        MY boss once tried that. He had a friend come in in secret to see how my sales abilities were.

        I too got the store was too dark to see, that I refused to run any form of transaction and that I was unhelpful and refused to show off any of the demo computers.

        In fact the only thing I got as a plus was the fact that I did seem to be able to understand his Chinese accent (my boss was Chinese so I'm used to the accent).

        Boss tries to chew me out but I stopped him cold. I informed him that...

        1. The store was dark because of the great power outage that shutdown the entire eastern seaboard north of Virgina a few years ago (boss knew about but didn't let us go home until we had been there 5 hours in the dark)

        2. The Credit Card machine and the Point of Sales System are both electric and without power I couldn't run either of them. In fact, our POS is setup so that the cash drawer and the POS are on two different keys. I further mentioned that since he has the only key to the cash drawer, the only way I can get to the cash is by keying in a sale or by doing a no sale transaction (this way all openings are logged), neither of which I can do with no power.

        3. I couldn't demonstrait the capabilities of the display computers because (say it with me boys and girls) there was no freaking power.

        I told my boss that while I can appriciate the fact that he wants to make sure his store is giving a high level of quality service to it's customers and can understand his sending in a ringer to test us...just please in the future make sure that you send in a ringer that understands the concept that "Anything that is wired to an electrical power source requires electricity to function and without it we are dead in the water".
        I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


        • #5
          Linda, that secret shopper sucked. A lot. I'm glad she got fired and you guys got your bonus!
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Geez. How crazy.

            It seems that mystery shoppers feel they are entitled to special treatment.

            I'm surprised she didn't pop off with "I'm a mystery shopper and if you don't treat me right, I'm going to give you a bad score! HA!"
            ~*~"If your gift is that of serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, do a good job of teaching." -Romans 12:7~*~


            • #7
              I forgot half way down the detail that this was a mystery shopper on top of all that.

              And I get pissed when someone forgets to lock the doors and some asshat prys open the doors to come in to shop.


              • #8
                Quoth kerrisan View Post
                "I'm a mystery shopper and if you don't treat me right, I'm going to give you a bad score! HA!"
                Dear GOD, kerrisan, don't give anyone any ideas!

                I've dealt with Secret Shoppers, too, but I didn't know about it until later when we were given our evalution (which was a good one, by the by).
                Still hate the buggers.

                "No! You can take the kids, but you leave me my monkey." - WALK HARD: THE DEWEY COX STORY


                • #9
                  My company has the WORST mystery shoppers.

                  Our store is a manager training store, and the last one said that they didn't see a manager on duty...there were FIVE on duty that day! FIVE!

                  We were even mystery shopped on black friiday and the Saturday before Christmas this past season. Two days where its basically impossible to keep the store tidy (ppl just throw stuff everywhere) or get a customer thru the line and out the door in under 5 minutes (and this is with 9 registers running nonstop).

                  Last year, I was helping out and ringing even though I'm not a cashier and I got a negative evaluation for not thanking the customer by name. Why, you ask? She paid cash (unless I'm supposed to thank Mr. Washington on the bill!) and bought a freaking ICED TEA!


                  • #10
                    Thankfully, my company doesn't use Secret Shoppers...SS...hmm... somehow I just got a picture of some *crazy stay at home mom's goosestepping up to the counter...

                    (*not meant to offend those stay at home mom's who are wonderful mothers/people who don't feel they are entitled to the world on a silver platter because hubby provides for them)
                    I will not shove “it” up my backside. I do not know what “it” is, but in my many years on this earth I have figured out that that particular port hole is best reserved for emergency exit only. -GK


                    • #11
                      The worst I've seen one of our goofy mystery shoppers do is actually go to the wrong bank - like not just the wrong branch of our bank . .. a totally different bank company. So we get this report back with people's names we never heard of, and it talked about products we don't offer .. it got tossed out.

                      I always use that as the shining example that it is a waste of everyone's time to use laypersons to evaluate very technical aspects of our job. For example, last person I dealt with, I could even tell within 1 minute she was a mystery shopper she was so clueless as to what she thought she wanted to talk about . .I will give you a hint - if you think you want to talk about 529 plans, I think before you come in that you should at least know on the highest level - they are for college savings. Took points off for my not asking her if she rents or owns her home . . .guess what, I DON'T CARE . . .she wanted to know about college savings plans for what turned out to be a 19 year old grandson (so she says)

                      She took the normal no name tag points off too - which if you miss the sign on my door, and the sign on my desk, and the whole stack of business cards, and the awards and certificates and licenses hanging in the office . .a 1 inch by 2 inch magnet with my name on my shirt isn't going to help you.

                      Our company doesn't tie mystery shopping to bonuses so they are just a waste of time.


                      • #12
                        I swear, back at Chesterfield, we got so many 100%'s on our secret shopper forms, when the store closed, I think the personnel were owed about twenty pizzas... The deal originally was, when we got a 100%, the SM would treat us to pizza. And then, New SM came, and kept putting it off...
                        "I call murder on that!"


                        • #13
                          Jeebus Linda! I was afraid towards the end there that you would have been screwed outta your bonuses. Hurray for happy endings!

                          The story illustrates the problem with allowing SC types to become SSers.
                          -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
                          -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


                          • #14
                            At the pizza place, we knew who all the Mystery Shoppers were, and they were all labeled as such on their computer files. So, whenever one rang up, the words "Mystery Shopper Alert!!!" would flash up on the till screen, and the peon answering the phone would know to act according to plan. We got 100% every time, cept for the one time when the boss answered the phone. Tho, he didn't blame us for his cluelessness; he was a cool boss.
                            People who don't like cats were probably mice in an earlier life.
                            My DeviantArt.


                            • #15
                              This is why...

                              This is why I think sweeping reform is necessary in the mystery shopper business. They need to stop hiring any Tom, Dick, Harry or Jane off the street, and start hiring ONLY qualified candidates, i.e. people with a strong background in retail or customer service. After all, if anyone's going to know what questions to ask and what mistakes to look for, it's going to be someone that's been in the trenches, as it were!

                              Then again, I also think it should be possible for me to be a Full-Time Mystery Shopper, with a good salary, benefits, AND still receive all the free swag!

                              Too bad none of the mystery shopper companies agree with me.
                              "Eventually one outgrows the fairy tales of childhood, belief in Santa and the Easter Bunny, and believing that SCs are even capable of imagining themselves in our position."

