Bi of background. We have no doors. We have 4 shutters, one of which we raise up halfway when we are still closed but someone is in. Only 1 person works an open, usually for the first couple of hours a day on their own.
My colleague S is notoriously early for her shifts. If she's not there 45 minutes before her shift starts we worry. This does mean that se can take some time to read the paper and eat breakfast before she gets changed and starts work. A couple of months back, S had arrived for an open shift, pulled up the shutter halfway and went into the shop. She had just settled down in the office with her paper and breakfast when...
<stroppy tones from counter area > "Hello? Hello? This is ridiculous! Hello?!
My colleague went out to the front counter with a suitably surprised/bemused look on her face.
"At last! Look, I'm in a rush and I need to pick up my suit. I'm late for work, and you're making me later!"
Bear in mind that this lady had to practically bend double to get in the shop and had found her way to the counter in total darkness.
S explained that we didn't open for another 45 minutes, that the tills hadn't started up. But S, being new at the time and worried about getting into trouble said she'd serve her this once as long as it was a credit card payment - there was no float in the tills, and that she wasn't able to give her a receipt unless the customer would wait 10 minutes for the tills to start up.
"Well, I'm in a rush. you're making me late for work! The receipt doesn't matter. Just get me my stuff and I'll go.
S said ok and told the lady that if she needed her receipt, she could pop back later and pick it up.
"Doesn't "in a rush" mean anything to you? Hurry up!"
So S got the items, took the payment, and began to say something about an offer we were running at the moment as is mandatory...
"I don't have time for this!" and left, knocking over a display of cameras in her wake.
S was so worried about it, that she told me all about it when I came in later.
A couple of days later, we get our mystery shopper report. We get enough details on the report to be able to trace exactly who the shopper was.
Lo and behold it was Mrs. Impatient. She took marks off for:
1. No-one manning the counter area when she arrived - why would there be - we are closed!
2. Unacceptable wait for service - again, closed!
3. Poor lighting - they were off because maybe we were closed?
4. Not being able to pay cash
5. Incorrect uniform - colleague hadn't got changed
6. Colleague not informing of a current promotion
7. No receipt
Worst shopper score EVER - 77% (only that high because we got 100% on her drop off visit) and this cost us our £300 each bonus due to be paid out 2 weeks before Christmas.
Thankfully after my WTF? and a long long appeal letter, head office backed us up and made a complaint about the mystery shopper. It has taken since October to get a response from them. The customer refused to answer the allegations against her but we had enough evidence in the form of receipts and CCTV.
She got fired and we each get our bonus tomorrow.
My colleague S is notoriously early for her shifts. If she's not there 45 minutes before her shift starts we worry. This does mean that se can take some time to read the paper and eat breakfast before she gets changed and starts work. A couple of months back, S had arrived for an open shift, pulled up the shutter halfway and went into the shop. She had just settled down in the office with her paper and breakfast when...
<stroppy tones from counter area > "Hello? Hello? This is ridiculous! Hello?!
My colleague went out to the front counter with a suitably surprised/bemused look on her face.
"At last! Look, I'm in a rush and I need to pick up my suit. I'm late for work, and you're making me later!"
Bear in mind that this lady had to practically bend double to get in the shop and had found her way to the counter in total darkness.
S explained that we didn't open for another 45 minutes, that the tills hadn't started up. But S, being new at the time and worried about getting into trouble said she'd serve her this once as long as it was a credit card payment - there was no float in the tills, and that she wasn't able to give her a receipt unless the customer would wait 10 minutes for the tills to start up.
"Well, I'm in a rush. you're making me late for work! The receipt doesn't matter. Just get me my stuff and I'll go.
S said ok and told the lady that if she needed her receipt, she could pop back later and pick it up.
"Doesn't "in a rush" mean anything to you? Hurry up!"
So S got the items, took the payment, and began to say something about an offer we were running at the moment as is mandatory...
"I don't have time for this!" and left, knocking over a display of cameras in her wake.
S was so worried about it, that she told me all about it when I came in later.
A couple of days later, we get our mystery shopper report. We get enough details on the report to be able to trace exactly who the shopper was.
Lo and behold it was Mrs. Impatient. She took marks off for:
1. No-one manning the counter area when she arrived - why would there be - we are closed!
2. Unacceptable wait for service - again, closed!
3. Poor lighting - they were off because maybe we were closed?
4. Not being able to pay cash
5. Incorrect uniform - colleague hadn't got changed
6. Colleague not informing of a current promotion
7. No receipt
Worst shopper score EVER - 77% (only that high because we got 100% on her drop off visit) and this cost us our £300 each bonus due to be paid out 2 weeks before Christmas.
Thankfully after my WTF? and a long long appeal letter, head office backed us up and made a complaint about the mystery shopper. It has taken since October to get a response from them. The customer refused to answer the allegations against her but we had enough evidence in the form of receipts and CCTV.
She got fired and we each get our bonus tomorrow.
