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I just....hate you....

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  • I just....hate you....

    The other day I was paged up to the registers to do a price check. The SC had a stainless steel water bottle from the lunch bag/accessories endcap that rang up $12.99, and she claimed it was $7.99.

    I headed over to the endcap and the SC followed me. I could see immediately the spot where the bottle had come from, and it did indeed come from a spot labeled $7.99. However, the tag quite clearly said it was for the transparent plastic bottles. A couple inches to the left was the sign that said "Stainless steel water bottle $12.99." Either someone had put the bottle in the wrong place or they had moved the sign.

    Me: Oh, I see what happened. This was in the wrong place.

    SC: Yes I know. The tag is for something else.

    I just looked at her.

    SC: But it still says $7.99.

    So let me get this straight. You selected this water bottle from a $7.99 slot, you KNEW that it was in fact $12.99, but you argued for the wrong price anyway?

    Last I checked, that fit the definition of FRAUD.

    She and I made eye contact for just a moment, and I could tell from the look on her face that she knew she'd already won, and that she knew I knew. I briefly considered making a fight of it, but I knew what would happen: she'd complain, a manager would get involved, and they'd just override the price anyway.

    So without another word, I walked back to the register and - with intentional and palpable annoyance - told PortuguesePrincess to just override the price to $7.99, then turned and walked away without looking at or saying anything to the scammer.

    I hate people sometimes.
    "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

    RIP Plaidman.

  • #2
    *offers cookies* Wow. That is some serious EW going on there.
    Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


    • #3
      ...These were the kind of situations where my mean side would just get the better of me...and I would excuse myself... talk to my manager about "So hey this was in the wrong spot and someone wants it for the wrong price.... should we give it to them." And AFTER my manager told me "no" to my face... I would then proceed to sick the customer on them... Even IF I knew the person was going to win in the end... I hate scammers and I love to make their lives difficult.
      "I'm not smiling because I'm happy. I'm smiling because every time I blink your head explodes!"


      • #4
        I get the feeling this lady will be back to do some price scamming

        I haven't had any issues with people like that, only times I have had to price override stuff is when the sale sticker was still up and the sale was over, customer is not to blame on that, just our dumb asses for not taking down sale signs/stickers
        "This job would be great if it wasn't for the f***** customers." - Randell 'Clerks'


        • #5
          Well that is just total BS. People can DO THAT?! REally?! My GOD. SC's have horrible skills. :'(

          I once had a customer claim the management was going to let her have a huge fan for the cost of a table fan. She was coming through express, but I still felt ill at ease and asked her to wait. Management did come around and say they had promised her the new promise so I had an override done (which I couldn't do without Supervisor anyway) and she got her fan.

          However I did not know that his would be The Lady Who Threw The Flowers in my Face!!!!

          Honestly, I reference that so much I should just put it in my signature.
          Hinakiba777- Student of Divinity-Always trying to get laid.

          Annoying student=I pay tuition here so I pay your salary!
          Desk Worker=I pay tuition here, too. So I guess I pay myself.


          • #6
            I would like the name of your store so I can go move stuff around and get a cheaper price. I'd love a new furniture set for my living room and moving it under a tag that said "100.00$" would save me a considerable amount of money.

            These kinds of policies are STUPID. Seriously, "I'm sorry you can't won't read heres half off for your trouble"?
            Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


            • #7
              I must not be as jaded as you, because I still have a little fight left in me. If it were over a dollar, I'd probably give in. Five bucks? Oh I'm going to politely call you a cheat, though I won't use those words. Yes I'll be overridden by management, but if you're going to cheat the store, you're going to work for it.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                I must not be as jaded as you, because I still have a little fight left in me. If it were over a dollar, I'd probably give in. Five bucks? Oh I'm going to politely call you a cheat, though I won't use those words. Yes I'll be overridden by management, but if you're going to cheat the store, you're going to work for it.
                Right? I'm indignant as hell.

                SC: PRICE IS WRONG
                Me: no its not.
                SC: YES IT IS.
                Me: no.
                SC: MANAGER
                Me: well, i tried. We'll meet again.
                Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                • #9
                  Quoth bainsidhe View Post
                  I must not be as jaded as you, because I still have a little fight left in me. If it were over a dollar, I'd probably give in. Five bucks? Oh I'm going to politely call you a cheat, though I won't use those words. Yes I'll be overridden by management, but if you're going to cheat the store, you're going to work for it.
                  I'll factor in whether it looks like an employee screw-up or not too. If its a full case stocked in the wrong spot and the tag hasn't been moved (we have strips with the UPCs of what belongs there under the tags to show that) I'll side with the customer for that order and fix it while cursing to myself about our stock crew.

                  If it looks like an item or two that got dumped, or generic idiocy, then yeah, you're gonna have to go over my head for a price change.


                  • #10
                    i love our store, simply because we don't do this. If item A is obviously a random stray placed on the wrong shelf, we are told to tell the customers that we are not responsible for items misplaced by other customers, and that our pricing is based on the UPC and the tag that matches that UPC only. Its also why all our endsigns always say "selected types", incase people try to pull this switching game we can say "oh, well, this upc isnt a selected type, sorry, SOL.
                    but we are big meanies. or something.

                    Hobby Twitter.


                    • #11
                      Quoth siead_lietrathua View Post
                      i love our store, simply because we don't do this. If item A is obviously a random stray placed on the wrong shelf, we are told to tell the customers that we are not responsible for items misplaced by other customers, and that our pricing is based on the UPC and the tag that matches that UPC only. Its also why all our endsigns always say "selected types", incase people try to pull this switching game we can say "oh, well, this upc isnt a selected type, sorry, SOL.
                      but we are big meanies. or something.
                      My store is the same way; whatever clothes are on sale are marked, in red, on the ticket. Sometimes full price stuff get put on the sales rack, either by a customer or sometimes by other employees who are lazy (whole other story). We cannot, and will not give them the lower price, just because something was put in the wrong spot; if it rings up full price, its not on sale. Most customers are ok with that, but every now and then someone will try and get it for the lower price. We just tell them we go by the SKU and the register; if it rings up full price, that's what it is.

                      The only exception is when, as happens occasionally, something is marked down that shouldn't be. So when it rings up, it comes up full price. Since its our mistake, the customer getis it for the lower price. Then we run and pull any others that are marked down incorrectly, and re-ticket them.


                      • #12
                        Well, there IS a line drawn somewhere. If someone played a tag swap on furniture, there's no way they'd get it for the wrong price, plus it would be easy to detect because when we go to pull that SKU we'll end up with the wrong furniture.

                        I had this argument once with "Steve" my first GM when I started with the company, and he told me that the corporate position is that it isn't worth pissing a customer off over $5 or $10, even if it's plainly obvious that they are in the wrong. If anything, management at my current store is even more easy-going.

                        Trust me, I don't like this one bit. I only gave in because I could tell she was going to make a fight of it and I knew management would cave anyway. This is one reason why I wanted the CSL job because at least then I'd be somewhat empowered to say no to these sorts of people.
                        "We guard the souls in heaven; we don't horse-trade them!" Samandrial in Supernatural

                        RIP Plaidman.


                        • #13
                          Get that often as well. Sadly some customers don't understand that candle isn't a piece of foam and there's no way anyone is going to mark down a $10 candle to .49 cents.
                          Eh, one day I'll have something useful here. Until then, have a cookie or two.


                          • #14


                            "I picked this item up from a shelf of different items that are cheaper so I want it for the cheaper price!" and that WORKS on your boss?!?


                            I can see if it's a sign for the product and the price is wrong, but, but, but a sign for something different?

                            You know, I've been saying that people have been getting dumber and dumber, and some of us managers in the service industry have been helping train people to be dumber.

                            "Really, Mr/Ms Customer, don't bother your little head about what the signs say, or where you are, we'll just let you have or do whatever YOU want, and to buggery f*ck with anybody else."

                            Is the price clearly posted?

                            Does the policy make sense?

                            Then STICK to it! And don't tell your staff to uphold policy, and then throw them under the bus in order to "save the customer." That just makes them think you're a clueless putz.

                            That idiot who says he or she will walk if you don't honor what they think is the price? Let 'em! Let them be your competitor's problem! Let them be your competitor's regular customer! Get 'em out of your staff's hair! They have your rapidly shrinking pool of normal people who need help. Remember them? They're the people waiting and waiting and waiting for you to get Carl Clueless or Olivia Oblivious out of their way.

                            Goodness! That felt good.
                            I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

                            -- Steven Wright


                            • #15
                              Quoth Dave1982 View Post
                              The SC had a stainless steel water bottle from the lunch bag/accessories endcap that rang up $12.99, and she claimed it was $7.99.

                              I headed over to the endcap and the SC followed me. I could see immediately the spot where the bottle had come from, and it did indeed come from a spot labeled $7.99. However, the tag quite clearly said it was for the transparent plastic bottles. A couple inches to the left was the sign that said "Stainless steel water bottle $12.99." Either someone had put the bottle in the wrong place or they had moved the sign.

                              Me: Oh, I see what happened. This was in the wrong place.

                              SC: Yes I know. The tag is for something else.
                              "Well, if you know the tag is for something else, what makes you think you can get this item for that item's price?" Seriously,
                              Quoth siead_lietrathua View Post
                              i love our store, simply because we don't do this. If item A is obviously a random stray placed on the wrong shelf, we are told to tell the customers that we are not responsible for items misplaced by other customers, and that our pricing is based on the UPC and the tag that matches that UPC only.
                              Our store does that too, because it's only too easy to misplace merchandise in our store (accidently or on purpose). It's too easy to put the Egyptian Cotton ($6.99 / yd) in with the Broadcloth ($2.99 / yd) and for an SC to try to get it for the cheaper Broadcloth price. We just point to what the label on the bolt says, point to what the sign says, tell them the Egyptian Cotton is not the Broadcloth and cannot be sold for the Broadcloth price just because someone misplaced it on the wrong shelf.
                              I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                              My LiveJournal
                              A page we can all agree with!

