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Let's do the Time WAAARP Again or Paging Dr. WHO

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  • Let's do the Time WAAARP Again or Paging Dr. WHO

    yet another few tales of SC time and space

    If you are waiting for food.....

    and it has not arrived within a reasonable amount of time based on the estimated delivery time, DO NOT wait 90+ minutes after that ETA to finally call in and wonder where your food is. BONUS: Also make SURE your give us a VALID WORKING phone number AND you correct address

    New customer calls in and orders several orders of wings. CSR gets the details of phone # and address. CSR also verifies that that the phone # and address are valid. order gets made and a driver ATTEMPTS to deliver it. No one home when driver gets there. driver attempts to call the customer and .....

    NOT a working phone number. 90 minutes AFTER the delivery attempt customer calls up asking where their order is. CSR explains the situation to the customer ie. no one home ande a bad phone number. CSR ALSO gets a supposed valid working number with the customer saying to call them when we get there as their apt buzzer is out of order. order is remade and I get this delivery. get to the address and........ I call the "new number" and it is out of service or has been disconnected. OK try the buzzer. the person answering the door has NOT ordered from us. wrong address. I call in to the store and report what happened and then head back to the store.

    as soon as I get back we get a call from the customer wondering where his food is as he has been waiting outside for 30 minutes. MOD explains to the person about the invalid phone numbers and incorrect address. finally get valid address

    Squeezing Time

    Customer places an internet order around 10:05pm and is given a 35 minute delivery ETA (this is important later).

    Now we got a little backed up but we are still getting orders out as fast as we can. I answer the phone (at about 10:44pm) and it is the above customer calling.

    Cust: Yes I would like to know where my order is. I placed an order over an hour ago.
    RM OK what is your phone #
    Cust: 123-4567
    RM (looks up order on dispatch screen). I see that that order is currently dispatched and on the road. it should be there shortly but I do see that you did place this order only 35 or 40 minutes ago.
    Cust: blrgglew alklajoitrlk45;lk <click>


    about a year ago my store started to stay open 1 hour later than we used to. in order to promote this we offered an after 10pm special of a large 1 top pizza for $6.99. we did lots of box toppers type flyers and some media adverts to promote this. somewhere around November we stopped offering this special as the $10 pizza special was just around the corner. all of the flyers we had left were disposed of never to be seen again

    tonight a person at one of the local manfacturing plants calls in to place an order. they want the after 10pm special.

    Cust: we just of one of the flyers that says you offer an after 10pm special for a llarge 1 topping pizza for $6.99.
    RM: I am sorry but that promotion ended about 8 months ago
    Cust: BUT we just got one of the flyers 2 weeks ago!!!!!!
    RM: as I said that promotion ended in November of LAST year.
    Cust: BUT we just got one of the flyers 2 weeks ago!!!!!!
    RM: I am sorry but we have not had those flyers in 8 months
    Cust: BUT we just got one of the flyers 2 weeks ago!!!!!!
    RM: I am sorry but that promotion is no longer valid
    Cust: BLARGGLEWlkjd;l ;klajhd;klfjasdkl;f
    I'm lost without a paddle and headed up SH*T creek.
    -- Life Sucks Then You Die.

    "I'll believe corp. are people when Texas executes one."

  • #2
    I wonder where they got the flyer; probably found it on the desk under some old paperwork and thought "ooohhhh..."
    "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


    • #3
      Quoth LillFilly View Post
      I wonder where they got the flyer; probably found it on the desk under some old paperwork and thought "ooohhhh..."
      Yeah, that's kinda what I was thinking. I tend to forget about coupons like that and find them months later in a drawer ... But I would not attempt to get the special months later! I'm assuming there was an expiration date on there...?

      Now I want a pizza....
      When you start at zero, everything's progress.


      • #4
        Quoth MoonCat View Post

        Now I want a pizza....
        Hot wingssssss *drool*
        Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


        • #5
          Quoth Racket_Man View Post
          Let's do the Time WAAARP Again or Paging Dr. WHO
          I will never go to school!


          • #6
            I like SC time for 2 reasons:

            A) It amuses me how out of proportion with reality it always is, and
            B) It's generally so easy to call them on it and back it up with proof.

            But like I mentioned in another thread, I'm very seriously considering starting a collection of catbuttface photos.
            Aliterate : A person who is capable of reading but unwilling to do so.

            "A man who does not read has no advantage over a man who cannot" - Mark Twain

