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What just happened?

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  • What just happened?

    Hi, this is my first time posting. I found the site a few days ago and have been reading it quite a bit.

    Some information about my job.. I work in a pharmacy that is located inside a store of the largest retailer in the country. I've had this job for a little over a month and a half.

    Today was a short day and was going very well. Nearly all of my customers were great and I was in a good mood. It was 20 mins til the end of my shift and I was putting prescriptions in clear bags and hanging them behind the registers. As I was hanging them, this happened:

    SC: Sucky Customer
    Me: Me
    CW: Coworker

    SC: "Here you go" (holds out item for me to check out)
    Me: (Turns around puzzled, sees item) "Ok!" (Smile)

    I walk over to put the bags that I hadn't yet hung up, back in the bin. The bin is maybe 5 feet from where I was. After putting them in the bin, I turn to check out the customer, who was quickly walking away.

    Me: (Not knowing what's happening) "Ma'am!!?? I can check you out here!!"
    SC: "Nevermind"
    Me: "Umm??" I look at the Pharmacist on duty, and say "What happened??"

    She doesn't know. A coworker asks me what's going on. I explain as much as I can.

    A few minutes later, SC returns.

    SC: "Where's the main pharmacist?"
    CW: "He's gone home for the night. He'll be back in the morning."
    SC: "What's his name?"
    CW: "John*"
    SC: (looks at me) "and DAZE"
    CW: (at SC)

    My coworker told me not to worry about it and that she will back me up if anything comes of the situation. Nothing will though. Some of my coworkers have gotten into arguments with SCs. I didn't even get to speak to mine.

    *-Name changed

  • #2
    Welcome to the boards, and I'm sorry you had to endure that SC.
    Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


    • #3
      Welcome Daze.

      Theres a quite a few Pharm Techs on the boards for you to commiserate with.

      Oh, and im sure youll be reported for not being a mind reader. Lol.


      • #4
        Quoth Amina516 View Post
        Theres a quite a few Pharm Techs on the boards for you to commiserate with.
        Not to mention at least one pharmacist... Welcome aboard.


        • #5
          I work in a pharmacy that is located inside a store of the largest retailer in the country.
          If it's the Hall of Tarts, you have my sympathy, yet I am sure we will enjoy your stories!

          Welcome, and don't let the idiots get you down. Most of your are on meds, too - should be fun!
          "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


          • #6
            I'm gonna guess because you didn't drop whatever you had in your hands (after all those bags magically hang themselves, don'tcha know?) and give your full attention to the customer. Or some such nonsense. I mean, how dare you work!
            Random conversation:
            Me: I think I get why Zoro wears a bandana
            DDD: Cuz it's cool

            So, by using the Doctor's reasoning, bow ties, fezzes and bandanas are cool.

