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We don't give airline discounts.

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  • We don't give airline discounts.

    Our hotel does a lot of business with a certain airline that flies in and out of our airport. I believe they get a good rate on their rooms, or their company pays for their rooms (I'm a bartender, I don't know this front desk stuff!), but I DO know that we do NOT give discount to airline employees at our restaurant or our bars. I know this because (a) I have asked in the past when I was uncertain, (b) I have been told repeatedly by the higher ups that we don't, and (c) because now I am a Supervisor and know such things. I also have made it clear to my serving staff in the restaurant that we Do Not Give Airline Employee Discounts. Our prices are already rather low for this pricey island, so we don't feel that we NEED to give discounts. End of story, right? Of course not. This would be if it were!

    I was working the bar at the restaurant the other day, and the phone rings. We run our room service out of the restaurant, so we have to answer the phone, as it could be one of those calls. The following conversation ensued....

    JESTER: "Good afternoon, thanks for calling Hotel's New Restaurant, this is Jester speaking, how may I help you?"
    AIRLINER: "Yes, I'd like to order some food."
    JESTER: "Is this for room service?"
    AIRLINER: "No, I am going to come down and pick it up."
    JESTER: "Okay, what would you like."
    AIRLINER: [orders food]
    JESTER: "Alrighty, that's [repeats order], that'll be about 10-15 minutes, and the total is $12.15."
    AIRLINER: "Oh, I work for Annoying Airlines."
    JESTER: "Ookkkaaaaay...." [knowing where this is heading]
    AIRLINER: "I get a discount."
    JESTER: "I'm sorry sir, we don't offer an airline employee discount."
    AIRLINER: "Are you sure?"
    JESTER: "Yes, sir. I have asked in the past, and have been told in no uncertain terms that we do not offer such a discount. Also, I am a Supervisor here. I am quite certain."
    AIRLINER: "Can you ask someone?"
    JESTER: "Sir, I just told you that we do not now, nor have we ever offered such a discount. If we did, I would be happy to offer it to you."
    AIRLINER: "Well, they gave me a discount yesterday at breakfast."
    [Note: doubtful. I have beaten into the service staff that we offer no such discount.]
    JESTER: "Sir, I do not work breakfast, and I cannot comment on what they did or did not do yesterday, but I need to repeat that we really do not offer an airline employee discount. I apologize for any misunderstanding this may have caused."
    AIRLINER: "Whatever. I know they gave me a discount, but whatever."

    And he hangs up. Fine. I ring up his food, all $12 of it, and look forward with bated breath to his arrival. Does he arrive and argue with me more as expected? Surprisingly, no. He goes into the lobby, mugs one of my servers as they are going from the kitchen to the restaurant, and makes the server bring him his food and his check so that this FEW (Flying Entitlement Whore) doesn't have to get up off his lazy ass to get his nondiscounted food.

    Never has the word "ass monkey" seemed more appropriate to me.

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."

  • #2
    I love how customers TELL YOU how to do your job & tell you what you should know. Aren't they smart? >
    The universe is mostly empty space, and so is your job. ~Dilbert


    • #3
      I believe that those kind of people are known as "armchair quarterbacks".


      • #4
        I also love how even after you told him you were certain about the non-discount AND told him you were a supervisor, he still asked is there was someone else you could ask.

        Heh, Annoying Airlines...


        • #5
          Don't you just HATE that invisible employee named Someone?
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            This Someone actually wasn't that mysterious.
            This Someone that he referred to was actually my Boss.
            Because I made a foolish error and actually mentioned to Mr. Annoying Airlines that I had previously asked my Boss about this very thing, and my Boss had said no. But apprently Mr. Annoying Airlines wanted me to ask the same person the same question yet again. Assuming that the rules had changed, or did not for some reason apply to him.

            The only silver lining to these Unfriendly Skies was the fact that I never had to deal with this ass monkey in person.

            "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
            Still A Customer."


            • #7
              Next time, ask if you get a discount with Annoying Airlines. No discount for me? Then what are you complaining about?
              -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
              -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"

