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You make me want to do a Pavi on you...(language)

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  • You make me want to do a Pavi on you...(language)

    ...minus the happyfunbedtime part that is.

    ACC = Assclown Customer (one step above SC, at least tha day)
    G4 = ......Me. (Points if you guess what the G stands for, and hint, it has to do with a name in the title)
    TM = CSM, aka supervisor
    TM2 = CSM number 2

    ACC is coming through my line and hands me a tax-exempt card. For those of you not in the know, this is a card given to businesses who intend to resell the products they are buying, charities, or churches (and other organizations).

    All is well until we get to the deodorant, which he has a bunch of. They're 2-packs that go for, we'll say, $5.

    ACC: Those were supposed to be $2.50!
    G4: I'll get a CSM to go check for you.

    I've been through this a jillion times before and nine out of ten times the SC (or in this case, ACC) was wrong. So I just call TM.

    TM is a decent sort, she just has this dull voice that reminds me of a certain office person, that makes getting bad news almost okay because of how monotone her voice is.

    TM: What's the problem?
    G4: He says these are supposed to be $2.50. They're coming up $5.
    TM: Okay, I'll be right back.

    She returns a few minutes later, to say that no, they are not $2.50 but as a courtesy he can have one of each kind (as he had several different kinds). I ring them up, the three, at $2.50 and begin to put the others aside.

    ACC: I want those!
    G4: At regular price? TM said you can only--
    ACC: It was my understanding they were ALL going to be $2.50!!

    I put in another code to call TM, but get TM2 instead.

    TM2: What is it?
    G4: Can I get TM, please? She was just over here.

    I did this because I didn't want TM2 caving to Mr. ACC.

    TM2: Okay.

    She leaves and TM comes back.

    At this point, TM begins to try and politely discuss with ACC that no, she did NOT say he could have them all for $2.50. It goes on like this until ACC goes off and brings back $6 2-packs.

    That's right. The others were $5, and he tried to negotiate them all down to $2.50. When that didn't work he picked up $6 ones!

    I spent nearly an hour dealing with this fucking dillhole (I'm sorry, my brain assigned that word to him. ) and...well, what more is to be said?
    My Guide to Oblivion

    "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."

  • #2
    Custo-moos only hear what they want to hear & then get pissed when their "reality" doesn't mesh with the real world.


    • #3
      luigi would be faster, just sayin. unless i got the referance wrong

      Hobby Twitter.


      • #4
        You got it right.

        Luigi would be faster...but more merciful. Can't have that can we?
        My Guide to Oblivion

        "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


        • #5
          Quoth Tama View Post
          You got it right.

          Luigi would be faster...but more merciful.

          all that Rage-I doubt he's be merciful.....
          Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


          • #6
            He'd die faster, therefore, more merciful. Sure it would be painful, but likely quick.
            My Guide to Oblivion

            "I resent the implication that I've gone mad, Sprocket."


            • #7
              yeah, but do you REALLY wanna wander around with SC faces on?

              Hobby Twitter.


              • #8
                Eh, Nathan would get right to the point. But I'm not paying for this guy's organs.

