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A shoplifting technique to behold.....

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  • A shoplifting technique to behold.....

    In the summer, I was lucky (?) enough to observe what has to be a very original way to get away with some free clothing.
    I was at the cash desk with another colleague, when a teenage girl walked into the shop, wearing some very microscopic short shorts, a bra and trainers. We were both standing there, mouths haging open, going 'WTH is she doing just walking around wearing so little?'
    We then had a few customers to serve, so we didn't have the opportunity to discuss it for a little while. It didn't occur to me until about twenty minutes later that neither of us had seen her come back out of the shop (we only have one entrance)....hahahaa. Of course she had left the shop...just she must have relied on us not remembering anything else about her, and put on a T shirt or something, and just walked out.
    Even then, and especially not now, I couldn't tell you anything about this girl - not the length or colour of her hair, what colour the shorts or the shoes were, nothing.
    It's a great technique (one I may have to steal some day - KIDDING!)

  • #2
    Happens more frequently than you might think.

    We will sometimes have people come in and steal shoes by putting the new ones on and leaving their old ones in the box. While this will sometimes set off the alarms by the exits (one shoe out of the pair has a security tag on it, if they cost more than a certain amount), but 9 times out of 10 people don't think anything of the alarms going off because it happens so frequently.

    People will also do this with jackets or shirts or pants. Unless LP has been watching the thief the whole time, it's hard to catch.
    Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

    "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


    • #3
      Ed Masry: What makes you think you can walk in there and take anything you want?
      Erin Brockovich: They're called boobs, Ed.
      Some days, it's just not worth chewing through the restraints...

