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Batpoo Crazy Woman in Pharmacy DT

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  • Batpoo Crazy Woman in Pharmacy DT

    So I was working the drive-thru at Drugstore Work today, and we had a customer with a complex set of problems at the window. Ideally, she'd have come inside, but she had just left the hospital and was in pain and dressed in PJs. So, we were doing our best to help her through the window. The situation was complex enough that every time I went back to the window to relay a piece of information, she had another question that I then had to go get an answer to. No biggie, really; there was no one behind her for most of this time.

    In the last couple minutes before she was done, another lady drove up behind Just Left Hospital Lady in the DT. We'll call this second lady Batpoo Crazy Lady, because after waiting just one or two minutes, she barreled around Just Left Hospital's car, kerthunking up over a couple of curbs, then parked and came into the store.

    As it happened, I finished with Just Left Hospital's order right then and had the "privilege" of waiting on Batpoo Crazy when she came into the store.

    "I just about tore up my car out there on your curb!" she chastised me.

    I was still flabbergasted enough that I had forgotten to put on my politeness hat, and said something like "Yeah, I was wondering what was up with that."

    She just harrumphed, and I recovered myself and said "I apologize for the wait; the customer ahead of you had a lot of questions."

    "Well, I could see that," retorted Batpoo. "It was only my blood pressure medication," she added, in a really sarcastic tone.

    Afterward--though I don't as a rule speculate about how people came to have the medical issues they have--I couldn't help but wonder whether her anger management problem was contributing to her high blood pressure... The boss mentioned that she is pretty much never happy with anything.

  • #2
    I love the screen name. I think Batpoo Lady's real name should be Control Freak Lady.
    "Is it hot in here to you? It's very warm, isn't it?"--Nero, probably


    • #3
      heh, reminds me of a story my brother told me once. Girl comes up to get her prescriptions filled and her card is expired. She starts yelling at my brother but he can't do anything about it so she gets on the phone to her mom and starts yelling and cussing her out. While she's doing this, my brother looks down at her prescriptions to see what she's getting filled. Valtrex and Valium. So, not only did she just find out she had herpes, she had a panic attack about it.

      For my brother, it took the situation from irritating to amusing.
      "I'm starting to see a pattern in the men I date" - Miss Piggy, Muppet Treasure Island

      I'm writing!! Check out the blog.


      • #4
        "Yes, well, unfortunately, the lady who was ahead of you wanted to know if the medication she was taking to ameliorate the effects of her chemotherapy would interfere with the antibiotics she was on for her resistant-strain lung infection; I had to point out that while there was no conflict, she would have to postpone her diabetes amputation for another two weeks..."

        I know this is an impossible scenario in the pharmacy profession, but I've sometimes found that where reason fails, guilt sometimes wins.

        Love, Who?


        • #5
          Gotta love how she tries to lay the blame on you for the car. Like somebody forced her to drive over the curb. Nutcase.
          When you start at zero, everything's progress.


          • #6
            "It was only my blood pressure medication,"
            And so?

            it doesn't magically make the person ahead of you have less questions.

            perhaps her blood pressure would be better if she calmed down somewhat. i can't imagine that jumping curbs is going to help her keep it low...


            • #7
              Quoth PepperElf View Post
              perhaps her blood pressure would be better if she calmed down somewhat. i can't imagine that jumping curbs is going to help her keep it low...
              If it was me behind her? ITS ONLY MY PSYCHIATRIC MEDICINE *stares*

              You don't even have to say what you're on meds for. Xanax is a psychiatric medicine. People still get uncomfortable standing in line with you all the sudden.
              Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


              • #8

                I'm so happy that virtually all the prescriptions at our house are filled via a mail-in/on-line pharmacist. Makes things so much easier and you don't have to deal with other "people".


                • #9
                  Quoth Whiskey View Post
                  If it was me behind her? ITS ONLY MY PSYCHIATRIC MEDICINE *stares*

                  You don't even have to say what you're on meds for. Xanax is a psychiatric medicine. People still get uncomfortable standing in line with you all the sudden.
                  Or when you start singing "Is It Peace Or Is It Prozac?".
                  I am not an a**hole. I am a hemorrhoid. I irritate a**holes!
                  Procrastination: Forward planning to insure there is something to do tomorrow.
                  Derails threads faster than a pocket nuke.

