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A few classics today. Woo boy.*language, medium spicy with a hint of cilantro*

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  • A few classics today. Woo boy.*language, medium spicy with a hint of cilantro*

    Ok, numbnutts number 1 goes like this:

    We open at 10, this boogerbrain calls at 10:30ishlikekindayeah and asks me if we still do subwoofer repairs in store. Here's the convo

    FT: F---Tard
    Me: The brilliant, selfless, gallant, charming, and with looks that would make Clark Gable seem like Carrot Top, Me. (okay, I exaggerated, I'm not selfless.)

    FT: Do you guys still do in-store repairs for subwoofers and such?

    Me: I don't believe we do, sir, but let me ask a coworker.

    Coworker(to me):No, we don't do that. Too many idiots burned themselves with soldering irons or other retarded issues.

    Me(after thanking the customer for holding): Yeah, we don't do that.

    FT: Yeah? Yeah??? You don't say yeah.....

    Me: I'm sorry sir?

    FT: You don't say "Yeah, we dont" you say, " No we dont", but it's ok, I'll let it slide. (well you're a fucking saint sir. I must say. Mother Theresa feels threatened)

    Meas politely as humanly fucking possible) Sir, I really, really do not see why the grammar means anything, and last time I checked, it was a perfectly grammatically ok speech style to continue a previous thought by agreeing with it. (By saying yeah, i was agreeing with my previous statement of "I dont think we do." The yeah confirms it jackass. Oh, and yeah, I DID go to public school you presumptious cockblow.)

    This only blows my mind because I just don't see how insulting my grammar was at all necessary in this till-the-end, normal, exchange. Why? For the love of all things that don't hurt my spleen, why?

    Einstein's Heir #2

    We tend to get alot of what we call snowbirds this time of year. (Snowbird: ANyone from up north who comes down for the winter....pretty much self explanatory for the most part. I hate em too, usually.)

    This gentleman happens to be from France. (Great, my most FAVORITE country in the whole damn world, and I know since I'm american, they friggin love me over there.... ) While I'm replacing his batteries (as he continues throughout this process to tell me how to do his job, asshole....) he decides he'd like to tell me his opinion of the United States Military (I happen to be a discharged United States Marine, thank you.), and the war in Iraq. Those who know me know I fought for free speech and everyone's rights, but there's an unwritten rule about not discussing politics, and religion in public, for mindnumbingly obvious reasons. This particular European counterpart of my wonderful human race must not have gotten the fucking memo.

    After about ten minutes of this, I respectfully inform him that I was a member of the military. What occurs next blows my mind...including my response.

    FG: French Gentleman(we'll give him the benefit of the doubt on the gentleman title, being as he probably didn't mean it maliciously, but fuck him anyways)
    Me: You.

    FG: Well son, it's a good thing you got out of there, that whole thing is a lost cause.

    Me: Sir? May I ask what exactly, is a lost cause?

    FG: The military, the war, everything. It's all gonna be a failure, they didn't want that democracy, they didn't want us there. Saudi Arabia hates us (blah blah fucking blah, thank you JOhn Goddamned Kerry. You gonna show me some fucking purple hearts next?)

    Me: (no political discussion is meant to be started by this, take it to fratching please, this was just my response off my head) Sir, with all due respect, I don't think that me fighting in defense of the freedom that you have to say what you just did seems like a lost cause to me. In fact I did it because I believe so much in it. The war? Sir, are you even aware that their voter turnout is better than ours? And they had flipping death threats?(specifically, there were fliers laying around threatening the spilling of their childrens' blood in the streets if they voted) people voted anyways, does that make you think they want it? Do you think the American military appreciates it that so many people don't even appreciate the sacrifice they're making so you can give an underpaid and overworked retail worker who never makes enough to deal with the stuff he does so much crap he wants to commit hari-kari?

    FG: Well, it's still a waste of time, and you Americans think you're better than everyone else, and you should be ashamed of yourself for pushing democracy on people. You're all selfish pigs.

    Me: Sir, I'd request respectfully that you leave my store, but see, here in America, you have a choice. Guess what sir? Someone had to die for that. Yeah, we're selfish. Get out.

  • #2
    Quoth DarthRetard View Post
    Why? For the love of all things that don't hurt my spleen, why?
    Wow. Not only are you hilarious, but you also have just made the greatest, most subtle Chris Simms reference EVER! And not many people can say that!

    "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
    Still A Customer."


    • #3
      Well my family has served in the military for generations, and I myself would be in iraq in about three months had it not been for the discharge. Let me tell you I'd gladly go because of my beliefs, and it just threw me off that he'd say that in public...


      • #4
        guy is an asshat

        The guy was a total asshat for a) political ranting to a random stranger then a much bigger asshat for b) continuing after it was obvious you didn't want to discuss it with him.

        Some here probably know how i stand on the issue, but I won't get into it


        • #5
          Quoth DarthRetard View Post
          This gentleman happens to be from France. (Great, my most FAVORITE country in the whole damn world, and I know since I'm american, they friggin love me over there.... )
          It's not Americans the French don't like... it's more or less anybody not-French. They're not overly fond of us, either.

          Not that you seem any less inclined to dismiss entire nations in one derogatory sentence than you judge other people for doing. Want to make a stab at me for being German, while you're at it?
          You gotta polish a memory like a stone. Chip off the parts that remind you it was just a game. Work it until it's indistinguishable from any other memory.


          • #6
            Honestly I feel that the way things are going on in Iraq we are in a bit of a quagmire. I am half tempted to write Dubya and thank him for explaining to me the concept of Vietnam and could he please knock off the show and tell.

            I'm all for letting the troops do what we trained them to do and unleash hell. Find all of these people who are shooting out people, bombing their own cities and people and hunt them down like the mangey curs they are.

            I think we'd be safer, Iraq would be safer and the voters wouldn't have to fear reprisals for voting.

            But that's just me.
            Last edited by NightAngel; 01-08-2007, 06:34 PM.
            I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


            • #7
              Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
              Honestly I feel that the way things are going on in Iraq we ar ein a bit of a quagmire. I am half tempted to write Dubya and thank him for explaining to me the concept of Vietnam and could he please knock off the show and tell.

              I'm all for letting the troops do what we trained them to do and unleash hell. Find all of these people who are shooting out people, bombing their own cities and people and hunt them down like the mangey curs they are.

              I think we'd be safer, Iraq would be safer and the voters wouldn't have to fear reprisals for voting.

              But that's just me.
              As the OP mentioned, this type of discussion belongs over at Fratching, not here.
              Sometimes life is altered.
              Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
              Uneasy with confrontation.
              Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


              • #8
                Quoth Canarr View Post
                It's not Americans the French don't like... it's more or less anybody not-French.
                As Eddie Izzard says "They're just kind of ...fucking French."


                • #9
                  I have to come to the defense of the French-in-general here. The city-dwelling French give the whole country a bad name, but I found the people living out in the countryside some of the nicest folks I can name. I even met one old fellow who was part of the resistance during WWII. He was quite probably the most interesting person I have ever spoken to, even if it was through a traslator.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.


                  • #10
                    If you want to beat up on a nation, wander off to Fratching, please. Let's keep it to the essence, which is that a customer was sucky for going on about politics to someone who was working.



                    • #11
                      OK, before things get nasty, can we quit bashing the French please? Yes, there might be a few rude French people...but that's true everywhere.
                      Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                      • #12
                        Wow. Just because you may not agree with the policies of the powers that be does not give you the right to come down on those who serve. I personally don't feel we belong in Iraq, at least not any more, but that should be beside the point. The point is that servicemen (and women) are doing what their country has asked of them, and that should be honored. Yes, perhaps our policies are misplaced, but that's not your responsibility.

                        And I for one do thank you for performing your duties so that I may have the right to say the above. If not for the service of people like you, I wouldn't be able to even question the government's policies.

                        Sir, I thank you for your service to your country. And to those who feel they have the right to come down on you for that, well, they just don't understand what this country is about.
                        I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


                        • #13
                          I hated it when customers would keep talking to me about politics, and I knew they did it because I couldn't say anything to them.

                          I was also on the receiving end of some nasty remarks on race issues (I'm white, so they seemed to assume I would just agree with whatever they said).

                          They were so Barbara Bush in their attitudes.
                          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
                          HR believes the first person in the door
                          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
                          Document everything
                          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


                          • #14
                            My apologies, to all. I didn't intend to bash the entire French nation, as this was really just in the heat of a rant made in the heat of the moment. I'm a very passionate person, and I don't hate any races/creeds/anything/(except the Dutch, jk.)

                            I do not hate the French, I just hate some of the typical french attitudes, and how I am viewed. I must say, when it comes down to it, i always owe the French thanks, because they bailed our asses out in the American Revolution, so thank you to the good french people. (this is not sarcasm in any way, shape or form, i swear.)

                            I don't need to be thanked, really, but I do appreciate it. There are gonna be some jerks everywhere. This gentleman was one of them. I know for a fact that Americans can have a very abrasive, "We-Kick-Ass because of actions 60 years ago that the new generations take all the credit for."

                            So to be honest, it was just some venting that may have had some out-of-hand comments. To all offended I do apologize. For the record, I myself am German-Irish. I drink and have a bad temper.

                            For those who may not know me well(most of you), I'm someone who's always been picked on because of stereotypes and such. You know, being a nerd, being short, being perceived as weak therefore, and being beaten for being white. So my way of dealing with it thus far has just been to deal with life in stereotypes. I mean it all in fun. I really do. Please don't take offense, but those who I have offended, it has been duly noted, please accept my apology. thank you. And to the gentleman who was from France, "Fuck You."


                            • #15
                              me me pick me!!!!-"I'll be your lightning rod of hate!"

                              Now let's see who gets that quote

                              BlaqueKatt-feeling kinda Smarmy today(I like the word Smarmy)
                              Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes

