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I'm off the clock, loser

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  • I'm off the clock, loser

    I was up to my butt in paperwork, as is usual for me on a MOnday, when the girl from the Garden Centre area came in.
    She had a guy at the returns counter with a wheelbarrow, and apparently, he was claiming that he got two different wheels. This was a style with two wheels instead of just the one wheel in front.

    She said the guy was ranting that he wanted a replacement for it. We had no more in stock, and he was arrogant from the beginning, saying he wanted them to give them one from another type of wheelbarrow, or just a free generic replacement wheel from our stock.

    I know nothing about wheelbarrows. Why this got tossed in my lap is beyond me.
    Before I dealt with the guy, I wanted to verify which type of wheel was supposed to come with the unit. He was claiming that one had a tube and the other didn't.

    I called the buyer at our head office, and he wasn't a lot of help. He was pretty sure that both wheels should have had a tube in them. He offered to call or email the company.
    I quickly went to their website and found the unit, and read the specs, which said "pneumatic tire". I assumed that to mean there was a tube in them.
    I called the manufacturer hten, and they offered to send me a replacement wheel kit. I thanked them, and said I hadn't yet talked to the customer, so once I did, and could confirm for myself exactly what the problem was, I would be calling back.

    So, I was probably about 5-7 minutes.
    I went to the service desk, and was told that the guy had gone, but he left one wheel behind. He claimed he had an appointment and couldn't wait, and he would be back in an hour.

    The wheel was sitting on the counter, and it was entirely caked in drying mud. The guy hadn't even bothered to clean it up.
    I said to the girls that one wheel was no good to me, as I needed to see both wheels in order to make a comparison.

    So, the day went on, and as of 4:00, my time to go home, the guy was not back.

    I had punched out, and was just on my way out when I was informed that I had been paged to the service desk.

    I wish I had just kept walking and pretended I didn't hear the page.
    The guy was an absolute asshole.

    There I was, with my coat in my hand, obviously done my shift. I was very polite, and I said, "Oh yes. You have a problem with your wheelbarrow. I'm just a little confused as to what the exact problem is, though..."
    I was about to add, "because I didn't get a chance to talk to you before you left" and he butted in with a very snotty, arrogant attitude, saying, "Can you not see there's no tube in this tire?" as if to say, "Are you stupid?"

    He was snapping at the rim, holding it up in a way that was really nasty, saying, "See? No tube? Now, if you will just give me another one, then I can go home. I was here before, and waited 15 minutes for you to come out."
    (Now that was crap, unless he had waited a long time before they actually decided to involve me in the whole mess.)

    I said, "Sir, I was on the phone trying to get information from the company. They have no idea how you ended up with 2 different wheels, and they were willing to send you a new kit. I told them that I hadn't actually seen it with my own eyes, and when I understood exactly what was wrong, I would get back to them. Now, before you got a little snippy with me, I was about to tell you this."

    He started mouthing, and I started to reply to something to explain, and he said, "Don't interrupt me."

    I said, "Sir, we will try to replace it from stock if we have a suitable match..."
    He butted in again saying, "All wheelbarrow tires are the same. Just give me one. It's a very simple solution," and he walked over to the shelf and grabbed two different wheels. Now, if all wheels are the same, then why do we have to order specific wheel kits for specific units, and why do we have a selection of replacement wheels?

    I decided I was done.
    It's not even my damned department and I was off the clock.
    I got the girl who manages that area, and I explained it to her that the company was willing to simply ship a replacement wheel kit to the guy, but it would be a day or so. She stood there like a deer in headlights, and I couldn't go away leaving that asshole running at the mouth.

    The guy was getting continuously arrogant, and had such an attitude.
    He said, "I bought a $249 wheelbarrow, and it was a display, and I didn't even get a discount..."
    I said, "Well, sir, we wouldn't discount it, because all of our wheelbarrows are display units. We sell them already built."

    The he claimed it had been used. I said, "Mmm...I don't think so..." and he said, "Never call a customer a liar."

    I wanted to say, "Well then can I call you a f**king a$$hole, then?"

    That was when I had had enough.

    I walked over to the computer and did a search, and it did show that one had been returned. So, it's possible the guy was right, but we normally do not put used merchandise back on the sales floor, because we normally don't accept used merchandise back unless it's defective.

    I said to the girls, and I have no idea if he heard me or not, "You know what? I'm not even on the clock. I punched out 20 minutes ago, and I don't have to be treated like this. Fix him up and I will deal with it tomorrow."

    And I left.
    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.

  • #2
    Wow, what a totally arrogant jerk! I am impressed with how polite you were with him, Ree. He didn't deserve any of it.

    All wheelbarrow wheels are NOT alike. Depending on the load capacity, some are solid rubber, while others are indeed pneumatic, the bigger wheels often having inner tubes. That guy was talking out his whatsis. You did things correctly. Shame on him for being an ignoramus, and snotty with it.


    • #3
      Sounds about right. The customer gets the wheel barrel built for him and all he can do is wonder why he didn't get a discount instead of being thankful that he wasn't the one to build it.....


      • #4
        You know if he had built it, he'd be there yelling because the instructions weren't dumbed down enough for him. Jerk..


        • #5
          I'm sorry that you had to deal with that person. I really am. That's the last thing you need at the end of your shift. It really irks me that some folks think that they can talk to and treat others like dirt
          -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
          -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


          • #6
            Quoth Brighid45 View Post
            All wheelbarrow wheels are NOT alike. Depending on the load capacity, some are solid rubber, while others are indeed pneumatic, the bigger wheels often having inner tubes.
            I was just going to say that

            Several hardware stores (locally) have a lengthy list of wheels on sale. In fact, at the one I'm thinking of (Daniel's), the guy would probably crap himself when looking at theirs

            Anyway Ree, I think you handled it nicely. I'd be too tempted to tell him where the wheelbarrow can go... sideways
            Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


            • #7
              I love that his complaint is that his two wheels are different, yet at the same time he says they're all alike.

              He must have been awful. You of all people that close to losing your temper!
              Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.


              • #8
                Quoth HYHYBT View Post
                He must have been awful. You of all people that close to losing your temper!
                Hehe the guy must have been bad. I don't think I've ever seen Ree call someone a "f**king a$$hole"
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  Quoth BusBus View Post
                  It really irks me that some folks think that they can talk to and treat others like dirt
                  Yep. Some of those people are actually bosses. And some are soon to be ex-bosses. Stay tuned to Morons in Management, story coming sometime soon. Not that *I* would know anything about it, of course.

                  "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                  Still A Customer."


                  • #10
                    Thanks, guys.

                    After I left, I guess the guy got really pissy, and said he is just going to bring the whole thing back and get his money back.

                    So, when I heard that, I was ticked. There is no reason for him to do that.

                    I can get him a set of 2 perfectly good tires. We cannot sell a used whelbarrow, and with the amount of dirt on that wheel, I suspect it's not going to look very good when he brings it in.
                    The company will not allow us to return the used wheelbarrow to them, because there is nothing wrong with it. That is not their policy. All they will do is ship a new wheel kit. This company replaces parts only.

                    I talked to one of the guys that I've worked with for years, who is a manager, and asked him about it. He said "pneumatic" tires mean air filled, and they probably were tubeless. He showed me a couple of tires, and then it hit me why I had been so confused about the tires.
                    I remembered that his tire had a valve stem, but no tube.
                    The valve stem would be attached to the tube and there would be an empty hole if there was supposed to be a tube.
                    That means, the guy probably broke the bead on his tubeless tire and caused his own problems.
                    So, I explained the situation to 4 managers, and they spoke to the other managers, so they were all ready for the guy when he brought the wheelbarrow back.
                    When I left tonight, he had still not come in though, so no fireworks today, unless it happens after I leave.
                    Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                    • #11
                      Go Ree!

                      I love a well coordinated managerial assault against asshats like him! One of my favorite passtimes at BBV actually.

                      Can't wait to hear the rest of the story! Rah!
                      "I don't want any part of your crazy cult! I'm already a member of the public library and that's good enough for me, thanks!"

                      ~TechSmith 314
                      HellGate: London


                      • #12
                        I hope we get to hear the resolution to this issue!
                        "Time shall help me face my painful memories with indifference, and with more of it, I won't feel the need to face them at all..."


                        • #13
                          I'm sure we will - asshats like that always love to return to the scene of their idiocy.



                          • #14
                            Quoth Kusanagi View Post
                            I hope we get to hear the resolution to this issue!
                            Well, I'm sure it won't be a story of epic proportions, although I could take some dramatic license and embellish a little just to keep the masses interested.

                            I know he was pretty adamant that he was bringing it back for a refund, and he was just that arrogant, so he probably will be back, unless the moron figured out on his own that perhaps his tire WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HAVE A TUBE!!!

                            I don't know just how united the managerial team will be if it does come down to it, but I do know that if my friend handles it, the shit will hit the fan and the guy will have his ass handed to him. I have specifically told the girls on the desk to page him.

                            There are one or two others that just might give in, and I have a dread that I am going to come in tomorrow to find a very muddy wheelbarrow with a flat tire, sitting in my returns for me to deal with.
                            Maybe not, though, because I told them just how rude the guy was, and the fact that he really doesn't have any reason to return it.

                            I have seen them back down before just for the sake of keeping the customer happy.

                            I guess it's a wait and see.

                            Apparently, the guy claimed he had driven 45 minutes to come in yesterday, and then had to drive 45 minutes back again because he had to come back. Excuse me, but that was his own damn fault that he had to come back. He's the one who decided to leave.
                            We had some snow and a bit of ice today, so it's possible that the guy didn't want to drive in it.

                            The thing that ticks me is, if he comes tomorrow, I could have had a whole new set of tires for him sent on overnight delivery, and sitting waiting for him, if he hadn't been such an ass.
                            Last edited by Ree; 01-10-2007, 01:48 AM.
                            Too tired of living and too tired to end it. What a conundrum.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Brighid45 View Post
                              All wheelbarrow wheels are NOT alike. Depending on the load capacity, some are solid rubber, while others are indeed pneumatic, the bigger wheels often having inner tubes.
                              You know, I wonder if he ever thought "Hmmm...if all wheelbarrow tires are the same, why did I get two different ones?

                              Good luck if that guy comes back when you're on the clock, Ree, and good luck if you get called up to give him a hand.
                              I pray for the strength to change what I can, the inability to change what I can't, and the incapacity to tell the difference -Calvin, Calvin & Hobbes

                              Being a pessimist and cynical wouldn't be so bad if I wasn't right so often!

