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No I will NOT return your stolen meat..

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  • No I will NOT return your stolen meat..

    I used to work for a major Canadian food chain... (just add....) as a Cashier and unfortunatly becuase it was a 24 hour store I had to do a few overnights on the weekends when the other cashier decided to call in sick... which unfortunatly for me was often.. now when working at night they gave the Cashiers portable headsets that were able to connect with an outside line incase one of us got into trouble and we had to contact someone quick... (yes this will come into play)

    SO one night around 2 in the morning some guy walks into my store with I guess was his girlfriend and handed me two roasts and said that they had the date blacked out and that he had bought them and wasnt really sure about going home and preparing them. On closer inspection I noticed that yes the dates were blacked out but the roasts were from another store... (same chain differant location) and he wanted me to return them and give him the money back.

    Now on nights I am my own supervisor and I make all the decisons on what goes on and how it goes on.. and there is a strict policy that we do not give out cash back overnights and we do not take returns on the overnights if they want to return the product they would have to come back during normal business hours (8am to 10pm) (pretty wide window there) and do his business... so this is how the conversation went

    me- duh..
    ST-Stupid Twit
    STG- Stupid Twit's Gal

    Me- Im sorry but I cant take that back
    ST-why not? its from the company
    Me- well first of all I cant take it back because this wasnt purchased at our store and we dont do interstore refunds here and second I cant do refunds on the overnight shift anyhow.. I dont have enough money in the drawer to give it back to you.
    STG-Well were not leaving here till we get our money
    Me- well then you are going to be waiting a long time because if you want a refund you have to come back when the customer service desk is open and it opens at 8am.
    ST- well I bought this roast and its been blacked out
    Me- well you should have saw that when you bought it now shouldnt you. Go back to the store you bought it from and ask them to return it for you if you want the money that bad.
    ST- (getting louder) Just return the damn roast bitch!
    Me- I will pretend you just didnt call me that and I will ask you to leave because oyu are not going to get anything out of me.
    STG- Didnt you hear him.. give us the f**ing money! what the hell kind of Cashier are you? Obviously not a very good one.
    Me- allright that does it.. now I am telling you to leave I will not tolerate people swearing at me and I will not stand for the attitude.. I have said it once and I will say it again you WILL NOT GET A REFUND AT NIGHT so now you can leave because I do not want you in my store.
    Me- No you will be leaving now either by your own will or with my foot up your ass.. your choice.

    so Asshat and his companion leave the store..

    Flash forward an hour... Asshat and his companion are back... guess they didnt get the point the first time. (this time with two more roasts from the same location as before) (yeah obviously stolen meat here)

    Me- Not you two again
    STG- Now were going to ask you one more time give us a refund.
    Me- and I am going to ask you again to read the sign that says No Refunds at night
    ST-Were not leaving here till we get our F***ing money from you even if we have to wait all night.. I dont understand why you are being such a bitch about it.
    Me- Well you are going to be leaving here right now because obviously I dont think you paid for this in the first place and I am not going to give you money from my till and have to explain it to my supervisor and the store owner in the morning why I have returns that I wasnt supposed to take back and then roats that are from a differant store so you are leaving now.
    ST- Are you saying that we stole these
    Me- Duh what do you think I am saying to you
    STG- Did you hear that she is calling us thieves
    Me- Well thats what it looks like to me.. now you can leave here with the number of the store and the manager on duty tomorrow. If you have a complaint about me you can bring it to them at that time but until then I dont want to see you back in this store tonight or tomorrow night or the night after or ever again for that matter. *Dialing cops*
    ST- I told you bitch were not leaving here till we get our F**ing money back from these.

    They wander off and sit on one of the benches that we have on display as I called the cops on the headset... 10 min later the cops arrive and they get even more balligerent (sp?)

    ST- you called the cops? what the F*** do you think you are doing Bitch? were coming back here tomorrow night and you better hope that your not here..

    At this point both of them are being escorted out by the one pair of cops while the second pair are asking me what happened and I told them about the suspicion of them stealing the meat and what happened along with their lovely comments to me... turns out that the meat was stolen and they have the Asshat and his gf on cam taking it.. .so needless to say I never saw them back again..

    Oh and for those who were wondering why I got such a great response time from the cops... the moral of that.. always give the cops that come into your store regularly free sandwiches (hey they are day olds but they didnt care)
    some people are perfect examples of why some mothers should eat their young....

  • #2
    Kudos to you for responding so perfectly. It made for hilarious reading.
    "several million years for a monkey to turn into a man. oh wait thats right. monkeys dont live several million years."


    • #3
      And once again we see the common denominator among thieves is not greed, not violence, but stupidity

      Trying the same thing twice and then waiting for the cops....
      - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


      • #4
        Sounds like a couple of druggers so hard up for drug money they're willing to risk going to jail to get a hit.


        • #5
          I hope they got extra jail time for threatening you.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid

