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  • Shorts

    Most of my posts will come from the bookstore job...

    We had a cafe in our store, not the Star-coffee shop, but a different one. It sold some pretty good things, and then also some truly expensive chocolate bars. We actually had a woman call wanting to return a chocolate bar that she admitted she had eaten over 2/3 of because on her receipt it said, "If you're not satisfied with your purchase, please return it for a full refund." So she wanted to. I wasn't going to do that one, but she got angry enough I called the district manager. He said do the return. Are you nuts? I completely refused - I told him he would have to come into town because I wasn't putting my code and name on that one. Would you believe he did it? I guess that's both a Sucky Customer and a Moron in Management...

    We had a very loose return policy, basically, if the customer screams enough, do the return (see above). One of the things we could stay firm on were magazines (time-sensitive), books on tape/cd (copyright infringement laws), and newspapers (daily items). I had one guy come in on Monday afternoon...vaguely recognized him as a regular from that morning who bought coffee and a newspaper. He demanded a refund for the newspaper because he "wanted Tuesday's paper." What? Are you serious? I actually had to explain that he could not have Tuesday's paper on Monday...he tried to tell me that they just made up the stories anyway.

    Had to explain the free market economy once...a lady tried to return a book with a receipt from an airport, saying that it shouldn't matter since all bookstores were the same company anyway. That one speaks for itself.

    At the cafe, we offered flavor shots that cost an extra $0.50 - basically, you could add any flavor to your coffee drink. I once had two teenagers, couldn't have been more than fourteen, each order a medium coffee-whatever with a shot of coconut. I made their drinks, handed them over, and they looked at me blankly and said, "Where are our shots?' I told them they were in the drinks, and one looked at me and said, "You mean they're not alcohol in shot glasses?" Um, no. Just no. Take your overpriced coffee and get out of my sight. I was as polite as I could be and just told them again, "The flavor shots go in the drinks."

    I'm sure more will follow as I remember...I've been out of there for about four years now...thank goodness.

  • #2
    Quoth Seriously? View Post
    I actually had to explain that he could not have Tuesday's paper on Monday...he tried to tell me that they just made up the stories anyway.
    While you're taking care of that one, could you get me tomorrow's lottery numbers?
    Sometimes life is altered.
    Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
    Uneasy with confrontation.
    Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


    • #3
      Quoth Seriously? View Post
      I called the district manager. He said do the return. Are you nuts? I completely refused - I told him he would have to come into town because I wasn't putting my code and name on that one. Would you believe he did it?
      I truly am happy you were fortunate enough to have had a district manager with such an obviously tolerant temperament. I would have just written something up stating that the return was per the district manager's instructions and not worried about it any further.
      "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
      .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


      • #4
        Quoth Seriously? View Post
        "You mean they're not alcohol in shot glasses?"
        Hang on, I have to find a solid wall to beat my head against.

        I thought Teenagers were supposed to know "everything except what a decent cuppa joe tastes like" about coffee. They practically live on the stuff.... or do I know different teenagers?
        Now a member of that alien race called Management.

        Yeah, you see that right. Pink. Harness.


        • #5
          Hopping down from coffee shops and retail stores, it's the dumb bunnies.
          Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


          • #6
            "But sir, we aren't allowed to sell the papers before the date printed on them. Remember the big brouhaha in the news when that one bookstore started selling Harry Potter books early?"

            And I have returned something after using some of it, taking care of the "full money back, no matter what" guarantee. The cashier actually seemed surprised that it was almost unused. (Who puts scent into baby shampoo? And yes, I know that the answer is "everyone", but it was labelled hypoallergenic! I didn't think to read the ingredients)


            • #7
              Quoth Seriously? View Post

              At the cafe, we offered flavor shots that cost an extra $0.50 - basically, you could add any flavor to your coffee drink. I once had two teenagers, couldn't have been more than fourteen, each order a medium coffee-whatever with a shot of coconut. I made their drinks, handed them over, and they looked at me blankly and said, "Where are our shots?' I told them they were in the drinks, and one looked at me and said, "You mean they're not alcohol in shot glasses?" Um, no. Just no. Take your overpriced coffee and get out of my sight. I was as polite as I could be and just told them again, "The flavor shots go in the drinks."
              This may be the DUMBEST shit Ive ever heard.....

              But funny.


              • #8
                I can't believe he let her return that goddamn chocolate bar!!! That's gross. What an idiot!


                • #9
                  Had to explain the free market economy once...a lady tried to return a book with a receipt from an airport, saying that it shouldn't matter since all bookstores were the same company anyway. That one speaks for itself.

                  So, that anarchist bookstore across from Pike Place Market is actually a Borders? I'd better tell them. They're not going to like it.


                  • #10
                    I actually had to explain that he could not have Tuesday's paper on Monday...he tried to tell me that they just made up the stories anyway.
                    Shhhh!! That's an industry secret!!

                    But if he can figure out how to buy Tuesday's paper the day before it comes out, you can let him have one.
                    When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                    • #11
                      Quoth Seriously? View Post
                      Most of my posts will come from the bookstore job...

                      he tried to tell me that they just made up the stories anyway.
                      I remember seeing an ad for a journalist in a community newspaper. creative writing was a must. I wondered how creative can you get

