So these girls from the college across the street (really extremely famous Christian college) are coming through my line. One of them is buying a Lady Gaga poster, and being a Little Monster myself I strike up a conversation about which pose she is in on the poster. Turns out it was from Poker Face.
They start chatting about Gaga and one goes "Ewwww I heard she was gay!"
Without missing a beat (and not even meaning to), I added, "Oh no, she's not gay, she shoots both ways."
The looks on their faces, honestly...

Honestly, I can't stand people who are like that...
Not sucky at all but lightened the day. I go walking past the bathrooms, having come back from my break.
A girl about 10-12 notices that the cleaning cart is by the restrooms and very politely asks "Are you cleaning them?"
I say no, and even though I'm not the cleaning lady/in charge of toilets/whatever tell her to go ahead, and she says, in the sweetest voice, "Thank you."
They start chatting about Gaga and one goes "Ewwww I heard she was gay!"
Without missing a beat (and not even meaning to), I added, "Oh no, she's not gay, she shoots both ways."
The looks on their faces, honestly...

Honestly, I can't stand people who are like that...
Not sucky at all but lightened the day. I go walking past the bathrooms, having come back from my break.
A girl about 10-12 notices that the cleaning cart is by the restrooms and very politely asks "Are you cleaning them?"
I say no, and even though I'm not the cleaning lady/in charge of toilets/whatever tell her to go ahead, and she says, in the sweetest voice, "Thank you."
