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"Gimme The Card Back!"

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  • "Gimme The Card Back!"

    This story's from Saturday, which was just a sucky day for me in general. No one incident stood out for me; the day sucked for me more due to lack of sleep than anything.

    I work FDLP all day, checkin' receipts and occasionally eating some jerky snacks for the protein to keep me awake, end up covering half of my CW CR's shift when he calls out. (I was scheduled to work another five hours anyway, made no difference if I was cashiering or not, to me.) Toward the end of my shift, our new personnel manager, NS, asks me to find her before I go home, I have some pay deposit slips to sign for.

    Six o'clock rolls around, I finally get someone else to relieve me on the door, and I find a manager to clock me out. I look in the office where the paychecks/deposit slips are kept, no one's there. So I'd need to get a manager. The one who clocked me out doesn't have the authority to do it, so I see who's available. Only MODs I see are JA-- who is manning a forklift, hates being pulled off whatever he's doing, and would just grief me to no end about signing for the slips-- and NS, who was in the middle of some argument with an SC.

    I figure "hell with it," and go home. There were steaks and a warm bed waiting for me at home.

    Today, I go in to work, do my shift, and sign for the slips before I go home. I apologize to NS when I see her, explained that I would've got the slips yesterday, but she was busy with that guy. NS tells me what this SC's deal was.

    SC brings in a small TV for a return. Has the receipt, has a membership card, but it's not his card. He does not have one, himself, this card is his wife's. NS tells him she'll process his return, but she cannot give him the membership card back. SC gets angry, demands the card back, but NS stands firm, states it's not his card, he cannot have it back. If his wife wants it, she can come to the desk herself to collect it, but SC cannot have it.

    SC gets angrier, starts swearing and carrying on, but NS stands firm still, and tells him she's still going to process his return, but once that's done, he has to leave. SC keeps carrying on, yelling that she's being rude to him, and eventually pulls out some kind of recording device, stating that he's going to sue us and use this as evidence, or something like that.

    NS was just nonplussed by that turn of events, she didn't give him permission to tape her like that, and even if she had, it wouldn't do him any good, since all she's refusing him is his wife's membership card; he gets the money for his return, just not that membership card.

    Eventually, he left, not without shouting more verbal abuse, and sent the wife up to collect the card. SC's wife apologized for her husband's behavior and got the card back.
    PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

    There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

  • #2
    I like NS...shes cool headed.

    And seriously.. a tape recorder? What does he think he is? A private DICK? Or did he just make himself a public one?


    • #3
      Quoth Amina516 View Post
      I like NS...shes cool headed.
      I like her too. I was glad she got the personnel job instead of Herself (aka Ol' Scarface). Of course, many other people at work share the same sentiment, given how many were talking about walking out if Herself got the job over NS.
      PWNADE(TM) - Serve up a glass today! | PWNZER - An act of pwnage so awesome, it's like the victim got hit by a tank.

      There are only Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse because I choose to walk!

