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Two Bigoted Cows

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  • Two Bigoted Cows

    I have a story to pass along from my sister, who works at the department store whose name rhymes with “Moles.” She loves owls, so lets call her Owl.

    Background: The store she works at is new. The company built it about a year and a half ago. It’s a beautiful store on the best street in the city, surrounded by other stores, near many restaurants, on two major bus routes, near a major city park, and within walking distance of some of our nicest streets. A lot of lawyers, doctors and politicians live nearby, so this store is very nicely placed for business, and it’s been doing fairly well despite the economy. Where we live, about five minutes away by car, is not the richest area but still a nice neighborhood. (End background)

    Owl usually works in the lingerie department. One day she was watching the fitting room and two women came up to try stuff on. One of them had a quite a large bundle of clothes, so Owl asked her how many things she had, and told her, as per company policy, that she could take up to five items into the fitting room.

    The woman looked shocked and gasped, “I’ve never been told that at a Moles before!” Which is either baloney, or perhaps the other two stores in the region don’t bother to enforce the rules. Whatever, Owl always goes by the rules.

    Before Owl could say another word, the second woman rolled her eyes and told her friend, “That’s because this is the ghetto store.”

    There are so many things wrong with that comment, my sister thought her head was going to explode. She didn’t say any of them because, she said, once she got started, she knew she wasn’t going to stop. Best guess is that these two cows came into the city from one of the nearby 98% white suburbs, and we wish they would have stayed there. We happen to like the diversity in our town.
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.

  • #2
    "Ghetto" is generally just used to mean cheap, stupid, etc. At least that's what people meant around my school, as in "That's so ghetto". (I personally felt that anyone who said anything of that sort and meant it was making a statement of their level of sophistication, but that's just me).


    • #3
      It could also refer to the quality of that particular location. Like a good mcdonald's in an affluent neighborhood or a "Ghetto" mcdonald's in a not very nice part of town.
      "If we refund your money, give you a free replacement and shoot the manager, then will you be happy?" - sign seen in a restaurant


      • #4
        My daughter was fired once from a job for using the term "ghetto" to describe how trashily two girls came in to work dressed as cheap prostitutes. They told her "we don't want any racists working here."

        Racist? MY daughter?

        My daughter, who is a Catholic of Polish/German/Irish/Native American descent, whose uncle and niece are black, and whose step-father (me) is Jewish? Describing two girls who looked like they just came in from the ghetto as "looking ghetto?" SHE got fired, not the two who were blatantly violating the dress code?

        Sometimes, this whole "politically correct" thinking goes just too far the other way. Whoever thought "reverse racism" was not racism?
        I will not be pushed, stamped, filed, indexed, briefed, debriefed, or numbered. My life is my own. --#6


        • #5
          Quoth Captain Trips View Post
          Sometimes, this whole "politically correct" thinking goes just too far the other way. Whoever thought "reverse racism" was not racism?
          May I suggest y'all redirect this converation..?

          I have 3 "Moles" within 20 minutes of me and I don't think any of them enforce a limit on how many items you can bring into the fitting room. But if I'm some place that does, and I am over the limit, I just ask them to hold a few things, try on the rest, then go back out and trade a few. Not that big a deal. Then again, I'm not the type to bring massive armloads of clothes to try on at once (I hate shopping to begin with).
          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            Quoth Captain Trips View Post
            Sometimes, this whole "politically correct" thinking goes just too far the other way.
            Possibly. But that's a discussion for Fratching, not here.
            Sometimes life is altered.
            Break from the ropes your hands are tied.
            Uneasy with confrontation.
            Won't turn out right. Can't turn out right


            • #7
              When I saw the title to this thread, I got a picture of two cows in a field, one with a mullet and one with a Confederate flag painted on its side.


              • #8
                Quoth Geisman View Post
                When I saw the title to this thread, I got a picture of two cows in a field, one with a mullet and one with a Confederate flag painted on its side.
                You forgot that one of the cows is up on blocks, and that the other...has been creatively "repaired" with duct tape
                Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


                • #9
                  In re: to the term, I've only ever seen it used in the same sense as the dictionary definition.

                  As for the fitting room limit, that's how my sister was trained when she was hired there, but we all know how rules tend to go down the crapper. She doesn't want to be the one who gets in trouble for not following them, so she always informs customers (plus there are signs all over the place), and offers to hold items at her station while they try on the first five. They usually make a big fuss anyway.

                  I don't enjoy shopping anymore either, so I usually take no more than 3 things in at once, no matter where I'm shopping. After two trips in and out, I'm done.
                  When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                  • #10
                    Every fitting room I've ever been to had a posted limit for the number of things you could take in with you at one time. Whether it was enforced or not was variable. Still, if I have seven items and they say only three at a time, I say "Yes, Ma'am," put four things down in my cart and go inside with only three.

                    Now, if the limit is three but I have four or (maybe) five things, I'll ask if it's okay to take them in anyway. Here's the part SCs don't get: When one is polite to other people one can often get them to bend on little things like this. It's not that difficult.
                    Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


                    • #11
                      I used to work at a Moles many years ago (lasted about 3 months - last straw was them telling me I couldn't have my own HS graduation off even though I asked several weeks in advance) and I don't remember there being a limit in the fitting rooms, but it's so standard a practice I don't see why it would be a surprise at ANY clothing store.


                      • #12
                        Here's the part SCs don't get: When one is polite to other people one can often get them to bend on little things like this. It's not that difficult.
                        So right! Owl is willing to cut them some slack if they ask politely. I think it's pretty sucky that so many people actually expect to break the rules wherever they go.
                        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                        • #13
                          hm, I've always thought as ghetto as a slur for something that's cheap or low quality. My grandparents were forced to live in a ghetto, so I thought they would find that expression offensive, but when I asked my grandmother she said that that's how she uses the term as well, but even so it's still a very rude thing to say. That being said, there're two moles by me. One is surrounded by projects. I've been in there because it's across the street from my dad's work, and it's not a very nice place to be. The other is in a more suburban area and is vastly nicer that the previous store, but still not all that great. I'll have to check out the store near my aunt and uncle one day, because they say it's great.


                          • #14
                            Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                            Every fitting room I've ever been to had a posted limit for the number of things you could take in with you at one time. Whether it was enforced or not was variable. Still, if I have seven items and they say only three at a time, I say "Yes, Ma'am," put four things down in my cart and go inside with only three.

                            Now, if the limit is three but I have four or (maybe) five things, I'll ask if it's okay to take them in anyway. Here's the part SCs don't get: When one is polite to other people one can often get them to bend on little things like this. It's not that difficult.
                            They don't get it because TV has taught them that being confrontational is normal.

                            The very idea of being polite doesn't compute; they don't even know what the word means, and are puzzled when csr's don't cave they way they are "supposed" to.
                            They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                            • #15
                              I use the term "ghetto" all the time. I certainly don't mean it in a racist way. To me, it just means run down and shitty.

                              As far as fitting room limits go, I don't try stuff on anyway. I just bring it back if it doesn't fit. 5 items is too many if you ask me. Too easy to steal that way.
                              Dammit !! ~ Jack Bauer

