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Paper Lady vs. SC

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  • Paper Lady vs. SC

    Preface: Every morning between 4 and 6AM, our newspapers come in via an overworked but very kind woman we'll call "P." She recently hurt her back and has a hard time bringing the papers in, especially on Sunday when they weigh a ton individually, so she brings in her daughter and nephew and sometimes another family member. The night had already been full of suckage but of course there had to be a finale.

    See, what had happened was...

    P: Paper Lady (woman in her mid 30's)
    SC: Needs to take that stick out his ass (mid 50's maybe?)
    M: Just wants to go home and rest her tired feet. (Moi)

    P has her doors open in her car so she can easily grab the papers and go. SC decides he wants to park right next to her, apparently oblivious to the many empty spaces available in the parking lot. He's within an inch or two of hitting that car door. I mention this to P and as she brings in the last of her papers and she is livid. I turn the other way to stock stuff when SC comes in scowling.

    SC: That ignorant woman!
    M: I'm sorry?
    SC: She called me an ignorant asshole! That was rude and she's using that kind of language in front of those kids!

    *Those "kids" are either in their late teens or early 20's and are past that impressionable age*

    M: I'll admit that her saying what she said to you was wrong but you were close to hitting her car door while she was bringing papers in still.

    SC: *incredulous* She shouldn't have left her door open. She was rude! Other people have to park! She was in my way.

    M: *mumbles* There were other spots you could have parked. Everyone else does that.

    SC: I don't care! She had the nerve to cuss at me in front of those children. She could have kept those doors closed!

    M: But she was doing her job. She always has them open so she can grab the papers better.

    SC: I don't care! She needs to park somewhere else then! Who does she work for? I'm calling her in. She was disrespectful!

    M: *really doesn't know and wouldn't say anything regardless* I don't even know.

    SC: *glares before buying a pack of cigs and leaves*

    That's only a fraction of the shitty night I had.

  • #2
    She may have been disrespectful..but HE was an inconsiderate asshole! So many OPEN spots..and he absolutely MUST have to one immediately beside the car with the OPEN DOOR? Hello, THAT in and of itself, should have been a CLUE!

    In that case, he deserved every word she gave him and he's probably lucky that was all she said. I, personally, would have said worse.

    (I'm disabled and you would be amazed at how many people cannot see a BRIGHT RED four wheeled scooter, that is *quite* large heading to the handicapped ramp into someplace...and then PARK their car on said ramp...which, being that it is NOT a parking space and thusly not marked, apparently means "YES, ignorant people CAN park here because THIS IS NOT a handicapped space!" )

    ~steps off soapbox~ i hate ignorant people and rude ones even more


    • #3
      Sounds like a typical morning when I worked nights at Rank Aid.


      • #4
        Sickening. Just sickening.
        Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.

