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Debating the price after the fact...

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  • Debating the price after the fact...

    I think I may have posted something similar before, but the more I think about this guys email the more angry I get.
    Here it is with my comments and of course all identifying names etc changed.

    On January 11, 2007 I had some plumbing work done in my home by your technician. The service was great (that's awsome because we spend a lot time and money on it, and trainng); your technician arrived promptly as scheduled, and did a great job. (Fantastic, because a lot goes into finding qualified LICENSED plumbers.)

    However, I am concerned about the price I was charged for this service. (uh oh, here it comes) I understand how menu pricing works, and how it is my price guarantee in case there are problems and delays. (very good, so far) And, Technician quoted the price to me before beginning the job, (exactly so you knew what you were getting into then) and I accepted the price before he started. (ok so what's the problem, the service was great, the work was great, you knew what you were getting into?) But, I also had an expectation that your menu pricing is based on the usual time it takes to complete a job. (We know that, but you do not. That is why you call us) Your website states "Mechanics look up the amount of time and parts required in a menu rate repair manual and quote a firm price. They know how long it takes to do a job, and so do we". (and your point?)

    So, based on the quoted price, I expected the job to take several hours. (why did you expect that? Remember the old cliche about what happens when you assume) However, technician was completely finished in less than 90 minutes. (Good job technician, efficient and competent) As I supplied the majority of the parts required, this job was mostly labour. I was charged $452.13 plus tax at the "Value Rate" pricing (service call $39, install faucet $196.25, install sink $145.00, UPP $71.88 (to qualify for value pricing)). (Yes and you agreed to that in writing.)

    I feel a more reasonable rate for this job would have been $159 as shown below. I was charged nearly $300 more than this. (where the hell do you get off deciding what a licensed plumber should make? Also there is more than goes into a service call than just the techinicans time. There is the fully stocked truck, the office expenses, the cost to host a web site, so you can go to it and quote it back to us. Oh and my time to have to deal with your sniviling little ass.)
    service call $39.00
    1.5 hours @ $60/hour $90.00
    materials $30.00
    TOTAL $159.00 + tax

    I would appreciate your response to my concerns, and am seeking a partial refund of the amount I was charged. (yeah I'll get right on that, and as soon as the owners stop calling you every name in the book, I'll respond with a very carefully worded response basically telling you to go pound salt.)

    Mr. Cheapskate

    So the guy got great service, by qualified people, and knew about what he was getting ahead of time, but now, the next day he decides that plumbers make too much. Dude if you want to pay Wal-mart prices you get Wal-mart service, if you want Premium service, you pay premium prices. (nothing against Wal-mart people, just trying to make a point)
    "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

    a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm

  • #2
    The audacity of some people! I mean, this person knew AND accepted the price as he was quoted! WTF?
    "I'm still walking, so I'm sure that I can dance!" from Saint of Circumstance - Grateful Dead


    • #3
      Quoth The Gatekeeper View Post
      [COLOR="Black"]So, based on the quoted price, I expected the job to take several hours. (why did you expect that? Remember the old cliche about what happens when you assume) However, technician was completely finished in less than 90 minutes. (Good job technician, efficient and competent)
      So, hang on..this guy is trying to say that, had the job taken several hours, he'd have been happy to pay the amount quoted? But because it took less, he's not happy


      • #4
        What does he consider to be 'the majority of the parts'? A faucet, a hose, a pipe or a sink?

        I like our plumbers, they are professional, courteous, show up when they say they will or they will call and their work is excellent. Their prices reflect it and I'm happy to pay.
        Figers are vicious I tell ya. They crawl up your leg and steal your belly button lint.

        I'm a case study.


        • #5
          If there had been problems and the technician had taken four hours, would he have been charged the quoted price or an additional fee? Just curious.

          I completely agree that he signed off on the price and then the tech was lucky enough to not have a problem installing it and was able to do a good job pretty quickly and the customer was happy with the work but he shouldn't have to pay for it and and and my poor head!!!

          If the tech blocked out the time to do the job and it took less time, that wouldn't mean the tech would be able to do any additional jobs that day because his time was already booked. I mean, when I had my wisdom teeth pulled, the dentist booked me for 1 1/2 hours but it only took 20 minutes. He was not able to bring in additional patients to fill that time, so I still paid for the 1 1/2 hours of his time that was booked.
          Labor boards have info on local laws for free
          HR believes the first person in the door
          Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
          Document everything
          CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


          • #6
            Flat rate means flat rate, so if the tech took longer then it wouldn't have cost him any more.

            I book the tech's time. They price out of a book. Very straightforward. This is your job, this is what it costs. Upfront and final. Do you want me to go ahead, yes or no? Done. Thank you have a nice day.
            "smacked upside the head by the harsh of daylight" - Tori Amos "The Beauty of Speed"

            a sucking chest wound is merely mother nature's way of telling you to slow down - Arm


            • #7
              This is by far my most common brand of SC. They pick the yarn and see the prices listed on the shelves. I read the price off to them as I ring them up. I read the total before charging them. But they don't decide to complain until they have the recipt in their hot little hands... or even worse, they complain several days later on the phone.



              • #8
                Bonus points if you tell them how much it's going to be and it's going to be a special order item, you ask them ARE YOU SURE you want to get this from us? It's really spendy.

                They say "Yeah, yeah, we need it", so you order the damn thing in, they buy it, then later on their spouse calls in and gives you hell about the cost and wants to return it. >_<


                • #9
                  I had one of these people once. We offer car storage for $15 a day. This is all clearly spelled out before hand and written out on your receipt which you sign, along with the date and all other relevant details.

                  Some lady brought her car in, and didn't show up for almost a month. The week before she was gonna come back, she started calling us up on the phone to see if we'd change the price. However, whenever she called, all she did was ask for the owner, who happened to not be around. Us low level grunts had no idea what she wanted or who she was, she just asked to talk to the owner.

                  When she came in, I rang it all up, and it was almost $400 after tax. She had a cow. I had to have my manager come over , and then the owner's wife come and talk with her.

                  The funniest part is how these people are "regular customers", but loads of stuff, etc. Especially considering her argument was, "I've bought $xxx of gas here!" Sorry lady, but we make something like a few cents a gallon on gas, whereas we just made $300 for your car sitting in our parking lot for a few weeks. Frankly, we don't care if we lose out on the whopping $10 or so we made off your gas purchases.


                  • #10
                    That's gratitude for you. He just had to find SOMETHING to complain about, didn't he?
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