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You eat your pills for breakfast, don't you? (longish)

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  • You eat your pills for breakfast, don't you? (longish)

    My little gem of the day.

    Very rarely, our pharmacy will make a mistake when filling a script. Sometimes a customer calls in claiming something like "I'm short xx amount of pills", or my favorite, "My pill bottle was slightly damaged when I received it in the mail. ALL of the pills are completely unusable, it looks like someone stomped on all of them! (Then when we ask for a picture to be sent, they smash 4-5 pills with a damn spoon, spread them out on a plate and make it look like 90 damaged pills).

    Obviously, our drug-addled customers like to abuse this.

    A guy calls up regarding a package of meds that he received on Friday. He called yesterday (Monday) so complain that he was short 30 pills by our pharmacy. He received 60 pills, but the order was for 90. Solution: send 30 pills to him, or refund the cost of missing pills.
    He waited too long to alert us about this, so we can't do a refund. Pharmacy is closed for the day. Our 3rd option is to give him a discount for the next order that covers the cost of 30 pills.

    Is he happy with this? No, of course not. So he proceeds to use a slow, deep, stupid voice to tell me what he thinks he's entitled to.

    He wants an entire package of 90 *more* pills sent out. I mentally laugh at him, and tell him that I'll ask the supervisor. Supervisor and I have a good laugh, and send the guy an email saying that he'll receive a discount on the next order.

    Customer calls me again today, completely oblivious of the email we sent. I explain what we're doing to help him, but he wants none of it.

    His new demands are as follows:

    -A new *complete* package of 90 pills sent to him via priority FedEx, at no cost to him.
    -A complete refund on the shorted order.
    -Discounts for future orders.
    -A call and email from a supervisor telling him that the company wil be more than happy to supply him with the aforementioned demands as compensation for his terrible inconvenience. (yeah, because calling a phone number to complain is a sure struggle )

    I 'ed

    Still waiting for supervisor to look at my email regarding his list of demand. He's on lunch right now.
    Sucky Customers- Have the ability to convert non-drinkers into raging alcoholics in one phone call or less.

  • #2
    He took too many of those pills at once if he thinks your boss is going to go for any of that.
    They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


    • #3
      Even *IF* the order was short 30 pills, what the hell makes him think he's entitled to a complete refill of all 90 pills when 60 of them are still usable? And discounts on all future orders? ROTFLMAO!!!

      Maybe -- maybe -- if he brought the bottle back with the 60 pills (minus Sat, Sun, Mon, & Tues' doses), I might consider giving him a full 3 month refill, but in no way do I think that allowing a patient to have 5- to 6-month's worth of meds in their hands at once is a good thing.
      Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


      • #4
        It's interesting how, each time you tell a customer what you're willing to do for them, they not only reject that solution, but rattle off an additional demand on top of what they asked for in the first place.
        When you start at zero, everything's progress.


        • #5
          I hope that I don't ever act like this. I mean, it's not like the pharmacy is making a ton of money off of me, my copays are usually $5. I wouldn't really want to bother about the refund of $5, as long as they could give me my missing pills. A discount equivalent to the cost of missing pills seems to make the man whole to me... oh wait, this is CS, nevermind.

