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Enjoy your time in jail. (long)

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  • Enjoy your time in jail. (long)

    The scene:

    It's Saturday night and there's a college home game. The hotel is packed, the city is hectic, and, because of the victory over our rival team, the drunks are out in force.

    Our cast:

    FDG: Front desk guy. He's new but crafty.

    DGuy: Drunk guy. He's drunk, angry, and isn't afraid of you.

    DGirl: Drunk girl. She's drunk, innocent, and isn't afraid to cry.

    MC: Master criminal. She's trying to figure out how her perfect crime was discovered.

    Officer 1 and 2: The police.

    Act 1: Discussing crime in a loud voice is a good idea.

    Dguy and Dgirl enter the lobby and want to check in. FDG is on it.

    MC enters: "Look what I found in the taxi!" In a clear voice, easily heard through the lobby. She is referring to an expensive purse in her hand.

    The three stooges now attempt to pay for their room. Not having adequate cash, MC pulls a credit card from the purse and whispers in a loud voice: "We should use this!"

    FDG: Sure I can take that card, do you have ID?

    Dguy, Dgurl, MC: catbuttface, panic, card goes away and Dguy's card is used instead.

    The trio get to their rooms and the FD supervisor calls the police about a potential stolen purse. I am notified and collect the MoD (Manager on duty). We go to the lobby to get the story and wait for the police.

    Act 2: I'm just holding it for a friend.

    The police arrive and the two officers, the MoD, and I all head to the room.

    Officer 1 knocks, announces police.

    ???: muffled whispers from the room. "I don't know who it is. I don't see anyone."

    Officer 1: knocks again. "POLICE, please open the door."

    ???: frantic, mumbled whispering is heard. After a delay of half a minute or so, the door opens and the two officers enter, propping the door open behind them.

    At this point, there are several angry comments, some CSI cracks, some denial, some faked confusion. Here are a couple of the highlights:

    MC: "It's my friends purse."

    Officer 2: "OK, no problem, what's your friend's name?"

    MC: "I was out with like 10 friends!"

    Officer 2: "OK, well, I know all the names of my friends, so why don't you tell me their names."

    MC: Starts naming random names, clearly hoping to hit the jackpot and get it right. Jackpot is not won.

    Dguy gets really angry now and Dgirl is bawling and unable to form words.

    Dguy: "What's the big deal?!? Did we use a card, NO, it's on my card. What's the big deal, we didn't do anything, we didn't use a card!!! What is this CSI!?! We didn't use a card, it's on my card."

    Dgirl: "I don't understand." Ah, bloo bloo bloo.

    Dguy: "This isn't Law and Order. Just take the purse, we didn't do anything, we didn't use a card, we used MY card! Just take it, jeeze, what's the problem!?!"

    Eventually the nice officers escort MC out of the room in handcuffs and depart with her and the purse.

    Act 3: I'm telling my daddy on you!

    Fast forward 20 minutes. Parents of MC are staying at the hotel too.

    Enter: MC's parents, grandfather.

    Dguy and dad are getting in FDG's face. MoD and I arrive at the front desk and get between them and the clerk, sending FDG to the back area.

    Dad (also drunk): "What happened, YOU sent my daughter to jail! Were they even real cops!?! YOU can't send my daughter to jail like that!"

    MoD: "Sir, I cannot discuss the details, you'll need to contact the police for any information."

    Dad: "Nobody pulls a gun on my little girl and sticks it to her head! This is bullshit!"

    (Note: at no time were any weapons involved in the process.)

    MoD: "Sir, I don't know all the details, you'll need to speak with the police."

    Mom: "Dear, calm down, their getting the police phone number. We'll talk..." is cut off by raging dad.

    Grandpa: "There must be some misunderstanding. She's just the nicest person, always helping people out, and..." also cut off by raging dad.

    Dad: "What do you mean you can't talk about it. Oh, I get it. You're going to have to be subpoenaed eh?"

    Me: "Sir, you need to speak with the police. This conversation is over."

    Mom: "Come on, that's enough!"

    And that's where we are at currently. Haven't heard any new information but I will drop in and update if there's anything further.

  • #2
    Isn't this the part where Jerry Orbach makes a smart ass comment over a dead body?

    "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


    • #3
      Thank God for stupid.

      A lot of this cracked me up. But I find it funny they don't know whose purse it is; FDG could have just asked for the name on the card and they would stupidly gone away. The dad was hilarious.
      Time! Time! Time is what turns kittens into cats.

      Don't teach me a lesson; all I learn is that you are an asshole.

      I wish porn had subtitles.


      • #4
        Dad: "Nobody pulls a gun on my little girl and sticks it to her head! This is bullshit!"
        Oh, I can see how that one started. Cue one obligatory phone call:

        MC: *SOB* Daaah-deeee! You got to help me, Daddy! I'm in jail! And the big mean police men, they. . . they broke down the door to my room and they . . . sniffle . . . they yelled at me and they threw me on the ground and they put their guns to my head and *awhaaaaahhhh!!!!* I wanna come home! I didn't no nuffin' wrong! I'm your precious little princess, aren't I Daddy? You can make all this go away, can't you?"

        I swear, Dad must not be too bright even when sober. He accuses you guys of using fake cops with real guns to haul his daughter to a real jail, despite the fact that you keep telling him he needs to contact the real police to find out what really happened? Anybody got any aspirin, 'cuz my head hurts trying to work through drunken logic?
        Sorry, my cow died so I don't need your bull


        • #5
          "Sir, you're going to have to speak with the police. If you continue this behaviour, I can arrange for that to happen sooner rather than later, but I can't guarantee that the ones who come by will be able or willing to provide the information you want."


          • #6
            Ahhhh...The fail, it tastes SO SWEET!!!!

            Yep, that's one of America's 10-Most Wanted in the making!

            Awesome that you guys gave her what she deserved.
            "If anyone wants this old box containing the broken bits of my former faith in humanity, I'll take your best offer now. You may be able to salvage a few of em' for parts..... " - Quote by Argabarga


            • #7
              Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
              Isn't this the part where Jerry Orbach makes a smart ass comment over a dead body?

              Only in this case he'd BE the dead body. He died of cancer a couple of years ago

              Terrific fail on this one. This story is one for the Smoking Gun.
              They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


              • #8
                I dunno about Law & Order or CSI. I'm thinking more like America's Dumbest Criminals.
                When you start at zero, everything's progress.


                • #9
                  Quoth Panacea View Post
                  Only in this case he'd BE the dead body. He died of cancer a couple of years ago

                  Terrific fail on this one. This story is one for the Smoking Gun.
                  So long as I have him singing in my iPod, he'll never die!
                  "All I've ever learned from love was how to shoot somebody who out-drew ya"


                  • #10
                    FDG: Sure I can take that card, do you have ID?
                    at this point I would have actually taken the card before asking for ID then held until the police arrived.
                    Love the raging Dad, I've dealt with those before.
                    It's a tough row to hoe, and I'm just the Joe to hoe it.


                    • #11
                      Quoth MoonCat View Post
                      I dunno about Law & Order or CSI. I'm thinking more like America's Dumbest Criminals.
                      Or if it had been caught on camera, what's that show where stupid people do randomly stupid crap on camera? It's on TruTV but it's not always criminals.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Sheldonrs View Post
                        So long as I have him singing in my iPod, he'll never die!
                        Amen to that!
                        They say that God only gives us what we can handle. Apparently, God thinks I'm a bad ass.


                        • #13
                          Quoth jedikuonji View Post
                          MC enters: "Look what I found in the taxi!" In a clear voice, easily heard through the lobby. She is referring to an expensive purse in her hand.


                          Dad (also drunk): "What happened, YOU sent my daughter to jail! Were they even real cops!?! YOU can't send my daughter to jail like that!"
                          I see the Stupid Apple doesn't fall far from the Idiot Tree. One wonders if she's his niece as well as his daughter...

                          I am looking forward to any future installments of the Human Trainwreck Family!
                          I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                          My LiveJournal
                          A page we can all agree with!


                          • #14
                            Quoth EvilEmpryss View Post
                            "...I didn't no nuffin' wrong! I'm your precious little princess, aren't I Daddy? "
                            In that case, wouldn't it be "widdle" or "wittle"? (kidding)


                            • #15
                              LMAO I've dealt with the dads.. only because I kicked his daughter out on her wedding day..

                              Your drunks have worse logic than mine. I sowwy!

