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Returned check charges

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  • Returned check charges

    Getting to be a real hot button lately with this one. Much of the time, this is on a customer's bill not because they wrote a bad check, but because they either paid the bill on-line or had it deducted automatically from their checking account, and forgot to make sure the money was there to cover the bill. It does not matter if you're 8 or 80. If you do not know what you're doing with something like this, you should continue paying your bill the old fashioned way.

    Much of the time, when I've dealt with on-line payments, it was discovered the customer transposed their account number, or the routing number on their account. Or, it was discovered that the customer failed to tell us their credit card had expired, making it impossible to accept their automatic payment.

    Now, to add insult to injury, there were times when credit would be provided to these people, usually as a one time courtesy. It did not end there though. These same people not only wanted the $20 returned check fee credited, they also wanted the $29 fee charged by their bank credited. Sorry, work with your bank on that one. We are not going to give you a $49 credit being most likely, your other utility companies won't do it.

    One of my favorite calls though was the lady who called raising hell about her phone being shut off. The bill amount was over $100, and she had paid this bill with a worthless check. When this happens at Bellsouth, the collections department will shut off the phone immediately without warning. When I spoke to this customer, she naturally was upset about having no service, yet she knew about the returned check because her bank had notified her the day before. She then made the payment on a credit card, and after this, I turned the phone back on. As a disclosure statement, I had advised her of the $23 restoral fee, plus the fact that $20 would be charged for the returned check. Her response to this was, "This is blackmail! Making me pay my bill so you all can collect even more money from me. I'll just have to change phone companies." I had to respond to this one, and told her, "Maam, I'm sorry, but you're saying that as if we did this to your account." She was the one who paid the bill with a worthless check, yet she would not take the blame for it and own up to it. One thing I did do was I did agree to credit the restoral fee being she had been with a us a few years without incident, but I was not about to credit her another $20 for writing a bad check, nor was I going to credit what her bank charged her either.

    About six years ago, I wrote two bad checks because I forgot to transfer the money into my checking account. It took a couple of days of working with the companies I had done this with, but not once did I get mad at them because I knew it was my fault. I also had to eat $58 total for the two checks, but again, it was my fault for being careless. It's a real shame most customers don't own up to their mistakes, and they don't expect to have to fix them either. They expect others to do it for them.

  • #2
    Quoth greensinestro View Post
    Getting to be a real hot button lately with this one. Much of the time, this is on a customer's bill not because they wrote a bad check, but because they either paid the bill on-line or had it deducted automatically from their checking account, and forgot to make sure the money was there to cover the bill.
    And that's why I don't do automatic bill pay. It's easier to balance the checkbook of you're actually writing the checks.


    • #3
      Gurndigarn, same here. It's always preferable to make sure that you have money to pay a bill.
      Unseen but seeing
      oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
      There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
      3rd shift needs love, too
      RIP, mo bhrionglóid


      • #4
        I pay a lot of my bills online, but I don't do automatic payments. I go in and manually send the payments each month. I don't keep stamps anymore.
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        HR believes the first person in the door
        Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
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        CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


        • #5
          I once sent in my credit card bill and then realized a couple days later that the (perfectly good) check was still in my checkbook. I called and told them what happened and asked what I should do. They had every right to charge me a late fee but they didn't. Probably because I was nice about it and took responsibility for it. Funny how that works.

          That was the same bill where they had charged someone else's payment to my account. They told me I had a $100+ credit on my bill, and my last payment was over 200, but my bill was only 50 something. So maybe it was a good thing I screwed up...saved someone else a big headache, and maybe saved the credit card people an SC moment with the other customer who's bill didn't get credited.

          I don't go in for ancient wisdom
          I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
          It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


          • #6
            A chick I used to work (Stinkasarus) with would be the one calling in screaming at the company for the returned check fee. She *knew* the check wasnt any good when she wrote it, but wanted to get the debt people to stop calling her. (she was a piece of work)

            Stinky (upon discovering that there is an extra $40 debit from the cable/electric/water/credit card company):"They don't have the right to legally charge me a RETURNED check fee! Even if the check was bad! I never signed ANYTHING that said they could RIP ME OFF like that!"

            Snappy Addict: Uh...yeah you did....the check it's self.
            Well fiddle dee dee!!


            • #7
              There's always the other option.

              Stinky (upon discovering that there is an extra $40 debit from the cable/electric/water/credit card company):"They don't have the right to legally charge me a RETURNED check fee! Even if the check was bad! I never signed ANYTHING that said they could RIP ME OFF like that!"

              Me (were I there): Would you rather they pursue their other legal option and have you prosecuted in criminal court for writing a bad check?
              Those who are loudest about their qualifications, tend to have the least merit to their claims.


              • #8
                To which Stinky would come back with some brilliant remark about how that wouldn't be legal either.
                Well fiddle dee dee!!


                • #9
                  Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                  I once sent in my credit card bill and then realized a couple days later that the (perfectly good) check was still in my checkbook. I called and told them what happened and asked what I should do. They had every right to charge me a late fee but they didn't. Probably because I was nice about it and took responsibility for it. Funny how that works.

                  I have done that one once also. Whenever I get a late charge, I will call up the company, and try to find out if it was my fault. A couple of times, I done that, and paid it in full, but Then they credited my next bill, what I over paid.. Not once, was I sucky about it
                  Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                  San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                  • #10
                    Quoth BookstoreEscapee View Post
                    I once sent in my credit card bill and then realized a couple days later that the (perfectly good) check was still in my checkbook. -ams-

                    I did something similar one time. I had planned on paying my Sears Charge. I wrote the date, number of the check, 'Sear Charge' and the amount in my record book... but neglected to make out the check. I had even put the top portion of my statement in the envelope, stamped and mailed it. WITHOUT A CHECK!

                    Sears was kind enough to believe me when I called about it. I just told them I'm getting old and my brain doesn't work like it used to.
                    Retail Haiku:
                    Depression sets in.
                    The hellhole is calling me ~
                    I don't want to go.


                    • #11
                      See I think usually creditors are more willing to return late fees because you forgot to mail the check. Hell I think it happens to everyone, and they can check when they get the bill. But I think it's funny when they want it back because they bounced a check. It's like at our store we had this lady that was writing checks, and she was writing like 2 checks a day for like $5-8 sales, and she been doing it for a while. Then one day we got a bounced check in the mail. Ended up being like 8 days worth of bounced checks. So of course her math was like $7 per check time 16 checks = $112 ok I can pay that. She got pissed at us when we were looking for more like $450
                      It feeds, it grows, it clouds all that you will know
                      Deceit, Deceive, Decide just what you believe


                      • #12
                        I have written a few bad cheques, and once mailed the wrong check to the wrong company. But i've alwais paid up the ones I missed on and stuff.

                        My main worry is a Visa I had years ago... 600 dollars, and I didnt pay it. I dont know WHAT condition my Credit Rating is in now but I can't get a Credit Card to save my life, and I'm terrified of getting a credit check (Why, I dont know). I dunno what I'll do... keep trying or something to try and rebuild my bad credit. I think I'm afraid of that 600 being turned into thousands due to interest and stuff.
                        Do radioactive cats have 18 half-lives?


                        • #13
                          I wrote a bad check just last month... my car payment! Fortunately, my bank is one with overdraft protection, and I *gladly* paid the fee seeing as it kept me out of trouble with Ford. I'd added instead of subtracting the last check before that, and a check I'd deposited a week earlier bounced.
                          Now the trouble about trying to make yourself stupider than you really are is that you very often succeed.

