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A tale from Mole's

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  • A tale from Mole's

    So, the Owl just got home from an 8 hour shift. She says she got called up to the register because the lines were getting long. As she's approaching the registers, a woman in line turns around to face the store and brays, "We need some help here!"

    Owl very politely says, "We're coming up here as fast as we can, ma'am."

    Customer screeches, "Well, that's not fast enough!"

    Owl says, "Well, maybe you should go to another store then." She went on her way to the next register and didn't notice if the customer said anything back. She later mentioned this to a CW who recently got promoted to a supervisory position, and she told Owl, "You should have said, 'I guess you won't be next to be served then.' "
    When you start at zero, everything's progress.

  • #2
    Funny stuff, but some people seriously need to relax and understand humans can only move so fast and cut the staff on duty a bit of slack.


    • #3
      I've heard of the comeback, "Be part of the solution, not the problem, and get on the registers yourself to speed it up.." Too bad that line won't work with customers.

