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I thought people learned to flush the toilet at 3 years old

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  • I thought people learned to flush the toilet at 3 years old

    Does anyone else have problems with customers dirtying up your restrooms then complaining about it? Some of the stuff I find in there is just amazing. I can't believe how bad toileting habits are in the general population. Next time a customer complains I should just say well if you people would clean up after yourselves then maybe it won't be a problem.

  • #2
    Yes, I have seen most of it before. I was potty trained, unlike 98% of the customers .
    Under The Moon Paranormal Research
    San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


    • #3
      At my last job I was upfront at the till when this woman comes up with two little girls and told me that they didn't flush because her daughter put some paper towels into the toilet. They paid and left.

      I went into the bathroom to investigate. I wanted to Needless to say, it wasn't just pee. Holding my breath I quickly flushed it. Quite honestly those toilets could swallow a turkey and she was worried about paper towels!?

      Also, the paper towels weren't those thick brown ones, it was regular household paper towels--from the store itself. If I were her I'd have been way to embarassed to admit not having flushed the toilet. It was pretty disgusting.


      • #4
        Sometimes I just have to wonder if people would be that way in their own bathrooms at home.


        • #5
          Quoth crazydaisy View Post
          Sometimes I just have to wonder if people would be that way in their own bathrooms at home.
          No, they wouldn't./ They seme to believe, not think, believe that they don't need to worry about it since "someone gets paid to clean it."

          Here's a little story for mym work study days. I was workign and mopping a aisle then I got called ot clean a bathroom, my reather and I both went to get supplies, but we had to immediarttelyp ull bakc due to a biohazard. THERE WAS SHIT ALL OVER THE FLOOR!!!!! Someone with more experience was sent in to clean it. And the jerkoff also peed on the seat.

          I also encoutnered this o na road trip at a rest stop. I hate road trips for that reason/


          • #6
            We're not meant to clean the loos. Thank God. All we do is re-strock with loo roll, tissues and soap. If there is a mess we radio ahead for a cleaner. At the end of the day the whole aircraft is cleaned properly.

            I am not paid enough to handle bodily fluids.

            If the loo gets dirty we just close it off.
            No longer a flight atttendant!


            • #7
              My store had a guy we called the Phantom Shitter.

              He would fill the toilet bowl with wadded toilet paper, and then take a dump the size of a birthday cake on top of the pile.

              He would not flush, but there was so much paper that it would quickly overflow the bowl and flood the room with chunky, watery poo.

              Almost caught him once.
              I have a map of the world. It's actual size.

              -- Steven Wright


              • #8
                Yeah, people are disgusting. I was just in Toys 'R' Us yesterday, and wanted to use the bathroom. Somebody missed the seat. Not the obvious way. Not while standing. No, you had to be squatting to get that on the seat. I really don't understand how it was possible. *shudder*

                I opted to wait until I got home.
                No good news is good bad news


                • #9
                  Quoth TonyDonuts View Post
                  take a dump the size of a birthday cake on top of the pile.
                  Are you a "Transmetropolitan" fan?
                  He loves the world...except for all the people.
                  --Men at Work


                  • #10
                    The worst thing I ever saw in the book/music/video store restroom was what looked like someone had attempted to demonstrate his or her finger-painting skills on the walls, using whatever materials came to hand...
                    He loves the world...except for all the people.
                    --Men at Work


                    • #11
                      I work in a cell phone store, and we don't allow people to use our bathroom. Ever. They get very VERY upset that we don't. Well...the stories above are WHY. I let one little old lady use it once, and I lived to regret it. I thought "Oh she'll be OK" Wrong. I have to stand up in front of the store...where the bathroom is..and when she came out...I gagged. A lot. My poor supervisor went in and came out gagging...she'd shat all over the floor and the toilet seat.

                      Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


                      • #12
                        Now I'm having flashbacks of when I worked at a college recreational facility as a housekeeper - yes, I got paid to clean messes like that up.

                        Thankfully, the designers did something good - in the restrooms, the walls about halfway up and the floor were all tile. For relly bad messes, it was easy to hose down and disinfect the whole room.


                        • #13
                          Words cannot express the gladness I feel because I don't have to go near the customer's bathrooms. I've heard stories, though, like the ones posted earlier.
                          Unseen but seeing
                          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                          3rd shift needs love, too
                          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                          • #14
                            I wish my place, didn't allow customers to use it. But NOOOOOOO, we gotta let everyone and there dogs in to use it. So far we have been lucky, no one has made a mess. But I think the time we do, it will be the time, the Owners clean it, maybe then, they will understand why?
                            Under The Moon Paranormal Research
                            San Joaquin Valley Paranormal Research


                            • #15
                              Actually, my kids are 5 and 8, and both regularly forget to flush *blush*

                              Some past horror stories...

                              Once I was shopping in Zellers (like Target & Kmart, but in Canada), and my daughter had to go to the bathroom. We walked into the stall, and there was crap SMEARED all over the wall, no joke. I went to customer service and let them know so that someone could go clean it up. I was polite about it.... I think they suspected that we did it though.... When the customer service lady said no one would be going to clean it up, I asked how long it had been since someone had cleaned that bathroom (this stuff was caked on and dried out)... she got all snotty and said that even though they cleaned the bathroom three times a day (bullsh*t), they couldn't help what THE CUSTOMERS (her emphasis, not mine) did in the meantime. I said fine, walked out, and called a friend of mine at the public health office to go inspect the store. I realize it's not fair that retail workers have to clean this crap up, but dammit, SOMEONE has to, and both customer service and the store manager told me it wasn't their problem.

                              My aunt works in a really no-frills grocery store (not sure what it's called, but it's not No-Frills LOL). She said they have several clients who will walk in wearing Saris or Burqas (or whatever you call the robe that muslim women wear), crap on the floor WHILE doing their shopping, and just walk away. They haven't managed to catch anyone in the act, but she said they have to clean someone's bodily waste off the floor in the aisles at least once or twice a week. (her store is in a pretty crappy neighborhood, no pun intended). I'm thinking I'd quit and find a job in a better part of town.
                              Last edited by tollbaby; 01-15-2007, 09:26 PM.
                              GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.

