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Parking lot is not a dump!

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  • Parking lot is not a dump!

    On Thursday, I was MOD. A guest informed me that there was a white liquid dumped in the parking lot. I go to clean it up with a hose because Maint Man wasn't at work yet. There's a little trail leading to one of the rooms -- we'll call it room 150 -- and it appeared someone in there had just opened the door and flung about a half gallon of milk or whatever it was into our parking lot. I wasn't happy, but I cleaned it up.

    Yesterday I was Head Housekeeper, and I again find the same white liquid in front of the same room. I check the computer and verify that the guest in 150 had been there all week and had been the only guest there all week, so it was obviously him.

    I went ahead and cleaned it up because Maint Man was busy fixing the door to our housekeeping storage room, and as I was hosing off the parking lot the guest in 150 opens the door.

    SC: "It's coffee."
    Me: *points* "Did you do this?!?!"
    SC: "It's just coffee, sorry."
    Me: "Well, it's more than just coffee, because this residue here is staining my parking lot! See?" *points to the stuff that isn't hosing off* "This is a parking lot. It's NOT a dump OR a drain. You can't just dump stuff out here!"
    SC: "Sorry."
    Me: "Just don't do that! This is the second time this week I've had to clean this up. And if we catch you doing it again, you're going to be asked to leave."
    SC: "Okay sorry" *shuts door*

    It wasn't coffee. Coffee creamer, perhaps. Or milk. At least half a gallon of it. I told the desk to have Maint Man scrub or power wash the stuff I couldn't get when he was able to.

    I later found out that this SC moved here after being kicked out from [sh*thole motel up the street], so things could get interesting as time goes on. He's set up in there with cooking stuff and everything, so he's clearly looking to stay for a while...
    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

  • #2
    He couldn't just dump it in the sink or toilet? What a dink.


    • #3
      exactly; to us, normal people, the sink or toilet option makes sense and would be used, but to this brain trust, the street or parking lot is ideal.
      look! it's ghengis khan!
      Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


      • #4
        Quoth bhskittykatt View Post
        He's set up in there with cooking stuff and everything, so he's clearly looking to stay for a while...
        Uh...hope hes not cooking METH! for strange smells.


        • #5
          Call your local police department with his name and possibly vehicle registration. They can run a background check to see if he has any prior's for involvement in drug production. Alot of 'cooks' move around week to week to different parts of the state/country doing 'cook-ups', selling it then moving on. You never know and they won't get upset at you calling this in.


          • #6
            Haven't seen the usual signs of a drug lab. The housekeepers know what to look for (one even used to have his own "business"...he's been clean and sober for the past few years now, and if we suspect a drug lab we'll send him in to clean the room since he knows exactly what to look for). As far as we can tell, he's just a transient with poor hygiene standards. We do work closely with local PD, though, so if he's on their watch list we'll definitely know about it.
            Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.

