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I'm doing WHAT?!

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  • I'm doing WHAT?!

    I was going to not post this til after my last shift tommorow, but I can't help it. I'm still both laughing about it and semi annoyed.

    Part of my job is take the trash out (Which as Darlin will tell you, I don't always do :P) I had all the trash rounded up from last night, and the boxes from breakfast to take out. I had two bags and the boxes, so I was at the gate, opening it (Screw throwing these bags.)

    Cop pulls into the lot, I don't think anything about it and keep doing my job. Now, I've walked out without my hoodie because it usually doesn't take me long enough to be cold to do that trash. (And because I went out the back door, so it wasn't as far.)

    I have a newbie cop (Read: New to me) get out of the car and tell me to get out of the dumpster. Keep in mind, I'm in front of it!

    "Sir, I'm not in the dumpster, I'm throwing the trash away." I said, throwing the second bag in to face him.

    "Do you work here?"

    You mean the ID, the CORDLESS damn phone & KEYS don't give this away?! "Yes, I do work here. I'm the only one on duty. Can I help you?"

    I'm thinking someone called the cops for some stupid reason, and I was right. A lady had SEEN me from her room, and I was "dumpster diving."

    So for 15 minutes, I attempt to explain to the officer than YES, I work here, YES I am the only one on duty. I show my nametag again, I even offer to call the manager and let her identify me. I'm glad I didn't have to, she'd have KILLED him...

    I asked a few times to go in and get my hoodie, because I'm cold, but he keeps telling me no. Okay, dude, I'm cold, I work here and I'm about ready to tell you to bite me, I'm going in.

    Just as I start to give up and go towards my door, another cop comes in. Awesome.. backup for him. Except, it's MY favorite cop. I love this guy, he's the first cop I met.

    "Hey Heather."

    "Hi. Your friend thinks I'm dumpster diving.."

    "Officer _______ (can't remember his name), You do know this is the desk clerk for here right? She's the only one on duty and you've kept here out here for how long?"

    "20 minutes."

    Then he see's the look I have, and let's me say what I've been thinking since I got outside and accused of dumpster diving.

    "Dude, I'm in DRESS clothes, what makes you think I'm ruining these?!"

    I'm still shaky and mad and Friendly Officer let's me go in. I guess he left first, cause the Newer cop asks why I didn't tell him I worked there. It would have saved him trouble.

    Remind me why we can't slap stupid people? I told him. 5 times.

  • #2
    what in the blue hell. You showed him your WORK BADGE and he made you stand outside because you're...

    nothing computes.
    Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


    • #3
      Does this mean you have 2 asshole cops?
      To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


      • #4
        You know, im all for keeping life simple, but I SWEAR this feels like it needs to be reported. He was a jerk. You gave he the info he asked for and he didnt believe you AND kept you from your job for 20 mins. WTF. If your friend hadnt saved you..what then?


        • #5
          Wow, they got there fast! Any idea which room complained? I might have words with them come morning...
          A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


          • #6
            My word, I don't know what to say.
            Customers should always be served . . . to the nearest great white.


            • #7
              no.. and since I went out the back door, there's no rooms that point directly on the back.. all the windows in rooms point out to either the deadhotel or the phone building next door.
              You'd only see me if you were on the back landing..
              I have no idea which guest it was. I'd love to charge a 10.00 FU you tax though. (If I wouldn't get fired..)

              And I was walking in. Our phone is bad out back, so I was coming in to call dispatch to ask for a different officer whether he liked it or not. 20 minutes outside? Screw that.


              • #8
                Quoth superhotelworker View Post

                And I was walking in. Our phone is bad out back, so I was coming in to call dispatch to ask for a different officer whether he liked it or not. 20 minutes outside? Screw that.
                Its not illegal to move to a safer place. Its the same with driving violations. If a cop hits his lights, but you're not comfortable pulling over on a stretch of dark highway, you can drive to the next exit and pull into a lit gas station or something similar (as long as it doesnt look like an attempt to evade, i.e. using signals, speed limit).

                The back of a building next to some dumpsters would make me uncomfortable regardless.

                edit: bad phrasing up in here but you know what im saying. Oh and I got my cam to work on skype, but its cheap and i'm all black and yellow n' shit :x
                Last edited by Whiskey; 10-18-2010, 07:12 AM.
                Thou shalt not take the name of thy goddess Whiskey in vain.


                • #9
                  so it took him 2 minutes to believe a guest that someone was dumpster diving but 20 minutes to not believe you worked there? the man needs a clue by four


                  • #10
                    And I thought it was annoying when I get a new guy following me for blocks on the paper route. 20 minutes??? I'd be reporting it to the Chief or someone...that's just wrong!
                    Knowledge is knowing that a tomato is a fruit. Wisdom is not putting it in a fruit salad.


                    • #11
                      Cops never seem to say please.
                      Is dumpster diving illegal?
                      I thought it was recycling lol.


                      • #12
                        Quoth petshopboy View Post
                        Is dumpster diving illegal?
                        Not directly, but most places consider it trespassing... and odds are that someone going through the dumpster is NOT a guest of the hotel (nor an employee... assuming actual dumpster diving... an employee can get whatever they want to keep rather than throw away before it's tossed).
                        If you wish to find meaning, listen to the music not the song


                        • #13
                          +1 here for reporting him. And asking one of your friendly officers what he can do to help make sure it gets noticed.

                          I don't think the cop should be suspended or anything, but having the incident marked in his mind for the subsequent times in his career when he comes along an analogous situation would be appropriate.
                          "If at first you don't succeed, skydiving is not for you."


                          • #14
                            Sorry, your guest who called you in is probably related to my downstairs neighbor or my "special" neighborhood patrol neighbor.

                            I'm so sorry this happened to you. What an incident that should not have happened.
                            You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                            • #15
                              So do the homeless or whoever normally roots around in the dumpsters in your town usually wear ID badges? My god. That cop was an idiot.
                              When you start at zero, everything's progress.

