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Sexy Boy

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  • Sexy Boy

    The men kissing men thread made me remember this and I didn't want to do a threadjack but here is something that may entertain. In the summer of 2005, I was just about easing into the rigors of my job and worked a very busy show at the Party Venue. The show: Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers and it was SC central. This gem appeared during the outbound process when the show ended. At the Party Venue we have a treeline which divides the lot into 2 sides. There are about 3 drive thrus that have gates that are locked and shut during the outbound process so traffic will not be a huge mess.

    During the outbound process, traffic is packed, people want to go home, and others are getting wasted. I was standing around at my drive thru when this male mid 20s customer (Important part of the story) flags me down. I figure he wants directions and I have no problem. Turns out I did.

    Idiot: Hey, can you open that gate up for us?
    Me: Nope, it's locked and I don't have the keys.
    Idiot: Why don't you have the keys?
    Me: Because no one trusts us.

    I walk off and go back to my spot, the idiot somehow gets my attention again. He decides to get my attention and plays a different card.

    Idiot: Hey sexy, you gonna open those gates up?

    At this point I decide to play along with this, and have some fun. After his comment, I respond.

    Me: Well, I don't know. But if you really want me to open those gates up, would you be willing to come to my place?

    Idiot: *He gets a look of confusion on his face, which for me is perfect because now he's starting to realize that he's about to lose his own game* "Uh, yeah sure."

    Me: Great, then you'd be willing to at least obey my employer's policies? *I make a point of smacking my butt in a seductive way while I am talking*

    Idiot: Well, you know what I just realized that I have a lot to do in the next few days so uh, bye!

    Recap: Customer wants to cut through the drive thru, I tell him no, he tries to play a mind game of hitting on me, I play along, and he freaks out and speeds off trying to flee from the crazy arena slave. The look on his face was a mixture of and hopefully he learned his lesson and would never try that again.
    The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.

  • #2
    Heh, my husband did that once to a guy who kept asking a friend and me to dance with him. Hubby stood up and said, "I'll dance with you", hoping he'd leave us alone.

    Guy took him up on it.

    "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


    • #3
      When I was a lot younger, I used to hang out with my then-boyfriend at a lot of electronics and music type stores. He was really into computers, and I was a heavy metal chick.

      One day, the two of us were looking at CDs at a big electronics store similar to Best Buy (it's since gone out of business), when some big ugly musclehead came over and decided to impress his girlfriend. He starts intentionally bumping into my boyfriend, who was very tall but extremely thin, the very picture of a computer nerd. So he'd bump into him, and then demand that my boyfriend apologize. He did this a couple of times, getting meaner with each one, while his girlfriend checked her trowelled-on makeup and was generally uninterested.

      Finally, I'd had enough. I whirled around, glared, and at the top of my voice yelled: "QUIT GROPING MY BOYFRIEND, YOU LITTLE S**T!"

      Everyone in the store turned to look at us. I made sure I was pointing at him. I have NEVER seen anyone leave my presence so quickly.


      • #4
        Arachne, have you met Mysty?

        Something tells me y'all would get along just fine lol.
        Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.

        Proverbs 22:6


        • #5


          • #6
            Wow, Mysty has ANOTHER sister she didn't know about...

            Anyhoo, back on topic...I always find it amusing when guys pretend they're gay. My brother and brother-in-law are among the best at it. (Wait, that sounds bad...Oh, well, it stays as is. )
            Unseen but seeing
            oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
            There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
            3rd shift needs love, too
            RIP, mo bhrionglóid


            • #7
              All right, my parents have been telling me lies. I knew there was a reason my brother and sister are only two years apart and I came five years after...

              Back to topic, I wonder if guys playing gay is related with why it seems that guys will jump at any excuse to cross-dress. When I was in school, we had a comedic charity event called the "Miss" Tiger Pageant, wherein we'd get guys to play beauty queens, do "talents", etc. And we NEVER had any shortage of guys (teenagers, mind you!) who wanted to get in the evening gowns, fake boobs (they REALLY liked the fake boobs), and wigs.

              The real fun of the evening would be people from neighboring schools who didn't know why "Miss" was in quotation marks. They would buy their tickets, sit down...and then recoil in horror when the draggers started coming down the aisle!
              "Maybe the problem just went away...maybe it was the magical sniper fairy that comes and gives silenced hollow point rounds to people who don't eat their vegetables."

