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They let you out of prison?

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  • They let you out of prison?

    This may kind of go along with threads about being hit on, or threads about really creepy customers.....but what I'm trying to make it into is a thread about customers that really make you doubt the legal system.....customers who, judging by how they act, should be back in the big house or back in the looney bin. Customers who make you wonder "Where are the police when you need them?"

    In the fall of 2005, I'd been at the gas station for about 4 months. It was a quiet Sunday morning, and I'd been open for about 3 hours. My manager had just showed up and disappeared into the office to do paperwork.

    In comes this rough looking man of child molestor/rapist/drug addict proportions. To put it simply, and I know it's rude to judge, but he looked about as trustworthy as OJ Simpson. He was straggly looking with a dirty flannel sweater, a holey tshirt, and even holier jeans......along with dirt and all sorts of other assets that just made you want to gag and say "Gross".

    He comes up to me and says "Whatsa pretty girl like yous doin in a gas station?" To which I ignored his pitiful flirting and coldy responded, "Making a living."

    He looks around the gas station a bit, and says, "Ye know, I feels a bit weird being in another one of these stores again. I just got done doin 5 years for shootin up a gas station!"

    My jaw dropped to the floor and my eyes became the size of Eisenhower coins.

    He went on with, "The clerk said he wusnt gonna gimme my smokes cuz I didnt gots no ID on me, so I got real mad and pulled out ma gun and shot da place up!"

    My heart started to race, and I shook as I scanned his beer and sent him on his way. I was so relieved when my manager came in and I told her the story. She said she'd remember to ask the morning cop (the one that made an every morning appearance during weekdays at the store) if anyone had escaped the prison *25 miles away* lately.

    Another time was when I was working an evening shift. It was rather quiet and an odd night. I wondered where all the looney customers went, and why I'd gone practically an hour without a customer. what you comes this hefty, creepy looking guy and an even creepier looking kid (I shit you not, the child had one eye that was half again the size of the other!). He asked if we sold any toys for kids.....and I looked at him like he was Frankenstein.

    Then he gets a sick smile on his face, shows me his wretched, rotted teeth, and says, "So, do you have a boyfriend?" to which I coldly lie and respond, "YES!" and he backs off, takes the ugly kid with him, and leaves.

    I continue having no customers and continue standing around and staring at the clock. Then the phone rang.
    M= ME CF= Creepy F*ck

    M= Entitlement Store, this is blas, how can I help you?
    CF= Yeah uh...I was just in there a while ago....I was too shy to ask but uh....can I get your number?
    M(not going to put up with shit)= NO!
    CF= you're one of those girls huh....
    M= Excuse me?
    CF= You're a MEAN girl, aren't you?
    M= I guess so!

    I hung up the phone, immediately called the police and my manager. I had a cop wait for me to finish closing the store (there wasn't much longer, anyways) and he'd see that I took off home safe, and my manager stayed with me as well. She was tired, but extremely angry. This wasn't the first time one of her fellow female employees was harrassed and threatened. My manager herself has put several restraining orders against men, not all of them customers, but she's been there before.

    Psycho fatty and his ugly kid never came back, thank God. I don't know what it is about me, but something always attracts those damn crazy creepy folk. Who the hell lets these nuts out of prison or the looney bin anyways?
    You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth

  • #2
    God, what is wrong with people, I can understand someone being lonely, isolated and unfortunate, but dear God, what makes them think threatening strangers is a sure fire way to get a date???
    - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.


    • #3
      Oh trust me you arent the only one. I also have an unwanted talent off attracting stupid, arrogant and thieving dipshits around me as well, which is EXACTLY why I'm having a security system installed at my home when I get my earned income credit next month! And I even went further than you. I scared one off with a gun, put one in jail, and they STILL keep coming around.


      • #4
        Geez, we sure got the winners in Wisconsin here.
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          EWWWWWWWWWW That ranks high on the 'creep-o-meter'.
          Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


          • #6
            Quoth blas87 View Post
            I don't know what it is about me, but something always attracts those damn crazy creepy folk.
            Me too. Wish they'd invent a Creep-B-Gone colone to counteract the creep-magnet-pheromones we seem to give out. Would your boss allow you to carry pepper spray or any other weapon on you at that job?
            I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
            My LiveJournal
            A page we can all agree with!


            • #7
              Ewww... creepy. What is it about gas stations that seems to attract creepy guys?

              <threadjack> I had a creepy experience in a gas station. When I was about twelve or thirteen, I was in a gas station one night grabbing a treat while my mom paid for the gas. This large, scary looking guy (probably in his mid thirties) followed me for a little bit. I tried to move away, but he eventually cornered me. He stood there, grinning and leaning into my space. Then he said "Hey, are you here alone?" Thankfully, my mom spotted this and made her way over like a shot. The guy took off, but eee-yikes. </threadjack>


              • #8
                I hate to break it to you guys, but you've got it easy.... I worked in a porn shop for a few months, and I was there alone. Me, 5' girl behind the counter. Overnight. It got to the point where the 911 dispatchers knew me by name. I got record police response time though... I could write a book about the creeps in there, but one stands out in my mind...
                Me= Yours Truly AH= AssHat
                Me: There you go, have a good night.
                AH: Thanks. You've got a real nice....
                Me: Smile? Professional demeanor?
                AH: Rack. You have a real nice rack.
                Me: I also have a real nice baseball bat back here. Now fuck off.

                That was one good thing about working there. We were by ourselves, so we could pretty much tell people off if they deserved it. As my former boss put it, only about half the people who walked through the door were customers, and we only want about half of those around anyway. Sorry for the threadjack!
                Haikus are easy
                But sometimes they don't make sense


                • #9
                  "So you're a mean girl?"

                  So.....he's so FABULOUS that only a mean girl would refuse his advances? Methinks not.

                  If you wouldn't have been shocked silent, a good response to his "Do you know what I do to mean girls? question would be- "Buy a lot of bandaids for your upcoming asskicking by their totally unforgiving boyfriends?" But I too would have been too shocked to answer.

                  I mean really, where did he think that was going to get him. So many guys over so many years have tried to be intimidating- thinking that I would find it appealing and want to date them. Uh....NO, not quite jerk. Guys like that are cautionary tales, they should have to wear sandwich boards with warning signs on them.


                  • #10
                    Quoth MCSledgehammer View Post
                    AH: Thanks. You've got a real nice....
                    Me: Smile? Professional demeanor?
                    AH: Rack. You have a real nice rack.
                    Me: I also have a real nice baseball bat back here. Now fuck off.
                    Are you sure you want to use that particular term in a porn shop? That's probably what he was hoping for...


                    • #11
                      "Me too. Wish they'd invent a Creep-B-Gone colone to counteract the creep-magnet-pheromones we seem to give out."

                      Oh, there is such a thing. It's called "Mace."

                      I've had creeps use the "if you don't respond to me positively, I will label you as 'mean.' "

                      Some people have a real problem with other people thinking they are mean, bitches, rude, whatever. The comment is meant to goad you into proving them wrong.

                      It never works on me, beause I AM a rude, mean bitch. And I'm perfectly fine with that.


                      • #12
                        Quoth RecoveringKinkoid View Post
                        "Me too. Wish they'd invent a Creep-B-Gone colone to counteract the creep-magnet-pheromones we seem to give out."

                        Oh, there is such a thing. It's called "Mace."
                        True, but not exactly something you want to dab behind your own ears. Plus, sad to say, it's illegal to carry in some cities.

                        Quoth CrimsonEmber View Post
                        <threadjack> I had a creepy experience in a gas station. When I was about twelve or thirteen, I was in a gas station one night grabbing a treat while my mom paid for the gas. This large, scary looking guy (probably in his mid thirties) followed me for a little bit. I tried to move away, but he eventually cornered me. He stood there, grinning and leaning into my space. Then he said "Hey, are you here alone?" Thankfully, my mom spotted this and made her way over like a shot. The guy took off, but eee-yikes. </threadjack>
                        OMG. I'm so glad your mother was on top of things! Sick bastard, hope he eventually got his just deserts.
                        I don't have an attitude problem. You have a perception problem.
                        My LiveJournal
                        A page we can all agree with!


                        • #13
                          I'm with you Kinkoid on that one...I can be a big frigid bitch and I'm not ashamed of it.

                          Sometimes, like in the 2nd situation, I wonder why, oh I don't know, not liking a nasty guy hitting on me qualifies me as a "mean girl", but I guess they know it all, lol. If they think I'm mean and a bitch, that's fine with me. I'm one mean bitch that they'll never have a chance with.

                          Kind of o/t on my own thread lol but I swear sometimes I just get these random images of that ugly kid in my head....oh, ok, no child is ugly, every child is special blah blah blah....that child and his one eye bigger than the other was kind of horrifying actually. It's the kind of thing I don't wanna think about when I wake up in my pitch black bedroom lol.
                          You really need to see a neurologist. - Wagegoth


                          • #14
                            "Plus, sad to say, it's illegal to carry in some cities. "

                            Yeah, I know but screw that. I'd rather face a judge than a mortician.

                            I dated a cop for a while when I was younger. I got into his car once and my skirt "clanked." I was meeting him in the "party district" downtown.

                            Him: Is that that huge knife?
                            Me: Yup.
                            Him: I told you carrying that thing is illegal.
                            Me: Okay. Promise me if I'm ever attacked, you'll be RIGHT THERE IMMEDIATELY.
                            me: Okay. I'll make it easy. Promise me one of your cop buddies will be right there immediately.
                            Him: Uh...
                            Me: Pinky swear.
                            Him: You know I can't do that. I can't promise that.
                            Me: Yeah, I know. I'll be keeping my toothpick, if it's all the same to you.

                            And before anyone starts in on how I shouldn't carry something I don't know how to use, I'm not.


                            • #15
                              Me: There you go, have a good night.
                              AH: Thanks. You've got a real nice....
                              Me: Smile? Professional demeanor?
                              AH: Rack. You have a real nice rack.
                              Me: I also have a real nice baseball bat back here. Now fuck off.
                              Careful now, he could've asked for the bat.
                              Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                              "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily

