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SOLD OUT??? I dont believe you

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  • SOLD OUT??? I dont believe you

    During high seasons, hotel rooms were hard to get even you made reservations months before your arrivals. So its not surprising that the hotels with 1000 rooms were full for several days or several weeks. Following is the actual conversation between me and a SC lady.

    ME: How may I help you?
    SC: I am checking in.
    ME: May I have your last name or comfirmation number, please?
    SC: Well, I dont have a reservation.
    ME: I am so sorry ma'am, we are fully booked tonight, I cant process any walk in.
    SC: Are you telling me, I cannot stay in this hotel tonight?
    ME: Unfortunately, yes.
    SC: I dont believe you have no rooms at all. such a big building with so many rooms. I dont believe you.

    just as this time. another guest came and checked in with my colleague. of course they had reservation, and they went to their room.

    SC: how come they've got a room?
    ME: Ma'am they have reservation, and you don't have one. and we are fully booked tonight and I cant process any walk in.
    SC: This is unbelievable. I dont believe you, and i need to speak to a manager.
    ME: certainly

    so my manager came and told her the same shit. and she went on blasting us for lying to her, discriminating her for not having a reservation, craps like that.
    we even offered to help her to find a room for her. but she refused our help.

    its astonishing that people would believe like that. READ BETWEEN the lines... we have no rooms.... sorry. as if we dont want more business.... also. they think they can keep bitching and bitching about it. and they will get what they want. I cant magically create a room...... but then they think we can

  • #2
    just put em in the boiler room!
    what? they're getting a room! it just doesn't have a bed, bathroom etc etc...
    The report button - not just for decoration


    • #3
      Oh the old "What do you mean you dont have rooms?? It's a HOTEL!!"
      "Let me speak to your manager...because I'm SURE he has a room stuck up his ass for me"
      Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


      • #4
        Oh come on, I know you didn't sell them always keep a few extras!!

        I HATE THAT. I always wanted to say, yeah, you're right...selling all the rooms would just be silly!!

        Not to mention, if we DID keep a few extra rooms, what makes you think we would sell them to your dumbass?

        Another thing that has been driving me crazy lately:

        Some fucknut comes to the desk at 10 am....and just stares at me. So, I ask them if they are checking out.

        NO. CHECKING IN.

        Well, excuuuuuuse me, I left my crystal ball at home and I failed mind reading in school. When it is really busy, I make them wait. It is that whole "Be nice to me, I will help you out, be an asshole, you can check in at 3:00".

        Why is it so hard to be polite, and I don't know.....ACT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. Would it kill you to speak to me? Tell me what you need?

        Ugh. I have to stop thinking about this....


        • #5
          Hotels need to have tents for those last minute walk-in customers with no reservations.
          Unseen but seeing
          oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
          There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
          3rd shift needs love, too
          RIP, mo bhrionglóid


          • #6
            Quoth alogram View Post
            Why is it so hard to be polite, and I don't know.....ACT LIKE A NORMAL PERSON. Would it kill you to speak to me? Tell me what you need?

            Ugh. I have to stop thinking about this....
            I think that happened to me. I checked into a Hilton in Philly for business. I reserved a suite with a King size bed. I get up there and it's a double. I call down to the desk and inform them that I had a king. They told me that since I checked in early the ones with Kings weren't available. If I wanted to change rooms, I would need to come down and wait until 1600 hrs.

            I asked if I could just rest in the room and come down then. They said no. So I went downstairs and told them that I was the person that just called about the room and let them know I would wait for a room w/King Size bed (it was paid for, I wanted it!).

            She did some key tappin' while I stood there and I patiently waited. She then hands me a key card for a new room with a King bed?!?

            "I thought you said they weren't ready?"
            " Well, we have some now"

            No extra rooms, my butt!!!


            • #7
              Quoth uthdentroll View Post
              its astonishing that people would believe like that. READ BETWEEN the lines... we have no rooms.... sorry. as if we dont want more business....
              Between the lines? Isn't that asking a little too much? How about reading the lines themselves? Most customers can barely do that on their most lucid days, and usually not without help.

              I can feel your pain on the Sold Out problem. With Windows Vista being released in a couple of weeks, computer manufacturers have stopped shipping new computers until the Vista release date so we can start selling computers with Vista already on them. When I left work two days ago, there were 19 desktops and 40 laptops in stock. That's not 19 desktop models and 40 laptop models; that's total number of boxes. Considering that we usually sell an average of 15-20 computers a day, this is gong to be a problem for the next couple of weeks. I'm fairly sure my job will consist of repeating this several times a day: "I'm sorry. I'm sold out. I have no computers to sell you."

              Lately, we have had a rash of people who cannot comprehend the concept of Sold Out. Sometimes I can physically show them the low stock, and they still don't believe me.

              Sold Out is disappointing. Sold Out is frustrating. Sold Out makes life less convenient for you. I understand this. Now you need to understand that when I say I can't help you, I don't mean you smell bad or have an ugly haircut or are stupid or anything like that. I mean I can't help you. Now come up with a different question that I can help you with, or go away.
              I suspect that... inside every adult (sometimes not very far inside) is a bratty kid who wants everything his own way.
              - Bill Watterson

              My co-workers: They're there when they need me.
              - IPF


              • #8
                More fun when it's a medication that you've run out of because there's been a run on it (hycotuss, anyone?) or is on backorder, and none of the neighboring stores have any, either.

                My shelves are getting a bit bare, we were supposed to get a truck yesterday, but it didn't make it due to the storm here. I'm completely out of albuterol inhalers, and I know at least 2 other surrounding stores are out too, they were calling us to see if we had any.


                • #9
                  What's even worse is when a hotel is sold out and the customers go to the housekeepers of the hotel and try to make them get you a room. My mom is a housekeeper in a hotel with 87 rooms. The summer time is the worst time for walk ins, as there are so many conventions, fairs, etc. going on around town. I remember going in to help my mom (this was LONG before they switched owners), and some woman had walked into the hotel demanding a room and was told that they were all sold out. We could hear the argument all the way on the 2nd floor, and my mom & I went downstairs to grab some towels and other stuff for her cart. This idiot woman storms away from my desk and after my mom screaming "Do you work here?" My mom was like "Yes, why?" The woman then proceeded to bitch at my mother, saying that the front desk wouldn't let her in. My mom explained the same thing that the desk clerk had told the lady.... There's no rooms available. The woman blew a gasket, and just as she flew off the handle the owner came in for the day. He told her promptly to get out or he was calling the cops. He then called the only other hotel in the town and said that they'd probably have an irate woman come in there for a room. Unfortunately, they're a smaller hotel and they were solidly booked too. I just wonder, how badly did that hotel get yelled at?


                  • #10
                    Quoth SCSlave View Post
                    Oh the old "What do you mean you dont have rooms?? It's a HOTEL!!"
                    "Let me speak to your manager...because I'm SURE he has a room stuck up his ass for me"
                    It's the same reasoning behind, "I can't be overdrawn; I still have checks left!"
                    He loves the world...except for all the people.
                    --Men at Work


                    • #11
                      Living in a beach town summers are murder. We are constantly booked up and always get those last minute jerks who think we're lying. Here's some excuses/threats I've received

                      1. The much hated "you always have rooms set aside for emergencies" claim

                      2. Cries of discrimination

                      3. Bribes "Say a reservation gets canceled and you suddenly get a 100$" wink wink

                      4. Crying

                      5. Claiming that they have been driving for hours and just need a room before they get into a wreck

                      6. Asking if they can sleep in their cars in the parking lot

                      7. And my favorite "I know the owner and she/he would be pissed if you don't accommodate me"

                      It's not my fault people are too dumb to understand that summer is a busy season for hotels. Nothing that passes from your lips will sway me. Plan ahead or deal with it.
                      My Horror Blog



                      • #12
                        LOL, reminds me of Gainseville FL in March.

                        For those who don't follow motorsports, the NHRA has a big national event every year in Gainseville - the Gatornationals. If you want a hotel close to the track (within 15 miles) you better reserve as soon as NHRA releases the schedules otherwise tough shit, unless you like traveling an hour between the track and the hotel.

                        As we were checking in last year, two guys were coming in, and when the desk lady told them we're booked as is the other hotel right next door, he started bitching, "Come on now, this is Gainseville!" When the lady told him it was NHRA weekend, he was like "this is bullshit!" and stormed out. Sucks to be him.


                        • #13
                          Quoth uthdentroll View Post
                          so my manager came and told her the same shit. and she went on blasting us for lying to her, discriminating her for not having a reservation, craps like that.

                          Discriminating her for not having a reservation! What will come next?
                          Discriminating against customers who don't pay?


                          • #14
                            Ok, I know this is going to make you guys groan but this thread reminded me of the old joke on the "I Love Lucy" show where Fred asks Ricky,
                            "Did you hear the one about the Indian who had to sleep in the hotel lobby because he didn't have a reservation?"


                            • #15
                              I hate customers who don't believe you are sold out

                              SC: "Do you have any of these inflatable pools left?" (during a freak heat wave)
                              Me: "No, we're sold out and so are all the other stores in Winnipeg."
                              SC: "I want to talk to a manager!"
                              Me: "She's right over there."

                              SC: "Do you have any of these inflatable pools left?"
                              Manager: "We're sold out, and so are all the other stores in Winnipeg, and so is the corporate warehouse in Toronto."

                              Or those who accuse you of discrimination against them for some sort of stupid reason.

                              "Bigger windshield wiper blades cost more? You are disctiminating against people who need larde windshield wiper blades!"
                              free from the evil clutches of crappy tire

