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*bangs head on desk*

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  • *bangs head on desk*

    UGH! I love my job.. I love my job.. hmm. Better change that. I love my check.. I love my check..

    I do not like lady that's here with 1 of the 2 large groups. She calls me a heathen because I am not a Christian. Sorry, I was raised to choose to follow what I want, so I do. Glad you have your religion, I have mine, can we leave it alone?

    Oh no. Last year, she saw my Pentacle necklace. this year, she see's I still have it. This is what comes out of her. "I see you have your.. necklace." *glares*
    Me: *In my head* I see you're still a bitch..
    Outwardly? I'm grabbing my soda and taking a BIG drink, and smiling as best I can. So I can't speak.


    Okay, I realize the holidays are coming up and there's alot of people w ithout a lack of planning. But if I tell you that you can't reserve 7 rooms for a holiday, you really can't. And no, you can't reserve 3 either. I have 1. Exactly 1. You want it, fine. But you're not cramming "14" people into it. No, you can't. Why? Well it's a fire safety thing. As in, if a fire starts, your safety is screwed. So no. Just.. stop asking!

    And our gay / drag bar usually sends us awesome people. So why tonight, did I get the drunken equivalent of the John and Yoko twice? One couple kept glaring at each other, the other was soo lovey it was sickening. And then I tell the one's glaring (Now arguing) that they need to keep the noise down, it's 3:30 am and there are others in the hotel. They start with "We paid for our room>"

    Me: "No, SHE paid for the room and I'm asking nicely. You aren't the only ones here, there are people who leave in the next hour and I think they'd appreciate it, as would I, if you kept the noise down."

    Amazing how quickly people shut up when they realize that you know who the true money bags of the group is.

    To the idiot who's doing peelouts of my parking lot:
    You gave me your license and you're an underage drunk. Thanks. Now I'm just gonna call the cops, and hand this over, tell them what I saw and smelled, and let them get ya. Have fun! Cause now you'll get busted for 2 things. A) No licensed driving and b) Drunk driving.

    No lady. I have no public phone. I'm sorry your boyfriend dumped you, but there is still NO public phone. I can call you a cab if you'd like, but no, I'm not paying for it and no, you can't have the phone. Because it's not public, that's why. We used to let people use this and somehow or another, someone would wander off with the phone (Old cordless) or would cost us a shit-ton in long distance.
    No matter how you look at it. The answer is still no.

    This makes my head hurt. A ton.

    Guy on phone: "I'm looking for *Name not in my system*."
    Me: (checking): "I think you might have the wrong hotel. There's nobody here with that name."
    Guy on phone: "Maybe this one? *Names guy with note that says he's not here, no calls*
    Me: "I'm sorry.. I don't know that name either."
    Guy on phone: "You need to connect me with someone who knows what they're doing. You a stupid bitch."
    Me: *click*

    No warning, I just hang up Ass.

    He calls back:

    Guy on phone: "Some bitch just hung up on me."
    Me: "That'd be me and if you call me a bitch again, I'm gonna do it again."
    Guy on phone: "Fine. You a (N word. I hate this word.)
    Me: "*hangs up again*

    Yeah, I walked into that.

    He calls back, again.

    Guy on phone: "Now some N Bitch hung up on me. I want her fired."
    Me: "Look. You call me ONE more deragotory name, and I'm hanging up again. I've been nice. I'm sorry you can't locate your friends sir, but if they arent here, there's nothing I can do."
    Guy: "I"m a cop."
    Me: "Great. Point? Less you're here and serving paperwork, I have NOTHING to give you still. Sorry."
    Guy: "i'm a lawyer."
    Me: "Lawyer and a cop. Busy aren't you?"
    Guy: "I have bitches."
    *hangs up*

    Ow. My head. Dude, really? Next were you going to say you're a judge and jury too? Keep going, and hang yourself!

  • #2
    He's a cop, he's a lawyer, he's a teepee, he's a wigwam. I don't know where I'm going with this, it's 4am. I'm sorry you're having extra suck tonight, m'love. Mayhaps I'll come lurk during your Sunday shift.


    • #3

      May what she dishes out come back to her three fold. .

      Wow 7 rooms. Is there a EW convention in the area?

      Drunk Driving - Glad you called the cops. Drunk is bad enough...underage is just a bit worse.

      Guy on the phone? Needs a swift kick in the nether regions.

      *hugs and offers hot cocoa, and shoulder massage*
      Engaged to the amazing Marmalady. She is my Silver Dragon, shining as bright as the sun. I her Black Dragon (though good honestly), dark as night..fierce and strong.


      • #4
        Ooh yay for both offers. Please!


        • #5
          Wow, you let the guy stay on the phone longer than I have. Once he calls back and says some bitch hung up on him, I wouldn't say another word. Just hang up. And since he's a cop, see if you can get his badge number so you can report his ass.
          To right the countless wrongs of our days... We shine this light of true redemption, that this place may become as paradise...Oh, what a wonderful world such would be...


          • #6
            Quoth superhotelworker View Post
            Guy: "I"m a cop."
            Me: "Great. Point? Less you're here and serving paperwork, I have NOTHING to give you still. Sorry."
            Guy: "i'm a lawyer."
            Me: "Lawyer and a cop. Busy aren't you?"
            Guy: "I have bitches."
            *hangs up*
            I love that having "bitches" beats being a cop or a lawyer - that's obviously where I went wrong in my career aspirations!
            I speak English, L33t, Sarcasm and basic Idiot.


            • #7
              I like your first sentence. I used to have a mug that said "I love my job. I love my job. I need the money".

              And looking at the shenanigans, sooooo true.
              A lion however, will only devour your corpse, whereas an SC is not sated until they have destroyed your soul. (Quote per infinitemonkies)


              • #8
                Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                He calls back:

                Guy on phone: "Some bitch just hung up on me."
                'I really doubt that sir. We don't have any female dogs here tonight and even when we do, they aren't allowed on the phone.'

                would be funny if he stuttered and tried to explain. i've had that happen.


                • #9
                  Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                  Guy"i'm a cop"
                  Guy: "i'm a lawyer."
                  Guy: "I have bitches."
                  Sorry Jerry Orbach is dead-and he was the only Lawyercop* kewl enough to have bitches.....

                  *He had recurring roles as both on Law and order...not entirely sure which "job" Briscoe had first according to LO timeline-
                  Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


                  • #10
                    He's a cop, he's a lawyer, he's a teepee, he's a wigwam.

                    i think briscoe was a lawyer first; the issue with his daughter caused him to change over? (maybe...i'm fuzzy on the earlier stuff)

                    lol, i love how he thinks upping the ante is going to impress you and leave you saying, "ooh, a lawyer and a cop with bitches too? let me get your friends on the phone right away, *giggle*"
                    look! it's ghengis khan!
                    Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                    • #11
                      Quoth chainedbarista View Post
                      i think briscoe was a lawyer first; the issue with his daughter caused him to change over? (maybe...i'm fuzzy on the earlier stuff)
                      Jerry Orbach appeared in one episode of L&O season 2 as a lawyer named Frank Lehrman. He was then introduced as Briscoe partway through season 3; there wasn't supposed to be any connection between the two.

                      L&O did that kind of thing quite often - having the same guest star play multiple different characters in different episodes. Orbach is unusual because he came back as a main character rather than just a one-off.


                      • #12
                        Yeah.. Not actually a cop. I gave the guys name to Local officer I have an email for.. and he laughed and said "Nope, not one of us. Sorry."

                        Me: "I f igured. Even the cop that hates me isn't that much of an ass."

                        Hero: I was trying to be nice. :P I was in a good mood last night til that idjit tried to ruin it.


                        • #13
                          Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                          To the idiot who's doing peelouts of my parking lot:
                          You gave me your license and you're an underage drunk. Thanks. Now I'm just gonna call the cops, and hand this over, tell them what I saw and smelled, and let them get ya. Have fun! Cause now you'll get busted for 2 things. A) No licensed driving and b) Drunk driving.
                          Three things C) Underage drinking.


                          • #14
                            D'oh. thanks Juggler. :P


                            • #15
                              Quoth superhotelworker View Post
                              Guy on phone: "I'm looking for *Name not in my system*."
                              Me: (checking): "I think you might have the wrong hotel. There's nobody here with that name."
                              Guy on phone: "Maybe this one? *Names guy with note that says he's not here, no calls*
                              Me: "I'm sorry.. I don't know that name either."
                              Guy on phone: "You need to connect me with someone who knows what they're doing. You a stupid bitch."
                              Me: *click*

                              No warning, I just hang up Ass.
                              And by doing so, you actually fulfilled his request of getting him in touch with someone who "knows that they're doing" because that left him, presumably, alone in a room with just him and the phone, and between the two of them, THEY were the only ones who had a clue what he was trying to do.

                              Pity he didn't realize that and kept calling
                              - They say nothing good happens at 2AM, they're right, I happen at 2AM.

