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The Boy Scout from Hades

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  • The Boy Scout from Hades

    When I worked at GameStore, I encountered all sorts of strange and horrible people. Not the least of which was the one a Boy Scout uniform.

    So it was a slow day, and the Holiday Returns season was just wrapping up, when into the store comes a 9~ year old boy and his father. His father was one of those stuffy types who you just know is loaded to the gills, wants the best there is for his little man, and will loudly chew out anyone who tells him otherwise. His progeny is clad in a smart little scout uniform and promptly goes to the Pokemon section to squeal.

    Finally, the boy comes up to my counter with a pair of gameshark-like pieces of hardware, each of which containing codes and cheats for the Pokemon games. He asks his father for both of them, who promptly denies the little [angel] and tells him to choose only one. The child throws a fit.

    Now, anyone who knows me will tell you that I am very tolerant and enjoy helping people. That having been said, I really should have known better.

    TQ: Me
    BS: Appropriately abbreviated Boy Scout
    RF: Rich Father

    TQ: Well, which Pokemon game are you buying this for?
    BS: Shut up! I'm thinking!
    RF: *snaps* Be nice to the young lady, she's trying to help you.

    It went downhill from there.

    Once I informed him that the Official Brand didn't have the game he was looking for on it, he physically /flung/ it over his shoulder (embarassing his father, who I actually pitied) and looked me squarely in the eyes, requesting the one remaining item. I dutifully rang him up and they left the store.

    But oh no. This was not the end.

    Not twenty minutes later, the pair returned to my store, the child screeching like the sky was falling and waving his game about, item attached. Apparently he couldn't wait to get home to open it.

    RF: Hi, we were in a few minutes ago and purchased this item, I believe it was you who helped us.
    TQ: Yes sir. What can I help you with?
    BS: *blurts in* It's broken! It doesn't have all the codes on it and erased my game!
    RF: We would like to trade it in for another.

    Now this is a fairly easy procedure, but the problem is - there were no more of that particular item in stock, and we only authorize direct trade for opened items that are found to be defective. So I informed them of this and the gates of Hell themselves seemed to crack open before me.

    TQ: Well, when you use codes to cheat in a game, you run a risk of your game being erased.
    TQ: *helpfully points it out on the back of the packaging* There is a warning right here.
    RF: *raising his voice* This is unacceptable.

    At this point I wanted to figure out what the hell happened and get them out of my store. So I held out my hand.

    TQ: Okay, well there may be something we can do. Will you let me see it?

    BS promptly thrusts his game into my arms. Sure enough, everything is fine and working decently...except the memory of the unit itself. Where it's supposed to have codes, it just has blank memory. I'm able to salvage his game, though, by taking out the unit and plugging the game back in without it.

    TQ: Well your game is fine. It looks like only the memory on the unit is gone.
    BS: It had codes on it when I bought it and then we went into Office Smacks it didn't!

    Now I know something's up.

    After a bit more questioning, the following story comes out, compiled between BS and RF.

    After coming into the store, BS delightedly shreds the packaging off the code module and plops his game into it, and RF decides to go into the office supply store.

    When they walk in, the game sets off the security alarm. (I can only imagine the screeching and panic that ensued here.)

    The door lady, an elderly woman who I would see occasionally when I'd wander over there for my lunch break (she was terribly sweet, bless her heart) said that it was the game setting off the alarm. Not knowing anything about computers, she RAN THE GAME OVER THE MAGNETIC SCANNER.

    Erasing the module memory.

    I explained to the man and his son exactly what happened, and that memory units and magnets don't get along. And then the little boy, resplendent in Boy Scout garb, slams his hands on the counter and glares at me. What he said next is forever burned into my mind as the funniest and saddest thing I've ever heard.

    "I'm going to SUE that lady!" he declared.

    My manager and I didn't know what to say. We issued the kid a store credit and he left with his dad. Once he was gone we both busted up laughing.

    A boy scout suing an old lady...And to think they used to help them cross the street...
    Saving the planet and everything on it is certainly a daunting task; but see, push has come to shove...Let's roll.

    - Inga Muscio

  • #2
    Yup. The stereotype of the kind, helpful, trustworthy, loyal scout has been gone for a long time now.
    "Ignorance is no excuse for a law."
    .................................................. ..................- Alfred E. Newman


    • #3
      "I'm going to SUE that lady!" he declared.
      Yeah, a nine-year old is going to sue an old lady for an honest mistake. Good luck

      Kids say the darndest things.
      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


      • #4
        Quoth ToasterQueen View Post
        "I'm going to SUE that lady!" he declared.

        I wonder when we'll see it on Judge Judy.


        Well, not ME, but the man of the household watches occasionally and I laugh at him.
        Unseen but seeing
        oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
        There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
        3rd shift needs love, too
        RIP, mo bhrionglóid


        • #5
          Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
          Yeah, a nine-year old is going to sue an old lady for an honest mistake. Good luck

          Kids say the darndest things.
          Most go through a "we should sue" stage around that age if they are around adult conversations, business, etc. They don't understand it and see it as justice for a wrongdoing. My kid went through it.

          "You'd feel a Hell of a lot better if you'd just rip into the occasional customer."


          • #6
            I hope the dad did not agree with the son, I hope he did what any other rational parent did and said that it was a mistake. Please let it be that way, oh please.

            If they are around adult conversations, business, etc. They don't understand it and see it as justice for a wrongdoing. My kid went through it.
            I learned that last night, during egress at the arena I was a proud witness to an 8 year old kid who had his head out the window screaming "douchebag" at the top of his lungs. The father did nothing.
            The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


            • #7
              Quoth Irving Patrick Freleigh View Post
              Yeah, a nine-year old is going to sue an old lady for an honest mistake. Good luck

              Kids say the darndest things.
              Some kids should be flogged with the darndest things. Like a Garden Weasel(tm).


              • #8
                Quoth ArenaBoy View Post
                I hope the dad did not agree with the son, I hope he did what any other rational parent did and said that it was a mistake. Please let it be that way, oh please.
                Methinks if he was a rational parent, he would have denied the kid the damn thing in the first place based on his atrocious behavior.

                But then, I intend to be an absolute nazi of a mother.

                Gravekeeper- I dunno, I think real weasels would be far more amusing to flog someone with


                • #9
                  Quoth South Texan View Post
                  Yup. The stereotype of the kind, helpful, trustworthy, loyal scout has been gone for a long time now.
                  The sad thing is, we're still out here (I'm an Eagle Scout and current Assistant Scoutmaster myself), but you don't hear about the good kids unless they swim through freezing, shark-infested waters to save a kitten or something. Helping little old ladies and the like doesn't "bleed" enough to make the news.

                  That kid needs to have all his toys taken from him until he can appreciate them. I never had much as a kid, and I bought all of my own gaming equipment (except the Intellivision, my dad bought that for the family) with lawnmowing money. My folks would have grounded me for months for acting like that.
                  The Rich keep getting richer because they keep doing what it was that made them rich. Ditto the Poor.
                  "Hy kan tell dey is schmot qvestions, dey is makink my head hurt."
                  Hoc spatio locantur.


                  • #10
                    Quoth ToasterQueen View Post
                    A boy scout suing an old lady...And to think they used to help them cross the street...
                    The Boys Scouts of America. Those noble little . . . bastions of democracy.
                    I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                    • #11
                      Quoth Geek King View Post
                      The sad thing is, we're still out here (I'm an Eagle Scout and current Assistant Scoutmaster myself), but you don't hear about the good kids unless they swim through freezing, shark-infested waters to save a kitten or something.
                      A truer statement has never been said and I feel that the main problem with the news media is the way that they overdramatize the negative in the universe and totally ignore the positive.

                      That being said however the problems with the way parents...well...'parent' these days, makes the worst of the boyscouts that much more memorable.

                      The BSA cannot be expected to instil the fullness of a moral code into a child that a parent is supposed to. That is their job and not the BSA's. The BSA's job (and I was a scout myself once) is to take the lessons taught by the parents and let the children learn how to apply them in the real world. They don't instil the morals and values, they are there to polish them up a bit.

                      But even the best scout leader needs something to work with, and lets face just isn't there in a growing number of children.

                      I never lost my faith in humanity. Can't lose what you never had right?


                      • #12
                        Quoth ToasterQueen View Post
                        A boy scout suing an old lady...And to think they used to help them cross the street...
                        Thank Gord for rule #1. This cracked me up.

                        Edited to add:

                        Quoth Mongo Skruddgemire View Post
                        the problems with the way parents...well...'parent' these days, makes the worst of the boyscouts that much more memorable [...] The BSA cannot be expected to instil the fullness of a moral code into a child that a parent is supposed to. That is their job and not the BSA's.
                        I remember reading a news report a couple of years back about how there was a massive waiting list for kids to get into the Cubs and Brownies (Scouts for small boys and small girls respectively, I don't know the details, I was kicked out of Woodcraft Folk ) anyway - kids were having to wait months for a place because loads of parents were signing their kids up, but none were prepared to actually volunteer as Scout leaders themselves. In light of what Mongo says I think that speaks volumes.
                        Last edited by Fera Festiva; 01-19-2007, 12:15 PM.
                        Me non rogo, hic modo laboro.


                        • #13
                          Haha, that's awesome. It's a shame children are rasied with no manners these days.


                          • #14
                            Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                            Some kids should be flogged with the darndest things. Like a Garden Weasel(tm).
                            okay, I love my two rugrats dearly, but damn if that wasn't a violation of Rule #1
                            GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                            • #15
                              Quoth Geek King View Post
                              The sad thing is, we're still out here (I'm an Eagle Scout and current Assistant Scoutmaster myself), but you don't hear about the good kids unless they swim through freezing, shark-infested waters to save a kitten or something. Helping little old ladies and the like doesn't "bleed" enough to make the news.
                              Well said. You don't hear much about the Scouts now...except about the incidents about them refusing to let homosexuals and atheists into the group. Oh, and there are the sexual abuse incidents that sometimes happen. Things like that make the news, instead of the volunteer work that many of their members do. It's sad, really.

                              ...and I'm an Eagle as well. I was an assistant scoutmaster for awhile, but soon ran out of time with work and school.
                              Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari

