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Just some tidbits from today (one gross)

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  • Just some tidbits from today (one gross)

    Paint desk

    Older guy (50ish) comes up to the desk as I'm putting in tints to the machine. He asks: "Hey, how do I build a partition wall? I'm building a room in a converted garage."
    Me: "Umm.. this is paint. Building materials is down that aisle."
    Guy: "So you don't know how to build a wall?"
    Me: "No, sir. But I can tell you how to paint it." (I know how, actually. I worked construction for a few years, but I'm not going to tell someone that doesn't know how, how to do it. I don't want to be sued when things go wrong, like, his house collapsing)
    Guy: "Thanks for nothing."
    Me: "Have a good day sir."

    Yes, everyone at work is a licensed contractor/builder.
    ================================================== ==========

    At the sample machine, which makes, well.. samples of the paint colors we carry. It has been acting strange lately. Colors not coming out right, paint shooting out all over the place, even though I am very thorough when I clean it.
    Skanky, white trash, smokey-voice lady wants a sample of some kind of white paint. I take the card over to the sample machine, and insert the bottle. Type in the info and away we go. Halfway through, the white paint shoots out over the bottle's lip and onto the desk, mouse pad, and my hand. Lady then says: "Man, that reminds me of my date last night. Har har har!"
    ================================================== ==========

    A yuppie couple comes to me, bearing a color card and a can of exterior paint. I always double check with the customer as to manufacturer, color, int. or ext., gloss and container size. Always.
    Me: "So you want Olympic Exterior flat, one gallon, in Thunderchunk Blue?"
    YC; "Yes. It for our garage."
    Me: "Ok, I'll have that ready in a few minutes."
    I make up their color, mix it and give it to them. I handed to the husband the same paint can he handed me.
    Husband: "We wanted interior paint. Why did you give us exterior?"
    Me: "Because that is the paint you gave me. But I can make this color in an interior paint. It will be just a few more minutes."
    Husband: "No, we'll go to Wal-Mart up the road, where they know what they're doing."
    Me: "HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!"
    Yes, I actually laughed big and loud at this. We have MANY customers that come to us to fix Wally World's fuck ups.
    Moral of the story: Don't be bringin' up the paint cans unless you know EXACTLY what you need.
    ================================================== =========

    This one was my fault. It was 6:45pm, 15 minutes before I leave. A lady from yesterday comes back. I remember her (she is surprised) and asks how I am. I tell her it's my birthday today. She asks what my plans are after work, and I tell her I'm picking up my daughter and we're going to SeaWorld tomorrow. We talk for a few more minutes, then she tells me her order: 2 gallons of this gorgeous tan paint, EXTERIOR FLAT.
    I get busy making the paint while she goes to a different part of the store to shop.
    I didn't realize that I grabbed the wrong paint. I grabbed interior satin; totally wrong, Knightmare. After it's mixed, I realize "Oops! Wrong paint!" So I put those 2 gallons aside and grab Exterior satin. I mix them up and finish them just as she returns. I tell her what a bonehead I was for grabbing the wrong paint.
    She replied: "I hate to break it to you, dear, but you're still a bonehead."
    Me: "What?"
    Lady: "Look at the sheet. It's exterior FLAT, not satin."
    Me: *Looking at the sheet, then the paint cans, then sheets again, then her* "GAAAHHHH!! Sorry, sorry sorry.. I'll have these made up correctly this time. Give me 3 minutes."
    I made the paint and gave it to her. She said (with a big, warm, genuine smile) "Happy Birthday, Bonehead. I hope you and your daughter have a wonderful day tomorrow!"
    So I wasted 4 gallons of paint, all the same color. My manager wasn't exactly thrilled, but hey, I'm human, and can run circles around him all day in the paint department, so he cut me some slack.
    I really must learn to read my own writing one of these days.

    Oh yeah.. one last thing. My GM actually remembered it was my birthday. He wished me a happy birthday in the break room. Then 20 minutes later, got on the loudspeaker and said "Attention Lowe's employees and customers. If you see Knightmare from the paint department today, wish him a happy birthday."

    Gee, thanks boss. At least no one sang.
    Age and wisdom don't necessarily go together. Some people just become stupid with more authority.

    "Who put the goat in there? The yellow goat I ate."

  • #2
    Happy Birtday, Knightmare. May the candles on your cake burn like cities in your wake!


    • #3

      Indigestion is what you get
      From the enemies you 'et


      *now knows RecoveringKinkoid is an SCA-er*
      Who is this rectal-cranial inverted twit....and where is my sledgehammer??


      • #4
        At the sample machine, which makes, well.. samples of the paint colors we carry. It has been acting strange lately. Colors not coming out right, paint shooting out all over the place, even though I am very thorough when I clean it.
        Skanky, white trash, smokey-voice lady wants a sample of some kind of white paint. I take the card over to the sample machine, and insert the bottle. Type in the info and away we go. Halfway through, the white paint shoots out over the bottle's lip and onto the desk, mouse pad, and my hand. Lady then says: "Man, that reminds me of my date last night. Har har har!"

        That's nasty. Really, really nasty!

        I'm going to go soak in a tub of now
        Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

        "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


        • #5
          I love the 'Bonehead' story!! Customers who will joke with me make my day! Even if it is at my expense. As long as they're laughing with me, not at me.

          Happy Birthday! Have fun at Sea World.
          Oh, "Blah blah blah 'Your Needs'!"


          • #6
            Quoth Knightmare View Post
            Paint desk

            Oh yeah.. one last thing. My GM actually remembered it was my birthday. He wished me a happy birthday in the break room. Then 20 minutes later, got on the loudspeaker and said "Attention Lowe's employees and customers. If you see Knightmare from the paint department today, wish him a happy birthday."

            Gee, thanks boss. At least no one sang.
            When I worked at Builders Square (Kmart's answer to Lowes and Home Depot) employee's got their birthday off with pay. Only company I ever worked for that did that.


            • #7
              Happy Birthday!

              I hope this turns out to be a wonderful year for you.
              Labor boards have info on local laws for free
              HR believes the first person in the door
              Learn how to go over whackamole bosses' heads safely
              Document everything
              CS proves Dunning-Kruger effect


              • #8
                Quoth Knightmare View Post
                Oh yeah.. one last thing. My GM actually remembered it was my birthday. He wished me a happy birthday in the break room. Then 20 minutes later, got on the loudspeaker and said "Attention Lowe's employees and customers. If you see Knightmare from the paint department today, wish him a happy birthday."

                Gee, thanks boss. At least no one sang.

                At my store, they do that quite a lot. After the first announcement, other departments will go on the PA and say "Happy birthday, {birthday person} from {department}!!!!!!!!!" It's great fun...sometimes.
                Unseen but seeing
                oh dear, now they're masquerading as sane-KiaKat
                There isn't enough interpretive dance in the workplace these days-Irv
                3rd shift needs love, too
                RIP, mo bhrionglóid


                • #9
                  Happy Belated, Knightmare!!

                  One of our Hardware guys had a Birthday a few days ago.

                  I'm one of the Employees that will often make the announcement over the PA. (Depending on who it is, and knowing their sense of humor, or lack of, I someitmes give out an age of like 85 or thereabout). This time though, Garden Lady made the announcement.

                  A day or two later, I crossed paths with the Birthday Guy, and told him that he was lucky that Garden Lady had done it, as I would have announced something like ", go back to the Hardware Dept, and wish Birthday Guy a Happy Birthday and have him make you up a dozen or so keys for you!"

                  Okay, I probably would not have done it, but it was fun to think about. Plus, I have to worry about retaliation later in the year, ", be sure to wish Mike the Cashier a Happy Birthday, and be sure to take all Returns to him today. Just bypass the Return Desk, and see Mike at register #x, he'll be happy to help you!"



                  • #10
                    Quoth Jack7957 View Post
                    When I worked at Builders Square (Kmart's answer to Lowes and Home Depot) employee's got their birthday off with pay. Only company I ever worked for that did that.
                    Wow, that's nice...never heard of that one. My old store had a birthday cake club. If you wanted to participate, the person whose birthday was before yours was responsible for bringing in your cake, and you brought in cake for the next birthday. A lot of people went for ice cream cake from the place across from the store, but one woman always went to this one incredible bakery that's like half and hour away (which i just last week realized i now pass it on my way to work lol) and one of the guys always made it himself (he loved to bake and brought in goodies all the time). You knew he didn't like you much if he got you a store-bought cake ).

                    My last birthday in the store was on a Saturday and I did practically nothing all day. Hung out at the info desk, I took an hour getting everyone's lunch orders for sandwiches, and then it took me 45 minutes to pick up the order because they were having register problems and were all backed up. So I went over to the Petsmart next door to the sandwich place to look for customers with dogs I could play with. So I guess I kinda got a paid day off...
                    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
                    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
                    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"

