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There's Something In The Water

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  • There's Something In The Water

    It's the only explaination. They're getting worse. >.>


    Me: “And your name please?”
    SC: “C-O-J-O-C-T-O-O-N-O-O-I-C”

    Oh! I’m sorry, but that’s too many O’s. Per the new guidelines I put in place last week, I’m afraid I’m going to have to disqualify you from ordering. I know, it sucks. But thems the rules now. It’s not all doom and gloom though. You only need to find some way to compact that…name….into more digestible bits. I mean really, 6 O’s? You don’t need 6 O’s. Surely you can do without at least one or two of them. 4 O’s is pushing it but just barely skirts within the guidelines. But at least you could order then. So really, all you need do is take a deep breath, move forward and put at least two of these O’s behind you.

    It will hurt at first. But it's for the best in the long run.

    Hot Tips: Tokyo Rose

    ( This guy has decided to become a regular. )

    SC: “My name is Ed. I’m a friend of Darrin K. Heb. Who is the executive assistant to the director of presidential correspondence.”

    And I am the Queen-Consort of Palau. We are pleased to make your acquaintance. Note it is customary for visitors to offer a gift to royalty when coming to call. Traditionally, a white feral cat wrapped in tobacco and mint leaves is considered appropriate. But please do not let go of it until after your audience has concluded. It is considered back luck otherwise. It is also considered an ill omen if you bleed on the ground at any point while in our presence.

    SC: “I was wondering if you have any nice young secretaries that would like to go out to dinner next week.”

    We have many things. And while it is true we could technically facilitate this request, we are the Queen-Consort, not the Queen-Pimp. So we will have to decline.

    Me: “…no, no we don’t.”
    SC: “Why not?”

    Your desperate and honestly almost kind of sad to look upon attempt to grasp some sort of shred of female companionship is of no concern to the US or Palau governments. Please take your quest for vagina elsewhere. Peasent.

    Oh For..

    SC: “He’s been banging and yelling for help for 5 minutes.”
    Me: “Have you called 911?”
    SC: “No, should I?”

    Sometimes, there is no joke I can make. All I can do is sit here and bang my head into the desk.

    Hot Tips: Tokyo Rose

    SC: “I’d like to send Nancy Sinatra a nice Christmas gift. Can I send it through you guys?”

    We are also not the Queen-Postmaster.


    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “No, I want to buy a coat.”

    Ahh, a swift one I see. Very well, I shall attempt to lower my verbal communication down to your level. I assume we’ll be working with single syllable words alone? Bare with me here, I haven’t quite pinpointed your level of swiftness yet. It may be a minute before I can come up with an accurate diagnosis. I’m hovering somewhere between “molasses uphill” and “William Shatner on a treadmill” at the moment.

    Me: “…so, you’re calling to place an order?”
    SC: “Yeah.”

    Right, “Betty White in the Amazing Race” it is. Got it. Thanks for waiting.

    Me: “And your name please?”
    SC: “Sarah”

    Hello, Sarah. You know it’s 3 in the morning, right? And that anyone seriously shopping for a coat at this hour probably has much deeper issues in their life they need to be attending too? Not that I’m implying anything of course. I’m just saying.

    Me: “And your phone number, please?”
    SC: “xxxx-xx-xxx”
    Me: “I’m sorry, what was that again?”
    SC: “xx....xx.......xxxxxxx”
    Me: “xxx-xxxx?”
    SC: “Yeah.”
    Me: “Alright, what’s the area code for the phone number please?”
    SC: “Um…..Sarah.”
    Me: “No, what’s your area code please?”
    SC: “Manitoba?”
    Me: “No, your area code?”
    SC: “Area?”
    Me: “Yes, area code.”
    SC: “<postal code>?”
    Me “…no, your area code please? For your phone number? The first three numbers?”
    SC: “Oh….uh………….<click>”

    Ah, a textbook case of “Oh god I don’t understand, quick! Tell him everything I know! Something might be the right answer!.”. Well, ok your mental voice probably isn’t that coherent and probably slurs. But still, you get the idea. Well, no, you probably don’t I suppose. I’m just talking to myself now anyway. You’re probably hiding behind the couch with the dog.

    Friday 1:32am

    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “What?!”
    Me: “Are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “WHAT?!!”
    Me: “I said, are you calling to place an order?”
    SC: “One sec, let me turn the TV down.”

    No no, please don’t. I quite enjoy having to shout everything and this is a really good episode of Law & Order. Really, I could not paint a more perfect picture of how I’d love to spend an evening then sitting here screaming into my headset only to be periodically interrupted by that “DUN DUN” noise.

    Hey, next time it goes to commercial could you flick over to Dancing With The Stars and tell me if Bristol was eliminated yet?

    The Resistence

    SC: “Yeah, I’ve been up doing my laundry since midnight and-“

    Let me just stop you right there a sec, my friend. It’s 6 in the morning. You’ve been doing laundry all night in the dead of night. For 6 hours. Please understand that absolutely everything else you say from this point on will be held in suspect based on your activities alone. The entire time you are speaking, I will be wondering what set of circumstances and/or mental illnesses led you to this point in your life. Do you manage a soccer team with a flight leaving at 6am? But forgot to wash the uniforms yesterday? Do you just own so many clothes that you can go 2 months without washing anything but need to clean everything for 12 hours once every 60 days? Are dry shirts trying to kill you, and this is the only way can stop them?

    Understand my position here. You have said something vaguely crazy. Which is actually worse than saying something utterly crazy. If it was utterly crazy I could just write you off to begin with. But there’s just enough doubt here to make your statement troubling. Because there might be a perfectly reasonable explanation, or even just a whacky set of unfortunate events that led you to this point. But on the other hand, you could have spent the last 6 hours trying to drown the shirt people’s 5th battalion. I don’t know, and there’s really no tactful way for me to inquire. So I must view everything you report from here on through the lens of suspicion.

    SC: “My neighbour’s been running his bath water since midnight.”

    Well don’t just sit there, man! He’s probably engaged with the shirt people’s 4th battalion and has been struggling desperately all night just like you. You have to save your comrade in arms. It is your duty, soldier. Hurry! The shirt people don’t take prisoners.

    Hot Tips

    SC: “Do you know what I learned in university?”

    Oh god help me. No, but I suppose you’re going to tell me.

    SC: “Someone that’s in to the British heritage and the Queen and all that? They’re an Anglophile.”

    Fascinating. I assume Prince Charles is about to factor into this somewhere?

    SC: “You know Prince Charles is PC and Proud, and he’s also known as Pedophile Charlie.”

    Yes, he’s known by that moniker in many circles. All of which are entirely in your head.

    SC: “And he’s going to take over the United States with an army of Anglophiles.”

    ..…Prince Charles is going to take over the US with an army of people who are rather fond of tea? I seem to recall them trying that once before and deciding it really wasn't worth it.

    SC: “What do you think about that?”

    I think that somewhere in Vancouver there’s a mental health worker at an assisted living facility desperately searching the building for you.

    Hot Tips

    SC: “Just a little piece of information for you. Read the Friday’s edition of the Ottawa Citizen.”

    Because when I’m looking for reading material, you’re the person whose opinion I’ll turn to. Although, I must admit, you have surprisingly mundane literary tastes. I would have expected something more like, say, recommending I read a Dora the Explorer colouring book because it reveals communist patterns in the British monarchy. But the Ottawa Citizen? At least your reading material is relatively normal-

    SC: "These cops in Ottawa raped this black woman! And Stephen Harper didn't say ANYTHING about it!"

    -scratch that, here comes the twist again.

    SC: "It happened in his city, right under his nose and he's not saying anything? Why? Is he in on it?"

    Let me see if I have the tally right so far: Prince Charles is a pedophile, Stephen Harper is a rapist and the Queen wanted to pay me to help her grow a beard? Is that about right?

    I'd ask what colour the sky is in your world, but I fear the answer would be "Poptart".


    Me: “And your postal code please?”
    SC: “V1…………..Oh God.”

    Hmmm, nope. V1O G0D isn’t a valid postal code. Are you sure?


    Me: “And your postal code please?”
    SC: “It’s V………uh……let me think.”

    Go ahead. But, don’t strain yourself.

    SC: “…..uh……..can you hold on?”

    You strained yourself, didn’t you?

    SC: “….uh……just give me a minute……..”

    Take your time. I mean, I asked a really complicated question after all. You’re lucky you’re even still standing. Normal people just clutch their heads and fall to the floor twitching after I lay my cruel riddles upon them mid call.

    SC: “Uh….V4….something……..hold on.”

    Are you alright? Do you need me to call someone?


    SC: “It’s hard to talk on the phone! Especially when you’re woman!”

    I….er….you know there’s really nothing I can say to that that won’t get me in trouble with at least one member of one gender or the other. So I will plead the 5th.


    Me: “Good morning, <company tech support>, how may I help you?”
    SC: “I’d like to find out whether we can book into a friend’s hotel on Feb 14th.”
    Me: “You have the wrong number.”
    SC: “Oh, wrong number?”
    Me: “Yes.”
    SC: “Do you have the right number?”
    Me: “I would have no idea.”

    Yet again we encounter this particular failure of mental acuity. There is absolutely no reason that I, the wrong number, would be able to tell you the right number for the completely unknown place you meant to call. You are, if you will pardon my French, a fucking idiot for asking and I would fucking amazing if I knew.

    SC: “It said to call this number.”

    Good for it.

    Me: “This is <company tech support>, so I wouldn’t know what you're referring too.”
    SC: “Alright, but just so you know you’re giving out this number.”

    No, we’re not giving out the number. They are giving out the number incorrectly. Or, as is the far more likely scenario based on established evidence, you misdialed because you are an idiot.

    Remember, the simpliest answer is most likely the correct one and you my friend are by far the simpliest answer.

    annd rest......for now. ( Tired >.> )

  • #2
    Quoth Gravekeeper View Post

    SC: “It’s hard to talk on the phone! Especially when you’re woman!”

    I….er….you know there’s really nothing I can say to that that won’t get me in trouble with at least one member of one gender or the other. So I will plead the 5th.

    No no! she has a valid point. weird isnt it. People EXPECT women to be good at talking on the phone. So if you are horrible at talking, period, it is even harder to talk on the phone.

    (did it sound logical? )


    • #3
      Oh Gods the stupid, it hurts

      To be honest I'm surprised they are still goin on about Prince Charles now that everyone in this country seems to have gone Royal Wedding Crazy (its a special kind of crazy that sneaks up on people who are normally quite sane)
      "You can only try so hard to look like you are working before actually doing your work seems easy in comparison" -My Boss

      CW: So what exactly do you do in retentions?
      Me: ummm, I ....retent stuff?


      • #4
        Special people are special...
        At least I stopped taking the pills when they made me want to stay up all night doing laundry. Not washing it, but folding clothes until 6 AM. Maybe it's medication?

        ..although I've heard rumors the shirt army is getting mighty restless, they may be starting their uprising.
        Oh wook at teh widdle babeh dwaggin! How cyuuute babeh dwag-AAAAAAAUUUGGGHHHH! *nom*


        • #5
          Wow. That guy with the postal code problems was impressive. How do you manage to fail so badly at something like that? o.O
          "I am nothing if not an equal opportunity asshole." -Gravekeeper

          "F**k you and your tie." -Jester


          • #6
            Quoth Darkforge View Post
            Oh Gods the stupid, it hurts

            To be honest I'm surprised they are still goin on about Prince Charles now that everyone in this country seems to have gone Royal Wedding Crazy (its a special kind of crazy that sneaks up on people who are normally quite sane)
            If he's off to America with a boatload of tea then I'm happy - that's one royal out of the country. I don't mind that they're getting married, I just wish everyone would stop talking about it...

            I'll pass out choc chip cookies to help banish the crazy. For some reason, every crazy person I've met hated them. I never wanted to ask why.
            I speak English, L33t, Sarcasm and basic Idiot.


            • #7
              Quoth Tora View Post
              Wow. That guy with the postal code problems was impressive. How do you manage to fail so badly at something like that? o.O
              the same way so many fail at the ZIP code.

              me: Your ZIP code?
              them: 212

              we only have numbers - I can imagine the confusion if letters were to be introduced


              • #8
                I'd ask what colour the sky is in your world, but I fear the answer would be "Poptart".
                You are my favorite.
                "You mean you don’t have the one piece of information you actually need? Well, stick your grubby paws in the crayon box, yank one out and colour me Fucking Shocked Fuchsia." - Gravekeeper


                • #9
                  we are the Queen-Consort, not the Queen-Pimp
                  gk, how can you resist such a lucrative opportunity? you could quit answering the phones and live the life of luxury you've always dreamed of.

                  Right, “Betty White in the Amazing Race” it is. Got it. Thanks for waiting.
                  betty is an olympic athlete compared to this customer; hell, a snail is faster.

                  ..…Prince Charles is going to take over the US with an army of people who are rather fond of tea?
                  yes, they've tried that route already; we dumped their damned tea and taught them one hell of a lesson. they haven't been back since...
                  look! it's ghengis khan!
                  Sorry, but while I can do many things, extracting heads from anuses isn't one of them. (so sayeth the irv)


                  • #10
                    SC: “It’s hard to talk on the phone! Especially when you’re woman!”

                    I….er….you know there’s really nothing I can say to that that won’t get me in trouble with at least one member of one gender or the other. So I will plead the 5th
                    I.. My brain has started smoking. LOL First you have a manly voice and now you're.. female? Why you're a mystery aren't you?

                    SC: “He’s been banging and yelling for help for 5 minutes.”
                    Me: “Have you called 911?”
                    SC: “No, should I?”

                    Sometimes, there is no joke I can make. All I can do is sit here and bang my head into the desk.
                    LMAO I have nothing I can say to this but WTF?!


                    • #11
                      I am afraid to attempt to say Cojoctoonooic aloud because I go by the rule of "Don't summon anything larger than your head" and would rather not have my house infested with some kind of demon of stupidity.


                      • #12
                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Sometimes, there is no joke I can make. All I can do is sit here and bang my head into the desk.
                        You and everybody else who hears that.

                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        I….er….you know there’s really nothing I can say to that that won’t get me in trouble with at least one member of one gender or the other. So I will plead the 5th.
                        I'm curious: When has that ever really stopped you?

                        Are you slipping?

                        Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                        Remember, the simpliest answer is most likely the correct one and you my friend are by far the simpliest answer.

                        Quoth MadonnaC View Post
                        me: Your ZIP code?
                        them: 212
                        Oh, goody, a New York area code.

                        It would amaze me that so many people can't be bothered to listen enough to hear what sort of code is being requested before rattling something off if it weren't for the fact that I know, in the aggregate, people is dumb.

                        Faith is about what you do. It's about aspiring to be better and nobler and kinder than you are. It's about making sacrifices for the good of others. - Dresden


                        • #13
                          Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                          I'd ask what colour the sky is in your world, but I fear the answer would be "Poptart".
                          This line is hilarious. Can I use it in my sig?

                          Quoth moekosowl View Post
                          I go by the rule of "Don't summon anything larger than your head" and would rather not have my house infested with some kind of demon of stupidity.
                          I think you can probably get a St. Dogbert beanie to help with that, Moeko. The Dilbert official merch store has them here:

                          Outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. -Groucho Marx


                          • #14
                            These posts make me wonder if Global Warming is a bigger threat than Al Gore prophetized.
                            Some People Are Alive Only Because It Is Illegal To Kill Them


                            • #15
                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              SC: “He’s been banging and yelling for help for 5 minutes.”
                              Me: “Have you called 911?”
                              SC: “No, should I?”
                              Two options here:

                              1. If you having nothing to do with the situation, then yes, you should call 911.

                              2. If, however, you kidnapped the banger and yeller in question, I suggest sedatives, more rope, and/or more duct tape. And really, if you are going to go into kidnapping, get the basics down, my friend. Sheesh. Amateurs.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              It’s 6 in the morning. You’ve been doing laundry all night in the dead of night. For 6 hours. Please understand that absolutely everything else you say from this point on will be held in suspect based on your activities alone. The entire time you are speaking, I will be wondering what set of circumstances and/or mental illnesses led you to this point in your life.
                              I sometimes defend your callers, and this is one of those situations, for the very simple reason that *I* have done this very thing....been up all night for many hours doing laundry. Now, we could argue my sanity here--and I am sure there would be many arguments against it, most from me--but in my case, I was either going on a trip or having a guest in, needed to get a lot of laundry done, had procrastinated till forever, and am cursed with a rather small washer and dryer (one of those stacked set combos). Yes, you read right...I have done this multiple times.

                              Hmm, on second thought, don't know how much I can defend your caller, as every time I have found myself in this situation, I questioned my own sanity severely.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              Let me see if I have the tally right so far: Prince Charles is a pedophile, Stephen Harper is a rapist and the Queen wanted to pay me to help her grow a beard? Is that about right?
                              Afraid not, pal. Obviously you are starting to tune your callers out and not pay attention. Stephen Harper is not a rapist, he is merely ignoring and/or covering up the rape of a black woman by the police. So while your caller may believe he is complicit in a coverup, he did not say that Mr. Harper was involved in the actual rape itself.

                              Quoth Gravekeeper View Post
                              So I will plead the 5th.
                              I find this amusing. You are pleading the Fifth. The Fifth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees U.S. citizens the right to be allowed to not incriminate themselves. You are neither a U.S. citizen nor even a U.S. resident. You are, as you so often remind us, Canadian.

                              Now, Canada may indeed have similar rights afforded its citizenry. I don't know. But if so, I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that it's not embodied in anything called "The Fifth."

                              And since you have also told us many times you don't currently imbibe spiritous drinks, I can't even imagine that you are talking about pleading FOR a fifth of some kind of whiskey, rum, or other booze.

                              Am I the only one who noticed this irony?

                              "The Customer Is Always Right...But The Bartender Decides Who Is
                              Still A Customer."

