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You may not use a credit card when...(long)

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  • You may not use a credit card when...(long)

    neither the card or card holder is present.

    Got this real "winner" on Tuesday. It was a slow night and I was elated because we were due for an audit the following morning and I had to prepare for it by cleaning up the train wreak that is the HR files (that is another thread all by itself). A staff member knocks on the door to say that a customer needs to see me in the lobby. I slap on my most sincere fake grin and venture out.

    CW= me
    SCL= sc in lobby
    SCP= sc on the phone

    SCL: I need to pick up my tickets I ordered. (meanwhile he was carrying on a conversation on his cell complete with "nos" "yeahs" and "hang ons")

    CW: Okaaaay...well Box Office can handle that.

    SCL: I didn't bring the card. My friend ordered the tickets.

    CW: (seeing where this is headed and weeping on the inside) Well, unfortunately we cannot retrieve tickets without the card being present. So when your friend gets here....

    SCL: He's not coming.

    CW: Well, at the very least we need the physical card and usually the card holder.

    SCL: Well it didn't say that on the phone.

    CW: Well, that's weird. That's part of the automated information. I don't know why it didn't state that this one time. (a little grumpy I know, but I can't fully convey the weird vibe I was getting)

    SCL: Well, here (he thrusts his cell into my hand) explain that to him.

    CW: Sir, I need the credit card you used to make the purchase. Are you coming to view the movie? (although I knew the answer).

    SCP: No, I just ordered it for my friend.

    What followed was a minute or more of both of them trying to talk to me at the same time and getting louder and even more belligerent. I say he needs to bring the card (he can't he's handicapped and can't leave his house). We need to swipe the magnetic strip (it doesn't even swipe according to SCP). The tickets have already been charged. He doesn't want to be charged again. Blah, Blah, Blah. Meanwhile SCL is going on about how the recording never said to bring the card. It should really say that, more blah. Who placed the order? Because both of them were saying the recording was inaccurate. Was it some weird conference call? Finally, I tell both of them that I wasn't going to argue with them. I wasn't calling them liars (outright) but the recording usually says that at the end. Finally SCP demands a refund and I gleefully agree.

    CW: Just let me grab a pen so I can take down your information. I need the card number and expiration date.

    SCP: (Starts to rattle off the number and stops halfway through) Hold on a second....(I hear what sounds like a police scanner in his background) Yeah, this is Federal Agent yadda yadda....(back to the unlucky Cat) Is that all you need?

    CW: Yup.

    SCP: So, I don't understand why you can now take my number.

    I've finally had it. And my voice has that note that is sickingly sweet, but my employees know as my "the countdown to explosion" tone.

    CW: Because, we are putting money back on your card. We are not ringing up anything.

    SCP: Well, I'm going to send one of "my" federal agents there to investigate this.

    CW: Sir, if you feel you must do that go ahead. I'm sure whoever your supervisor is will be interested to know how "your" federal agents spend their time.

    The phone conversation ends when we are disconnected (I certainly did not know that closing a flip phone ends a call )

    SCL: It's not that big of a deal. I'm just here on a date. (Then why waste ten minutes of my life). Can you at least give me a discount?

    CW: Are you a student?

    SCL: That's the only discount you have?

    CW: Yup. (he didn't look under twelve or over fifty-five)

    SCL: Never mind. But you should really get that recording fixed.

    CW: You have a nice night.

    I retreated to my office and filled out all the paperwork for the refund and faxed it to home office with a brief recap of the reason. I then emaild our customer service guru and my GM to give them a heads up in case Agent X called to complain. If not for the guy willingly giving me the cc number for the refund I would have bet it was a stolen card or a scam of some sort. Part of me still feels that way. I'm not sure this will make sense, but I got a weird feeling that when they were talking to me and getting louder and more belligerent they were trying to rush me or badger me into say "yes" and not question it. Not the typical SC badgering either.

    In all honesty there is a way to punch in the card number to pick up tickets. But, SCL admitted he wasn't even the legal cardholder so I didn't feel comfy doing that.

    All I thought about later was Swanjun's RCMP sergent must have moved south.
    Manipulating others since 1979.

    Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R. Tolkien

  • #2
    If this guy was really a federal agent, then he should know better than to try to send someone else to use his credit card number without even sending along the card. Hasn't he ever heard of a little thing called fraud? Sure sounds fishy to me!
    I don't go in for ancient wisdom
    I don't believe just 'cause ideas are tenacious
    It means that they're worthy - Tim Minchin, "White Wine in the Sun"


    • #3
      I say he needs to bring the card (he can't he's handicapped and can't leave his house)
      wouldn't a federal agent need to leave the house to work?

      you have his name-he claimed to be a federal agent-I'd call the real feds and let them know someone's impersonating a federal agent-they don't take too kindly to that.....
      Honestly.... the image of that in my head made me go "AWESOME!"..... and then I remembered I am terribly strange.-Red dazes


      • #4
        Yeah, I was thinking a housebound agent was weird (then again maybe he was on disability). I didn't hear the exact name, he was holding the phone away when he was on his "radio". And he never stated which federal agency. If he hadn't mumbled his name and gave an agency name I wouldn't have hesitated to turn that info over to my security guard (off-duty police) and let him have at it. Not only do federal agencys get angry, but I shudder to think someone is pretending to be a person of the law to get something as trivial as movie tickets.
        Manipulating others since 1979.

        Not all who wander are lost. J.R.R. Tolkien


        • #5
          Quoth BlaqueKatt View Post
          wouldn't a federal agent need to leave the house to work?

          you have his name-he claimed to be a federal agent-I'd call the real feds and let them know someone's impersonating a federal agent-they don't take too kindly to that.....
          real agents don't pull that crap if only because they'll get in trouble when someon complains.

          i would have called his bluff and asked of ID or theatened to call the cops on him for impersonating a cop/agent.

