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A different kind of SBD. (Longish)

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  • A different kind of SBD. (Longish)

    Not a customer of mine, but sucky none the less.

    There is a big difference in flying now as opposed to pre-911, as well there should be. So when I was flying out to Tucson to my eldest son’s wedding I arrived at the airport 2 hours early in case of any check-in or security delays. Gladly they were at a minimum and even though I was selected for additional screening at security I was still at the gate 1½ hours before my flight was due to depart. I pick a seat right next to the counter because I could see the TV and watch the activity on the tarmac.

    After sitting in the waiting room for about 15 minutes, the airline goddess at the counter made an announcement that the jet that we were supposed to be on (an MD83 seating 143 people) was experiencing some problems and the airline had no choice but to substitute that jet with a smaller one (A 737 seating 120 people) because it was the only one available. Hey you go right ahead. Better we know now than when we’re going 500MPH at 35,000 feet.

    If you do the math you can see where this is going. 23 people were going to have to fly at another time or on another airline. As it turns out the flight wasn’t booked solid and they only needed 10 people to go at another time or with another carrier. The airline goddess (I call her this because she was a stunning woman, exuding class and sensuality) asked several times and all told there were 8 people that volunteered thru the 8 to 10 announcements she made. But here is where it got sucky.

    I decided that I really didn’t have to be in Tucson until the next day so I was going to volunteer... until Mr Business Dude (You know the type...notebook computer attache case, 2 cell phones on his belt, a headset connected to one hanging off his ear) came strolling up to the counter and was told about the rescheduling thing and then the fecal matter contacted the rotary oscillator.

    AG = Airline Goddess
    SBD = Sucky Business Dude
    FA = Flight Attendant

    SBD....I HAVE to get on this flight! It’s a matter of life and death!

    AG....We are asking for volunteers and only need 2 more so there should be no problem, sir.

    SBD....I can’t volunteer to go later. I have to be in Tucson by 6pm.

    AG....Sir, if you can’t volunteer, please let me try to get someone else that may have the time to do it.

    SBD....I have to know right now if I’m going to be on this flight if you don’t get any more volunteers! I have to be on this flight! It’s an EMERGENCY! It’s life or death! (Yes he was this excited. An exclamation point or even 2 are the proper punctuation)

    AG....Sir, if you’d like to step away and relax for a bit, I’ll see what I can do get a couple more volunteers.

    SBD....You HAVE to get them. I have to be on this damn flight!!!

    AG says nothing and SBD does step away from the counter. But only about 5 feet away and begins pacing in a circle almost shouting into his headset. AG proceeds to make another announcement but no one budges. SBD looks around, still pacing like a father awaiting the birth of a child, whirls around and again accosts AG.

    SBD This doesn’t look good. How soon until we board?

    AG 20 minutes, sir.

    SBD Oh damn! I just KNOW I’m not going to make this flight! If I can’t get on this flight I’ll sue the airline! I’ll own that fucking plane! Lady you HAVE to get me on this flight! (Sing it with me folks) It’s a matter of life or death!

    AG Sir, I’m doing the best I can. I can’t make anyone volunteer. It wouldn’t be volunteering if I did, now would it? (I could hear her tone change. I have to commend her. I would have been all over him by now.)

    SBD (practically jumps on the counter and puts a finger in AG’s face.) Don’t you condescend to me! Do you know who I am? I”ll have your damn job! You’ll be on the unemployment line by morning!

    At this point, AG backs away from the desk and walks behind the wall out of sight from SBD. 2 minutes later 4 rather large men in suits walked quickly to the counter. You can guess who they were.

    SBD pled his case to them, running the gamut from being nice, to getting beligerent to playing "I'm more important than God" to no avail and was led away almost forcefully. As he was lead away a small round of applause began to go through the crowd. I was one of them. I stepped up to the counter and told AG she handled that a lot better than I would have and told her I would volunteer to go later and handed her my tickets. As she opened the folder she got a call and began to laugh out loud. She had to wait a minute or so to compose herself before she told me that a volunteer was no longer needed and made an announcement that there was a last minute cancellation and no more volunteers were needed. I must admit to being brought almost to tears from laughing. How appropriate.

    After boarding the plane I asked a flight attendant if she had heard about SBD. She said she had. The man sitting next to me wondered what the life and death emergency was that he HAD to get on this flight. The flight attendant leaned down so only we could hear.

    FA He had tickets for an Arizona Wildcat basketball game.
    Last edited by bigjimaz; 01-19-2007, 03:39 PM.
    This isn't an office. It's Hell with fluorescent lighting.

  • #2
    Tickets for a basketball game? OK, I can see why he didn't want to miss the flight (the tickets would be useless then), but was it worth the "life or death" performance? Nope. It's always the big performers those "emergencies" end up being absolutely nothing. Every.single.time.
    -"One ring to rule them all!"-Elias
    -Ask yourself, "WWRKHTSCCJ:TMD?"


    • #3
      The worst kind of hysteric is a hysterical male.

      After 9/11, only jerks and retards ignore what airline and airport folks tell you to do. They'll warn you once or twice and after that you get removed. How did this idiot not get the memo? He probably got banned from flying that airline again.

      Airline workers have the least tolerance for SC of any industry in America.


      • #4
        Unless his carry on contained a freaking HUMAN HEART, I'd say that wasn't a matter of life or death.


        • #5
          I flew out of Pittsburgh the week after 9/11. Yeah, the lines were long...even at 4am, but I don't remember any instances like that. People were bitching about the wait, but that was about it. Of course the armed guards and huge dogs all over the place put a serious damper on that sort of activity
          Aerodynamics are for people who can't build engines. --Enzo Ferrari


          • #6
            The best part was that if he had simply sat down, shut up and relaxed, he'd be on that flight, made his game, and never had any problems.

            Instead he insisted on acting like they were trying to take away his seat. So shall you rant, so mote it be!
            Check out my webcomic!


            • #7
              That is awesome that he was properly taken care of. If there is one thing you should never do it is best demonstrated by SBD. All that freaking out just for a basketball game? I should worry if he comes to my arena though it's doubtful.
              The Grand Galactic Inquisitor hears all and sees all.


              • #8
                wow... that's just.... wow.

                I fly fairly frequently (my bf lives in the UK, best friend is in Chicago, and I live in Ottawa - do the math). I have endured delays, been bumped from flights, been chosen (frequently) for random inspection, and have had airline reps mess my flights up so badly that I once ended up with a 4-day layover in Detroit (trust me, this contract airline was REALLY bad - I nearly got sucky over that one, but I behaved, and then they decided to get REALLY sucky, so I ended up having to call in reinforcements - long story for another day).

                In all the crappy things that I've had to put up with while traveling, I have NEVER ONCE been rude to airport or hotel staff. Why? Well, first off, I don't generally tend to be rude to anyone, but aside from that, think about it. I'm far from home. I'm by myself. If *anything* should happen to me, who do I have to rely on? Those very same airline/hotel employees. That makes me tend to want to stay on their good side
                GK/Kara/Jester fangirl.


                • #9
                  Halfway through the story, I was wondering when security was gonna come and ruin his shit. He ought to know better than to get nervous and start shouting in an airport.
                  "We were put on this Earth to fart around, and don't let anyone ever tell you otherwise." -Kurt Vonnegut


                  • #10
                    Quoth Auto View Post
                    After 9/11, only jerks and retards ignore what airline and airport folks tell you to do.
                    Believe me, I have worked in airports all across the country...both before and after 9/11. If anything, after 9/11, either general behavior got worse, or some people stopped acting like morons, which make the people who act like morons stick out even more. Also, tolerance for people who act like idiots has gone way down since 9/11, but some people seem to have not gotten that memo.

                    I have seen everyone from a teenager to a 80 year old women get arrested for causing a scene, either at ticket counters, at the gate, or in security. I have had to call Police and Airport security several times, and I am not even affiliated with the airlines.

                    I can't watch the show "Airline" on A&E, because I always end up jumping around yelling at the TV. But, for anyone who does not work at an it and learn how not to act.

                    I witness such extreme stupidity on a daily basis that it really makes me wonder what the average IQ of the American Public is. Someday, I will have to post some threads of my own..but I always get sucked into reading everyone elses and then don't have the time.
                    If watermelons are made up of water, what are kumquats made up of?


                    • #11
                      Hey, I know the University of Arizona has a good basketball team this year, but so do my Badgers and I'm not going to claim it's a matter of life and death if I get to see them or not.

                      What a moron
                      Knowledge is power. Power corrupts. Study hard. Be evil.

                      "I never said I wasn't a horrible person."--Me, almost daily


                      • #12
                        Welcome to my world, I'm afraid. SCs come up with even better stories at the
                        world's busiest airport.


                        • #13

                          But that story was so totally hilarious, you are a master storyteller. I just love the ending - when we find out what the "life and death" situation was.

                          Talk about an idiot, pulling that kind of thing in an airport...


                          • #14
                            What does SBD stand for? Silent But Deadly?


                            • #15
                              Quoth AFpheonix View Post
                              What does SBD stand for? Silent But Deadly?
                              Originally, yes. In this case, it's Sucky Business Man.
                              "I call murder on that!"

